
Faced with the manager's threat, the girl's face was full of tears. You know, he earned 5000 yuan after working for several months. If he was fined so much because he broke a cup today, how could he tell his family?

"Tut You said you don't want to resist. I don't do anything. I only touch you at most The manager let out a laugh and touched the girl directly with one hand.

But at this time, the girl screamed and ran away, looking like the end of the world.

"Let go of her!"

At this time, a cold voice sounded, and ye Wuqian's figure appeared. He looked at manager Lin with cold light in his eyes. Seeing ye Wuque's figure, the man's look changed slightly.

"Don't mind your own business! This matter has nothing to do with you! If you dare meddle! You can't walk out of this shop today! " The manager threatened Ye Wuwei, and his words were full of arrogance.

In the face of this manager's words, ye Wuque is a chuckle.

"I'm in charge of it! You'd better let him go! Otherwise, I will make you regret it The voice of Ye Wuhao rings again.

And the waitress saw that ye Wuxiang had made a start for herself, and her heart was full of gratitude and tears welled up.

"I think you are tired of living! This matter has nothing to do with you! If you dare to meddle in your own business, I'll let someone teach you a lesson now! " The manager was cold eyed and threatened ye Wuque. He didn't treat ye Wuque as a thing at all.

You know, now in this shop is his world, ye Wuqian is nothing in his eyes.

"Tut Is it? " Ye Wuqi issued a chuckle, a fierce kick toward the manager in the past, will kick the manager on the ground.

"I'll see what you can do!" There is no lack of cold words.

"Good boy, you wait for me!"

The manager let out a cold voice, which hastened to leave, but in the eyes is the color of resentment, seems to be sent to people.

"You must go! I don't care! You can't take care of this matter, and it will involve yourself. Our manager is not easy to get into trouble with! " The waitress hastily said to Ye Wuqian, looking pitiful! Because he knew that ye Wuxiang couldn't take care of it at all. Their manager was a person who knew the underworld.

"Don't worry! I'm here, I'll do justice for you! I'll see what I can do with it Ye Wuque said with a smile.

In the face of this, the waitress is anxious.

A moment later, the manager Li really called a group of people, and at this time, Zhang Xinyu was also surprised, and hurriedly advised ye Wuwu.

"Let's leave this matter alone! They are not simple people! It should be a gangster! It's not good to mess with such a person! "

"Don't worry, I have my own discretion! Just sit there and don't move Ye Wuque said with a smile, and then he looked at the manager Li. At this time, the people called by manager Li also surrounded him.

"Brother Wang, that's him! That's what he just hit! And he also said that even if anyone came today, he would kneel down! You must not let him go Manager Li added fuel and vinegar.

"Boy, do you know who I am? Do you know where this is? How dare you behave here Brother Wang will look at Ye Wuwei, obviously is the leader of this group of people.

But at this time, the leaves are not lack of opinion.

"No matter who you are! If you do something wrong, it's the wrong thing. People like this should never live again! " Ye Wuqian and others said.

"I think you have eaten the courage of ambition leopard! Brother Wang is a member of Jiulong hall! You dare to talk to brother Wang like this Li Jing made a sneer at his haircut and looked at Ye Wuwei.

"The people of Kowloon hall?"

Hearing this, all the people present were shocked. They all got up in a hurry. There was a trace of vigilance in their expressions, because the reputation of the Jiulong hall was so great that they were shocked.

"It's from Jiulong hall! I thought it had a lot to do with it Ye Wuqian sent out a sneer, and did not face Wang when a thing!

In the face of Ye Wuque's words, the manager Li's expression was also slightly changed, and then he burst out laughing.

"I think you are scared to faint! How dare you say that about Jiulong hall! Even if I want to let you go today, I'm afraid brother Wang won't let you go! "

"Cut Even if the head of Jiulong hall is in front of me, I'm still not afraid. What kind of thing is he? " Ye Wuqi uttered a disdainful voice.

"You are too arrogant! How dare you say such a wicked thing Wang said, eyes, there is also a flash of cold light.

However, at this time, outside the hot pot shop, a group of people suddenly came, and the momentum of this group of people is even stronger than brother Wang. They also hold things in their hands, just like the real underworld boss."Brother Wang, it seems that big tiger is coming!"

A younger brother quickly told brother Wang that the lake was the gold medal beater of Jiulong hall and the second grade official residence. In the whole Jiulong hall, besides Lin Xiaotian, the leader of Jiulong hall, the tiger's majesty is the greatest.

"How could that happen! Isn't this my jurisdiction? How did big tiger come here? " Brother Wang was surprised, and he rushed to meet him outside the hot pot shop. However, the meeting had come near at this time.

"Big tiger! Why are you here? " Wang said respectfully to the tiger.


Before this Wang elder brother reacts to come over, big tiger one slaps toward Wang elder brother fan past.

"Do you know who is in front of you? How dare you offend Dr. Ye! I don't think you want to live, do you? " The tiger said coldly.

Brother Wang was surprised, but he didn't know what had happened. The pain on his face made him livid.

"Big tiger, who is he? I really don't know! " After a moment of hesitation, brother Wang spoke.

However, at this time, the tiger suddenly kicked that brother Wang to fly, which came to the front of Ye Wuque.

"Doctor ye, our elder brother has already taken the medicine you gave! And the effect is excellent, so my elder brother asked me to pick you up. I want to invite Dr. ye to have a drink! I wonder if Dr. ye can give me face! Of course, what happened just now is that the disciples of Jiulong hall were in the first place! Please don't blame doctor Ye! "

The tiger speaks, but there is a kowtow in this speech. In front of this leaf, the tiger seems to have to lower many levels.

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