"I dare not! Everyone here is a miracle doctor! And they're all old people! How dare I provoke you

See Mu Qiu to oneself so respectful, leaf without lack this just smile say.

In the face of Ye Wuque's words, the appearance of more than a dozen miracle doctors on the scene was also somewhat embarrassed. It was obviously unexpected that things would develop to such a step.

"Since ye Wuqian has won the first place in this medical exchange meeting! After that, ye Wuwu will be the real miracle doctor in our whole Jiangnan area

Jiang Ziya's voice rang out and looked at all the people present! There is solemnity in the words!

With Jiang Ziya's words, Zhao Tianshan seems to want to say something? But in the end, he didn't say it, because Zhao Tianshan knew that no matter how he said it, he couldn't change the fact! After all, ye Wuqian has shown his medical skills just now, which are too powerful.

"In the future, in our whole Jiangnan, Xu Shen will be our holy doctor in the south of the Yangtze River! If anyone dares to be disrespectful to victory! I will not let it go Lin Xiaotian, the leader of Jiulong hall, sounded his voice and looked at all the people present. He seemed extremely excited.

"This..." Seeing the scene in front of him, Wu Tong was also slightly surprised. He didn't expect that Xu Fei would become a saint doctor!

A real saint doctor, that is a very powerful existence. Some people have the ability to return as long as they are not dead people. However, my waste in his eyes has become a holy doctor, which is a great blow to him.

"No wonder! No wonder, even the president of Zhang's group is so respectful to him! I didn't expect him to be a holy doctor! You have the skill of rejuvenating yourself Lin Changtian sent out a cry of surprise. Seeing the scene in front of him, he was very shocked.

A holy doctor, that is a very powerful existence! I'm afraid there is no one in Yanjing who can be called holy doctor.

"No wonder he was able to cure me! I didn't expect him to have such a high level of medical skills! " Liu Si Si's voice also sounded at this time, in the heart was shocked to the extreme!

With a burst of startled voice, ye Wuque is to look at Jiang Ziya!

"I have become a holy doctor now! And also became the first person in this medical exchange meeting, the 20 million prize should be obtained! " Ye Wuque said with a smile.

"Of course! Dr. Ye has great powers! That 20 million bonus will come naturally! However, Dr. Ye attended this medical exchange meeting on behalf of Jiulong hall. Therefore, the prize money should be paid to Jiulong hall first and then allocated to Dr. ye by Jiulongtang! " Jiang Ziya spoke.

"No! Mr. Jiang, you'd better give the bonus to Dr. Ye directly! " The head of Jiulong Hall said that he looked at Jiang Ziya in a hurry, but his expression became more solemn.

Faced with the words of the head of Jiulong hall, Jiang Ziya was curious. He looked at the head of Jiulong hall and asked.

"Really? Give all 20 million yuan to Dr. ye? "

"Of course! Since Dr. Ye has become the holy doctor of our whole Jiangnan! Naturally, the 20 million yuan will be handed over to Dr. Ye. I will not accept any money from Jiulongtang! " Lin Xiaotian, the head of Jiulong hall, said in a hurry that his expression became very solemn!

The reason why the head of the Jiulong hall was able to get rid of the trouble is because of his shrewdness. Now ye Wuqian has become a saint doctor, which can be said to be a master of medical ethics. In the future, ye Wuqian's reputation will certainly be greater, and their Jiulong hall will naturally be flattered!

"In that case, I would rather obey my orders than respect them!" The leaf does not lack to pour is extremely indifferent, says.

With Ye Wuqian's words, people at the scene were also shocked, especially Liu Wenqing and others. You should know that it was 20 million yuan, which was obtained by Ye Wuque. In the future, ye Wuque's identity will be more noble and noble than they can climb.

With the end of the medical exchange meeting, people also left Tianfeng mountain, and ye Wuqian also returned to the villa. However, ye Wuqian had a huge sum of money of 20 million, which made ye Wuque feel at a loss.

20 million, this is not a small amount. For ordinary people, it is the existence of sky high price. However, ye Wuwu has no idea about the 20 million, because in Ye Wuqian's opinion, this is just a number.

"Boy, I advise you to look for those Millennium herbs! Absorb the spirit of the earth in the medicinal materials! If you wait until your life is threatened, it will be troublesome! " Hong Sheng's voice rings in Ye Wuqian's mind.

Although Ye Wuqian's medical skills have reached a very high level, and there are still a lot of funds in his hands, these things are of no use to Ye Wuqian. Now ye Wuqian's most important thing is to quickly absorb the spirit of the earth and consolidate his body breath. Otherwise, there will be big trouble!

"Well Millennium elixir is extremely difficult to find! It seems that I have to go to the gambling shop! Have a look at the gambling stone shop, there is the spirit of the earth

Ye Wuqi's voice sounded, and his expression became somewhat solemn.Although his current life cycle has been delayed a lot, ye Wuqian is still reluctant to find the Millennium elixir. In his opinion, without the blessing of the Millennium elixir, he will not be able to bear it.

Not long after, ye Wuwei appeared in gambling stone square! And at this time in the gambling house, people see ye Wuwu's arrival, but also in a hurry to welcome.

In fact, they didn't know that ye Wuqian was Xu Chengying, but they did know that master song was willing to bow down in front of Ye Wuqian. Therefore, ye Wuqian can be said to be a treasure expert, and such a master will naturally be respected in the gambling house.

"Master Xu, I didn't expect that you would visit the gambling house again! I don't know which stone you like this time! " Gambling stone shop boss hastily toward ye Wuque said, but for ye Wuque is always excluded.

The more powerful the masters are, the less welcome they will be in their gambling arena. This is also inevitable. After all, such masters can see the situation in the stones and get rid of all the treasures in their gambling stone shop, which naturally makes them feel uncomfortable.

But such people are not what they can provoke. Although they are very reluctant to deal with such people, they must be respectful.

After coming to the gambling stone square, ye Wuqian walked in the gambling stone square at will, looking around, obviously looking for the stone of his choice.

After a while, ye Wuqian looked at a stone with a flash of light in his eyes!

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