"Nature is of great use! You just need to tell me, do you know where the Millennium elixir is? " Ye Wuqi said impatiently.

In the face of the leaves without lack, the empty Taoist priest was stunned for a moment, and then he hastened to say to the leaf.

"As far as I know! Millennium elixir is extremely difficult to find! If you want to find a millennium cure! Must go to a very dangerous place Empty Taoist said.

"Do you mean to know where there is a millennium cure?" Ye is not short of heart a joy, this just hastens to speak to ask a way.

"Of course! In the south of the Yangtze River, there is a thousand year old miraculous medicine in Shenhu mountain! It's just that place is extremely dangerous! If you go there, there will be a certain crisis! " Empty Taoist said.

"I see! In that case! Then can you follow me to Tianhu mountain to look for a thousand year old elixir! Maybe if I can find it, I can give you a million! What do you think? " Ye Wuxiang said frankly, without any taboo.

"You're kidding me! Just with the way my little brother just showed me, I'm convinced! Even if the little brother doesn't take the money, as long as the younger brother has the will, I'm also duty bound! " The empty Taoist priest was a little serious and said to Ye Wuwei.

Ye Wuqi is so young that he has that kind of Taoism. He must be an expert. Naturally, the void Taoist wants to flatter him.

"In that case, that would be great!" Ye Wuxiang nodded solemnly.

"Although I promised to accompany my little brother to Tianhu mountain! But it takes half a month! I don't know if my little brother is willing to wait! " Empty Taoist said.

"As long as you don't tease me, I will!" Ye Wuque said with a smile.

"I dare not! How dare you play with your little brother! Half a month later, I will go to Tianhu mountain with my little brother! " That void Taoist is a little serious.

In the face of the empty Taoist, ye Wuqian also nodded, which seemed to be a little insipid.

But at this time, the bell in the hand of Ye Wuque suddenly rings.

After receiving the call, the voice of Yang Xiaodie came from the phone!

"Ye Wuqian, come to the company! Jade sister is talking with other companies, but they brought a few experts over! I'm afraid sister Yu can't bear it So... "

"All right, I'll be there in a minute." After receiving the call, ye Wuque did not have any hesitation, and went straight to Zhang's group.

You should know that Zhang Xinyu is the goddess in ye Wuque's mind, and Zhang Xinyu is inviolable in ye Wuque's eyes. If anyone dares to disrespect Zhang Xinyu, ye Wuque will not let that person live well!

After arriving at Zhang's group, Yang Xiaodie waited outside the company for a long time.

"What's going on?" Ye Wuqi inquired and asked, but his expression became a little serious.

"The chairman of Jingtai wants to buy a piece of land of our Zhang group! But that piece of land is very important to Zhang's group. Sister Yu will not agree, but they have come to many people! If you don't agree, I'm afraid they'll threaten her, so I'll call you! " Yang Xiaodie some helpless said, he is a woman after all, some things are naturally not handled well.

"Don't worry about it. Leave it to me. You don't have to worry about it!" Ye Wuqi said to Yang Xiaodie, and then walked slowly towards the office. It seemed that he was somewhat indifferent.

Just walked into the office, ye Wuqian saw that a man was sitting on the sofa in the office, and there were two men standing next to the man. They looked big and fierce.

The boss of Jingtai company is named Chu Tianao. He is very powerful and has a group of people who can fight. The reason why their company can develop to today is that they are too strong to offend them easily. The reason why they come to Zhang's group today is to buy the land of Zhang's group.

Just a long time ago, Zhang's group had already rejected Jingtai company. Because the price offered by Jingtai company was too low, Zhang's group could not compromise. So this time, that Chu Aotian came in person and wanted to discuss terms with Zhang Xinyu.

"Who are you? We're talking about something! Get out of here Chu Ao day see ye Wuque directly burst in, this just some uncomfortable toward ye Wuque said.

In the face of Chu Aotian's words, ye Wuque is the expression of a face indifferent, smiling toward Zhang Xinyu.

"Xiaoyu, don't worry about it! With me here, no one dares to move you! If anyone dares to behave wildly here, I will make him unable to leave the Zhang family group! " Ye Wuqi finished saying, this just stood in the back of Zhang Xinyu, it seems to be some strong.

After getting Ye Wuqian's encouragement, Zhang Xinyu also had the courage in an instant. However, Zhang Xinyu was still worried at this time. After all, those people under Jingtai company were not easy to provoke.

"Tut It's fun, it's fun! " See ye Wuque so speak, that Chu Aotian is also issued a sneer, the heart is extremely uncomfortable."Boss Chu, I have made it very clear that we Zhang's group can not sell that piece of land to Jingtai company! You can leave now After Zhang Xinyu got the encouragement of Ye Wuwu, she said to Chu Aotian!

"President Zhang! I advise you to think about it carefully! After all, we Jintai company, but we really want your piece of land. If we can't get it, we will use extraordinary means. I hope Mr. Zhang can seriously consider it! " Chu Aotian said again, but in this speech, there is a threat!

With Chu Aotian's words, Zhang Xinyu's face has become a little ugly. Even Yang Xiaodie, who has been staring at her outside the office, is at a loss. After all, they are only women. Under the threat of these people, I'm afraid they have to compromise.

"Using extraordinary means? Is that what you do business for? Don't blame me for not reminding you! If anything goes wrong with her! I want you to be buried with me! " Ye has no lack of cold words and can stand out.

"Daniel, I think this boy is impatient! Would you like to help me dredge his muscles and bones? " Chu Aotian will look at one of his bodyguards, quite meaningful said.

With Chu Aotian's words, the bodyguard did not have the slightest hesitation, and walked directly towards Ye Wuqian.

"Boss Chu! This is the office of Zhang's group at least. You are too good to look at and nobody is there Zhang Xinyu's face was a little ugly.

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