With ye Wuque's words, those men were also a little nervous. They didn't expect ye Wuque's means to be so powerful, which made them worry.

And the man with a silver needle in his heart is also extremely painful, although he has been laughing wildly, but the pain is speechless.

"I said! I say everything! As long as you pull out the silver needle from me, I can tell you anything! " The man said to ye Wuque in a hurry. It seemed that he could not bear the silver needle inserted by Ye Wuque.

"That's good! I didn't want to touch you! Who knows you are so ungrateful, so no wonder I am! " Ye Wuqi sends out a chuckle, and then pulls out the silver needle. After pulling out the silver needle, ye Wuque asks again.

"Is secretary Liu from Li's group? Liu Guoqiang! If you dare to say a lie, I will come some day and let you die without a burial place. Believe what I say, there will be no falsehood! " Ye Wuque said coldly.

"Yes, yes, secretary Liu! Secretary Liu wants to deal with Zhang Xinyu! But because you are in the way, secretary Liu wants to deal with you first and then deal with President Zhang! " The man did not hesitate, said to Ye Wuqian. The reason why he was so conscious was because ye Wuqian's people were so fierce that he could not bear it at all.

"It's really Liu Guoqiang! I think he really doesn't want to live! How dare you break the ground on the head of Tai Sui Ye Wuqian sends out a cold pit sound, and there is a cold light in his eyes. You should know that Zhang Xinyu and his relationship are the same. If something really happened, ye Wuque would certainly not let Liu Guoqiang go.

"Go away! If you dare to do anything to Zhang Xinyu, I will ask you to kill him! Believe me, every word I say is true Ye Wuque said coldly, and looked at the crowd at the scene, which seemed to be extremely strong!

Hearing Ye Wuqian's words, all the people present nodded repeatedly. They were full of fear for ye Wuque. Obviously, they didn't expect Ye Wuqian to be so strong and powerful. This surprised them a little.

When they left, ye Wuqian's expression, which became a little gloomy.

You know, this piece of Xinyu is in Ye Wuqian's heart, but it has a detached position, and that position can not even be surpassed. Therefore, ye Wuque does not allow anyone to be unfavorable to Zhang Xinyu.

"If necessary! I will let Liu Guoqiang die without a burial place! " Ye Wuque said coldly.

"You'd better save it! If I guess right! Your lifeblood is now speeding up! We can't find a millennium cure again! You're going to die! If you want to protect your goddess, you must first save your life. Otherwise, you will accomplish nothing Hong Sheng's voice rang out and said with a smile to ye Wuque, but in the meaning of this word, it has been reminding ye Wuque!

"Hong Sheng, don't worry! I have asked Jiulongtang and others to look for it! I believe there will be news soon! Now I can only wait quietly! " Ye Wuque said with a smile.

"It's very difficult to find the real Millennium elixir! If you want to rely on Jiulong hall, if you want to find a miraculous medicine for hundreds of years, maybe it is more than enough! But if you want to find a millennium cure, I'm afraid it's difficult! " Hong Sheng's voice sounded again, but this time it became a little solemn.

As soon as Hong Sheng said this, ye Wuqian also nodded solemnly. If he had the chance, ye Wuque would naturally look for a thousand year-old elixir. After all, this is about his own life.

Just as ye Wuqian was ready to go back, ye Wuque's figure stopped at a corner, because ye Wuque suddenly saw that there was a fortune teller at a corner today. Moreover, he looked like a fairy and had a certain meaning.

But when ye Wuqian came near, ye Wuqian found that the old man seemed to be fooling people.

"This lady! You just asked me to help you calculate your fortune! I've worked it out now! It's just a pity that you don't seem to have a good financial future! If you really want to get rich, you must get rid of this evil spirit! In this way, you will be able to make a lot of money in the future The old fortune teller said to a lady, but his face became a little solemn.

"Taoist priest, I don't know how I can clear the bloodstain and the fierce ghost?" When the woman heard this, she was surprised and asked the fortune teller.

"That's easy! As long as I do it, I can get rid of this evil spirit! It's just that I need a lot of energy to do it once, so I need a little reward! I don't know if this lady will let me help you! " The Taoist priest said with a smile.

As soon as the Taoist priest said this, the woman hesitated for a moment, and then asked, "I don't know how much reward it will take to be there to help me do it?"

"Not much! 100000 yuan! As long as you give me 100000 yuan, I will eliminate all the evil spirits and evil spirits in your whole body, and you will be rich by then The voice of the Taoist priest rang out."This 100000 yuan is not a fraction for me! But Taoist priest, can you really get rid of my evil spirit The woman was obviously worried. In fact, the reason why she came here was to listen to what others said. The Taoist priest here is very smart. She just came here for a try. Unexpectedly, the Taoist priest had to take 100000 yuan to do it for himself, which was a bit embarrassing for her.

"Of course! Since you don't believe me! Then I'll show you what I mean When the Taoist priest finished speaking, a paper symbol appeared in his hand. The Taoist priest held it with one hand, and the paper symbol in his hand turned into a flame in an instant! It looks weird.

"It's a fellow! He must also be a cultivator! But I'm afraid it's not appropriate to cheat women here! " Ye Wuqi's voice rang out, quite meaningful to say! For this Taoist, I was very upset!

What the Taoist priest just displayed was just some tricks of the cultivator. He didn't expect to cheat here.

"Yes, Taoist priest! It seems that those rumors are true. The Taoist priest really has a very strong Taoist skill! " The woman repeatedly cheered and said to the Taoist priest that she was going to give the Taoist the 100000 yuan and let him do it.

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