After returning to the room, ye Wuqian settled down and went to sleep. Tomorrow is the medical exchange meeting. Ye Wuqian naturally needs to have a good rest in the evening.

The next morning, ye Wuqian wakes up from his dream. However, Lin Xiaotian is waiting outside Ye Wuqian's room. When ye Wuqian comes out, ye Wuqian finds Lin Xiaotian.

"Why are you here?" Ye Wuqi was curious and asked.

"Today is the medical exchange! Naturally, we should wait for Dr. ye here! I don't know how well doctor ye had a rest last night Lin Xiaotian said with a smile.

"Good! Let's go Ye Wuqi said at will, and his figure just went out.

On the top of Tianfeng mountain, there is a challenge arena, which looks very large and can hold at least hundreds of people.

At the bottom of the challenge arena, there are many people watching. In Yanjing area, the medical exchange meeting is very popular every year. Therefore, in the whole Tianfeng mountain, it can be said that the crowd is surging.

"Medical exchange! It must not be communication! Should be more powerful than whose medical skills! What I said is not wrong? " Ye Wuqi looks at Lin Xiaotian and asks.

"Doctor Ye is right! This medical exchange, indeed, is not a conference! But come to learn medical skills! Who has high medical skills can be in charge of medical ethics and heavy power at will! " Lin Xiaotian said solemnly to ye Wuwu.

"So it is! That's not to say that all the people who come to the Medical Exchange Club this time are the ones with high medical skills! " Ye Wuqi spoke.

"So to speak! But I believe that Dr. Ye's medical skills will be superior to them! " Lin Xiaotian said with a smile.

"Not necessarily!" Leaf without lack of light said a sentence, did not say much.

With ye Wuque's words, Lin Xiaotian's heart is slightly surprised! I didn't expect Ye Wuqian to say such a thing!

"Master, this time, we are putting all our bets on Dr. Ye! Can you really make sure that Dr. ye can suppress all the heroes? " The big dragon's voice rang out and looked at Lin Xiaotian with his eyes.


In the face of the dragon's question, Lin Xiaotian is stunned at the spot, some at a loss! Because in Lin Xiaotian's opinion, ye Wuqian's medical skills should be extremely high. It's just that Lin Xiaotian has never seen ye Wuque's real medical skills, so he has some regrets in his heart.

"This medical exchange meeting is hosted by our Jiang family! Please come to the arena

A young man of the Jiang family said to the people present.

As soon as this was said, many figures appeared in the crowd and came to the challenge arena.

Most of these people are old people, of course, there are some middle-aged men, but the most obvious thing is that there is a student among them, who seems not to be very old, but still walks into the arena.

"Ye Wuxiang has really stepped into the challenge arena! Is he really going to attend this medical exchange? " Liu Wenqing sent out a voice of exclamation. Seeing the scene in front of him, he was also shocked. Unexpectedly, ye Wuqi came to attend the medical exchange meeting!

"I'm right! He really came to attend the medical exchange meeting. I said how could his medical skills be so strong! " Liu Si Si's voice rang out and made a cry of surprise. It was obviously unexpected that ye Wuwei would come to the medical exchange meeting.

"Is this boy crazy! Come to the medical exchange! He is just a student! What qualifications does he have to attend this medical exchange meeting? " Wu Tong's voice rang out, but he was extremely dissatisfied.

As ye Wuqian stepped onto the challenge arena, many onlookers turned their eyes to Ye Wuqian, because ye Wuqian was too young to believe. It was ridiculous for ye Wuqian to attend the medical exchange meeting!

"This child! Medical exchanges need invitation cards! Not everyone can participate! Please go down

An old man of the Jiang family rushed to ye Wuque and said that he was extremely upset. The medical exchange meeting was very solemn. He didn't expect ye Wuque to run up!

"I was invited! Besides, the head of the Jiang family also knows me! Naturally, he knows that I am here to attend this medical exchange meeting! " Ye Wuqian said bluntly.

With Ye Wuqian's liking, the old man's heart is a little unhappy. What's the status of their head of the family, and how can anyone know it?

"Little brother, you'd better get down quickly! You are a medical exchange, not a fun place The voice of the old man rings here.

"Since Dr. Ye is going to attend the medical exchange meeting! Who dares to stop it

At this time, Jiang Ziya's voice rang out and looked at the old man.

With Jiang Ziya's words, the old man of Jiang's family was also surprised. He didn't expect that ye Wuwu really knew their master.

"Sorry!" The old man hugged Ye Wuwei, and left in a hurry."Doctor ye? Tut It's ridiculous that such a little doll should be called a miracle doctor An old man's voice sounded, looking at the leaves without lack of color, full of disdain.

This old man is a member of the Zhao family in Jiulong city. His name is Zhao Tianshan. His family is a family of medical ethics. Therefore, Zhao Tianshan highly recognizes his own medical skills.

In the face of Zhao Tianshan's sarcasm, ye Wuque is not satisfied with it, and does not regard Zhao Tianshan as a matter.

"What's wrong with the leader of the Jiang family! He said that the boy was a miracle doctor! Is it possible that this young man is really capable of something? " Several conversations, constantly in the crowd ring, the heart has a color of curiosity, have eyes toward Ye Wuwei look.

In the face of these voices of conversation, Wu Tong on one side was extremely upset! That's what I said.

"You look too high on this boy! This boy is a student of Yanjing University! How can it be a miracle doctor! What a joke! I think this boy just wants to make up for the number! "

"Wu Tong! You don't know ye Wuqian has medical skills. It's not good for you to slander him like this. " Liu Wenqing looked at Wu Tong with his eyes. He was a little upset!

"I'm talking about things! No one! Besides, am I wrong? Can he be a miracle doctor? This is nonsense Wu Tong's voice rings again.

In the face of Wu Tong's words, Liu Wenqing was also a little angry, but he didn't say much, because Liu Wenqing knew that Wu Tong had always looked at ye Wuque and was very excited to slander him.

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