Feel that the people's eyes are focused on their own body, ye Wuque is a little embarrassed, but ye Wuque's heart is excellent, and he doesn't care too much about this matter.

"This time, the medical exchange meeting can become the top one in medical ethics, with a prize of 20 million! We will increase the hosting of this medical exchange meeting, 10%! As for the others, they are all together! If any of you has the ability, take the prize money! " Jiang Ziya's voice rang out, and he looked at many famous doctors on the challenge arena!

With Jiang Ziya's words, the eyes of many old people on the challenge arena are also shining, because many people attended this medical exchange meeting for the sake of 20 million.

"The medical exchange meeting is actually a written medical examination meeting! In China, the most important thing is traditional Chinese medicine! Cover your eyes now! Let you smell out three kinds of herbs with your nose! If you can say all the three herbs right, you can enter the next round of competition Jiang Ziya said.

After Jiang Ziya said this, all the people in the arena were covered with wet wipes. At this time, many of them came to the medical exchange meeting with medicinal herbs in their hands.

"Please tell me what the three herbs are next to you." Jiang Ziya's voice sounded again.

At this time, ye Wuque has also been covered with gauze, and a smell of medicine is coming, but at this time ye Wuque is smelling. What medicinal materials is the smell of medicinal herbs?

"What are the three herbs in front of you?" A delicate voice sounded, toward the leaves without lack of inquiry asked.

"Kui lane, Danggui, Shenqi!" Ye Wuqi casually said these three kinds of medicinal materials, but it seems that it is light and cloudless.

The young girl carrying the medicinal materials was also surprised when she saw the scene in front of her. She did not expect that ye Wuqian was so young that she could identify the medicinal materials by smelling the taste of the medicine, and could also tell the name of the medicinal material. This is enough to show how talented Ye Wuqian is.

Although many people can smell the herbs, they can't name them.

"Great! Sure enough! I didn't expect that he could smell the medicine and say the name of the medicine! " Liu Ruyan sends out a cry of surprise, and looks at Ye Wuwei on the challenge arena. His heart is extremely shocked!

"What's the matter! It's Just smelling out some medicinal materials! "

Wu Tong didn't have a good temper, and he seemed to be jealous.

In the face of Wu Tong's words, Liu Ruyan chuckled and didn't say much, because Liu Ruyan knew that Wu Tong was, and he was a little upset.

"At first, I was still worried about whether Dr. ye could do it or not. Unexpectedly, Dr. ye said the name of the medicinal material so quickly! It seems that Dr. Ye has not let me down! " Lin Xiaotian made a chuckle.

At this time, many old people on the scene have also said the names of herbs they have heard, but some of them are wrong, and they are directly eliminated.

At this time, there were less than ten people on the challenge arena, which made the medical exchange meeting a little nervous.

"Good boy! I looked down on you just now! I didn't expect you could say the three herbs with your eyes closed! " Zhao Tianshan's voice rang out and looked at ye Wuwu in his eyes. His words were quite meaningful.

In the face of Zhao Tianshan's words, ye Wuque doesn't take Zhao Tianshan's words as a matter of fact. In Ye Wuqian's opinion, Zhao Tianshan seems to be hostile to himself. Otherwise, he will not ridicule himself all the time.

"After the first round of tests just now, we have tested all the fish in troubled waters! Now all the doctors who can stand on the challenge arena are famous doctors! Although your medical skills are very strong, but today we must distinguish a high and low! I have a patient here! If any of you can cure him in the first time! He is the first person in this medical exchange meeting! " Jiang Ziya's voice rang out and said to the crowd on the challenge arena!

With Jiang Ziya's words, a dozen or so old people in the arena were also surprised. This was a little bit of a surprise. For them, curing a disease is nothing at all. If they can get the first prize this time, they can get 20 million yuan. This is a huge wealth for them.

as like as two peas, the famous doctors looked at the sick patients. The practice showed that the patient was pale and pale, and looked like he would die. But his walking form was exactly the same as that of the normal man.

"He must be incurable, and no reason can be found out! If all the people here can cure him, they will be able to become a miracle doctor in Jiangnan! Won the title of miracle doctor Jiang Ziya's voice rang out and looked at all the people present. His expression became a little solemn!

In front of Jiang Ziya, an old man just stepped forward and looked at the cold. At the same time, several other old people also flocked to Jiang Ziya. Obviously, he didn't want people to be the first to catch up.

At this time, however, ye Wuqian is standing aside. The patient seems to be a little special."I don't seem to be sick! It's something that gets entangled! Remember that there are records in the doctor's book! Like this sign, it should be poisoned Ye Wuxiang murmured in his heart.

"Cut, I thought he really had two brushes! I didn't expect it was fake! Look, I dare not move when I stand still! "

Wu Tong's voice rang out, a little sarcastic! At this time, on the challenge arena, only Ye Wuqian was still standing there, and other old people had already walked towards the patient.

"It's good to be able to tell the three herbs with your eyes closed! How can it be compared with those famous doctors? " Liu Wenqing said.

In the face of Liu Wenqing's words, Wu Tong didn't think so! But also did not say what, but in the heart is some uncomfortable, because this Liu Wenqing everywhere for ye Wuque talk.

"I think ye Wuwei's medical skills are not bad! Why could he cure me last night! The disease is in a big hospital, but those doctors say it can't be cured! " Liu Si Si said.

In the face of Liu Si Si's words, Lin Changtian on one side also nodded.

"Maybe ye Wuwu's medical skills are not good enough." The reason why Lin Changtian said this is because Lin Changtian remembered that the reason why Ye Wuqian became a red man of Zhang's group may be that he has excellent medical skills.

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