Seeing that the woman was going to give the money to himself, the Taoist priest was also a little pleased. He reached out to pick it up, but at this time, Yunhao stopped.

"It's not appropriate for you to do so! Deceiving women, with this kind of mean! It's a shame for us to be true practitioners Ye Wuqi said, but the words are cold color!

With ye Wuque's words, the Taoist's face also changed a little. Obviously, he didn't expect that someone would dare to come here and smash his signboard!

"Who are you! How dare you meddle here! You know who I am The Taoist priest uttered a cold voice and was very upset with Ye Wuqian's words. After all, the business was completed immediately. Unexpectedly, ye Wuque came to destroy it.

"Sister! This old man is lying to you! There is no evil in the way of your fortune! It's just trying to cheat you out of money. Don't believe it The woman said with a smile.

"How do you know he lied to me?" The woman seemed to have some disbelief in what ye Wuque said, so she said to him.

"Since you don't believe it, I'll show it to you again!" Ye Wuqi finished, and then he grasped the past with his eyes toward a paper symbol!

After getting the paper symbol, ye Wuwu runs the spirit power secretly and burns the paper symbol directly!

"This You can do it too! " The woman uttered a exclamation and looked at ye Wuque. It was obvious that she had no idea that ye Wuque had such a means!

At this time, the Taoist priest was also a little surprised. The Taoist priest, named void Taoist, was an expert in the world. However, his strength was not very strong, and he could only use this small means to cheat.

What he didn't expect was that ye Wuqian could burn the symbol with his body energy so young! This is enough to show that ye Wuqian is not an ordinary person!

"Who are you? If you are a fellow, why do you smash my signboard? " Void Taoist heart some angry, toward the leaf without lack of quality asked.

"I didn't want to cause more trouble, but you seem to be doing something wrong! I'm just saying something to remind you Ye Wuque said coldly.

"Hum! You don't know what to do! How dare you talk to me like this? Today I'll show you what I mean The void Taoist made a sound of cold pit, which seemed to be very upset in his heart. He had a piece of paper in his hand.

Seeing the Dharma seal in the hands of the Taoist priest in the void, the paper Rune flew up in an instant, and rushed towards Ye Wuxiang with a very powerful speed, which shocked Ye Wuqian's expression!

"How dare you hit me Ye Wuqi sends out a cold pit sound, and seems to be dissatisfied in his heart.

Originally ye Wuque just wanted to destroy this business, so that young women don't be cheated! I didn't expect that the void Taoist would attack himself! And it's so fierce.

"There are rules for Tao and rules for conduct! If you destroy my business today, that's not right. I'll do it to you naturally! " The Taoist priest in the void uttered a cold hum. The paper symbol in his hand seemed to have some prestige!

"Hum! I think you really don't know what to do! Do you want to deal with me Ye Wuqian sent out a sneer, and did not take the Taoist in the void as a thing.

Although the void Taoist is also a master, but in Ye Wuqian's opinion, this void Taoist is not worth mentioning in front of himself.

"Since you are so ignorant, I will show you my power today." Ye Wuqi sends out a cold pit sound. He suddenly holds a piece of paper symbol in his hand, and rushes to the void Taoist in an instant. It seems that he is extremely powerful!

Whew! Whew!

With Ye Wuxiang's hand, the paper symbol turned into a gust of wind, rushing towards the void Taoist. After a moment, there was a bloody thread on the empty Taoist's neck! It looks terrible.

The woman saw the scene in front of her, and her heart was normal to the extreme. Unexpectedly, ye Wuwei's means were so strong, which made her feel worried.

"You'd better not do it! It's going to kill you! " Said the woman hastily, as if she were worried.

But at this time, ye Wuwu is looking at the void Taoist.

"You dare to teach me how to do it in front of me! If you don't apologize to me today, I will surely let you die without a burial place! " Ye Wuque said coldly.

Ye Wuqi generally doesn't like to be angry, but if ye Wuqi is angry, it will be overwhelming and unstoppable.

Feeling the strong threat, the empty Taoist's face was also a little ugly, because he could perceive that ye Wuqian's strength was above him, and far from being hostile to him.

"I I was wrong! No more! "

The voice of the void Taoist priest sounded, and his face became a little ugly, but his heart was more worried, because ye Wuqian's strength just showed was too strong, so strong that he didn't dare to act arbitrarily."Hum! Don't let me see you in this Yanjing area in the future, otherwise, I won't be merciless Ye Wuqi uttered a cold hum.

Originally, ye Wuque just wanted to take care of today's affairs. Since the old man has offended himself, ye Wuque naturally can't make the old man feel better.

"This little brother! Just now, I just want to test the strength of my little brother! I didn't expect that the strength of my little brother was so strong! In this case, please don't blame me! If my little brother needs anything, I will go through fire and water! " The void Taoist said to ye Wuwu in a hurry.

This void Taoist was not a good speaker, but how dare he be disrespectful to ye Wuque when he saw ye Wuque so powerful.

"Boy, since the old man is so respectful to you! Why don't you make a profit from it! Maybe he knows where there is a millennium cure! If you live to this age, you must know more than you do! " Hong shengpo said meaningfully to Ye Wuqian.

As soon as this word comes out, ye Wuwu lacks for a moment, and then he looks at the void Taoist priest!

"I want to know where there is a millennium elixir in the whole country of China!"

Ye Wuqi looks at the void Taoist priest.

Although he is a little dirty, he has lived so long and is a fellow Taoist. I'm afraid he knows something. Therefore, ye Wuqian has some expectations in his heart.

"Millennium elixir? This Why do you want a thousand year old cure, little brother? " The Taoist priest is curious.

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