"Boss, how do you sell this stone?" Ye asked.

"This stone is a waste stone! If you need it, you can give it to master Xu for free The boss of gambling stone shop said to Ye Wuqian in a hurry. However, he was somewhat curious. Unexpectedly, ye Wuque would choose this stone. If he arrived at this stone, it would be a waste stone worthy of the name.

"In that case, please pack it up for me, and I will treat you well! I'll give you ten thousand dollars as a tip Ye Wuqi's voice sounded, it seems to be extremely heroic!

With ye Wuque's words, the boss of gambling stone square was also surprised. He didn't expect ye Wuque to be so grand! That made him a little respectful.

Just at this time, in the dark, there are a few people who will look at the leaf without lack of hope, the look has become a little bad.

"Secretary Liu has said it! This man can't stay! Let's get rid of it as soon as possible! But I think there is a breath in this man. I'm afraid that he is not an ordinary person! "

"No matter whether he is an ordinary person or not! We just need to do our job well, after killing him! Secretary Liu will naturally give us a fee! Why should we worry so much? "

In a few eyes, there is a flash of light.

In the face of these conversations, ye Wuque's ears moved, because ye Wuque had already heard their conversation. Although he said that the two men were far away from ye Wuque, ye Wuque was a martial arts man, and he knew their conversation like the palm of his hand.

"Secretary Liu? Tut I also know which Secretary General Liu wants to deal with me. Ye Wuqian sends out a light smile and his eyes flash with cold light.

Ye Wuque is not a man of revenge, but if someone wants to deal with him, ye Wuque naturally can't wait to die.

With that piece of waste rock, ye Wuque walked out, but at this time, several men secretly followed up, as if to suppress the leaf.

"Good boy! It seems that you are in trouble today! " Hong Sheng's voice rang out and said with a smile to Ye Wuwei!

In the face of Hong Sheng's words, ye Wuqian shrugged his shoulders and didn't care too much. It seemed to be extremely insipid.

"No way! If you are handsome, you will be followed! I don't know what they do! Why deal with me! If you let me know, I will make them look good! " The leaf does not lack sneer to say, but in this eye is actually cold light flicker.

With the words of Sheng Hong, there is no lack of a face.

"These two little bunnies, it's easy for you to deal with them. They're not worth mentioning in your eyes! So you don't have to be so nervous! But you have to be careful! There must be power behind them! " Hong Sheng said solemnly to ye Wuwu.

In the face of Hongsheng's words, ye Wuzhi nods and doesn't say much. His body shape has been walking towards the front.

In the leaves without lack of continuous walking, a man is a rampant toward the leaves no lack of walk over, fiercely hit the leaves without lack of body.

"Oh, hey, you don't have long eyes when you walk! How dare you hit me! I think you are impatient to live A man towards the leaf without lack of abuse, it seems to want to leaf without lack of hands! At this time, the leaf is not missing, but issued a sneer.

"Who sent you?" With ye Wuque's words, those men no longer put on, and sneered directly at ye Wuque.

"It doesn't matter if you can send us. What matters is that today is your death date! You'd better be good and don't resist. Otherwise, we'll let you die miserably One of the men sneered and said, looking at the leaves without lack, there is a chill flashing.

"Tut Is it up to you? I don't know the height of heaven and earth! " Ye Wuqian sent out a sneer, and did not regard them as a thing, because in ye Wuque's opinion, these people are not their opponents at all.

"I think you are tired of living! Who dares to look down on us like this? You know who we are One of the men said, a punch toward the leaves of the past, it seems to be extremely strong.

Seeing the scene in front of him, ye Wuqian's expression also changed slightly. His body suddenly retreated, and then he kicked the man to fly. The power of this foot was enough to make the man lie in the hospital for three months!

"It turns out that this boy is really a practitioner!" Several other men saw the scene in front of them, and their hearts were also slightly surprised. They didn't expect that ye Wuqi's power was so powerful that they were afraid of it!

"Tell me! Who is secretary Liu! Why does he have to deal with me! " Ye Wuqian's voice sounded, the cold light in his eyes flashed, and he looked at several other men. In fact, at this time, he had a goal in his heart, that is, Liu Guoqiang of Li's group, but ye Wuque was not sure.

"Hum! If you want to get news from us, it depends on whether you have this ability! " Several men issued a cold hum, body shape instant toward the leaf without missing step! It looks very strong.Seeing the scene in front of him, ye Wuqi's expression also became a little cold.

"I don't think you're going to cry when you don't see the coffin! In that case, I'll show you my power! " Ye Wuqi finished saying that, the body immediately stepped out, and in a flash they subdued these people. It seems that they are extremely strong.

"Tell me! Secretary Liu in your mouth is Liu Guoqiang! " Ye Wuque's voice rang out again and looked at the men, who had been subdued by themselves and lay on the ground, looking extremely embarrassed.

"I don't know! Don't try to ask anything out of our mouths A man is extremely stubborn said, it seems not limited to ye Wuque, but this man did not expect that ye Wuque's strength is so strong, which makes him a little surprised.

"If you don't know! Then I'll do it now! " Cloud flies finish saying, hand suddenly more a silver needle, directly to this man's a part of the past!

The acupuncture point inserted by the spirit needle is dianxiao point. As long as the silver needle is inserted in the correct position, the person will not stop laughing.

Sure enough, with the silver needle inserted, the man also made a burst of laughter, and looked extremely painful, but he did not keep laughing, looking like a fool.

"Say it or not! If you don't say it in half an hour, you'll die of laughter! Don't blame me for not reminding you then Ye Wuque said coldly.

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