"What do you mean? This is Tianzhou! Don't you want to do something to us! "

After being surrounded by Zhao Tian and others, although Li Tiancheng has some worries in his heart, Li Tiancheng does not retreat. Instead, he says coldly. He looks a little fierce.

Although Zhao Tian is a direct descendant of the Zhao family, it is in Tianzhou, and ye Wuqian are his friends. Naturally, he will not watch ye Wuque get hurt.

"You better get out of my way! This matter has nothing to do with you. If not, go with your boy Zhao Tian said coldly. He looked at Li Tiancheng and didn't treat Li Tiancheng as a thing. After all, what he had to deal with was Ye Wuwei.

"You boy, back off! Even if this is Tianzhou, you dare not move him! Let's do it better! " The voice of void Taoist priest rang out and said to Li Tiancheng.

With the empty Taoist priest's words, Li Tiancheng just nodded. This empty Taoist priest did not say anything wrong. He really didn't dare to face Zhao Tian?

"In fact, our childe doesn't want to do anything to them! Just a few people seem to have gone too far at the auction just now! Let us Zhao family lose tens of millions! Even for the Zhao family, I'm afraid it's very difficult to be low! " The voice of old cloud rings out, quite meaningful say.

"That's a joke! At the auction just now, your childe was fighting for the price in order to get the snowflake of ten thousand years! And more and more high, so this ten thousand years of snowflake will be your childe get! Then how can you blame me? " Ye Wuque said with a smile.

With Ye Wuqian's words, Zhao Tian's face was a little ugly, and he was very angry in his heart. He didn't expect that ye Wuque would say so. It was just a slap in his face. After all, at the auction just now, Zhao Tian was following ye Wuque's way.

"Be careful what you say, or I'll tear your mouth!" Zhao Tian's cold voice rang out, and did not leave no lack when a thing.

In the face of Zhao Tian's words, ye Wuque is a chuckle.

"I advise you to stay out of our way! Otherwise, it will not be fun! " Seeing Zhao Tian dare to insult ye Wuwu, the void just said, with a cold flash in his eyes.

You know, ye Wuqian is not an ordinary person. Since Zhao Tian dares to insult Ye Wuqian, it is simply bold and reckless. If ye Wuqian is not happy, Zhao Tian will be in trouble.

"Mr. Yun, you can just try it out! If these people are not warriors! You can just help me get rid of them! " Zhao Tian suddenly looks at Yun Lao, and his expression becomes a little cold!

With Zhao Tian's words, yunlao nodded his head, and then his body suddenly stepped towards ye Wuwu, which seemed to be a little strong!

"Hum! You don't know what to do! How dare you do it to Mr. Xu! "

Seeing the old man's figure stepping towards Yun Hao, the Taoist priest in the void uttered a sneer. He was in front of him in an instant, and seemed to have a trace of strength.


In that moment, cloud old and void Taoist priest two people then collide together, issued a very huge sound.

However, at this time, cloud old look is a change, because he found that even if the empty Taoist strength is enough to shock him back.

"I didn't expect that you are also a warrior!" Cloud old general's eyes toward the void Taoist priest, look a little bit changed.

In the face of the old cloud, the empty Taoist priest is a chuckle.

"Or what do you think? If you want to fight with Mr. Xu, you have to pass me! If not, you are not qualified to deal with Mr. Xu! " The voice of void Taoist priest rings again, but this time it becomes a little stronger!

In the face of the empty Taoist priest's words, old cloud's look is also some change, because the old cloud can feel that these two people are not what they can afford.

"Young master, I think it's better to forget this matter! They are not what we can cause at all

Yunlao some helpless eyes toward Zhao Tianwang! Through the trial just now, he has been able to fully determine that Yunfei's strength is extremely strong, even the just empty Taoist priest can not be underestimated.

"What's the matter! Are these two men really warriors? " At this time, Zhao Tian's brow was also slightly frowned. You know, today, he lost 40 million in vain. Even for the whole Zhao family, it was an extremely large number.

"Yes! The strength of these two men is unfathomable! And this is Tianzhou, not our territory! If something happens, it will be difficult to solve it, so we'd better not act rashly. "

The old man said again, and his expression became more serious!

In the face of old Yun's words, Zhao Tian's face is also a little ugly, but Zhao Tian also knows some things. In this world, there is a kind of people who can't easily offend, that is, martial arts.Some warriors are powerful to the extreme, can, have a great deterrent force! Even if they are Zhao family, they dare not offend easily!

"Hum! Today is a bargain for them! Next time if I meet them again! I'll make them look good! "

Cold hum, Zhao Tian body shape this just left, but the heart is quite helpless! Because Zhao Tian knew that some people could not even provoke him.

Seeing Zhao Tian leave without saying a word, Li Tiancheng on one side is also very surprised. I didn't expect that Zhao Tian would let them go so easily!

"How did the boy go? Didn't you just go crazy? Is it because the master has just shaken the old man away, that they are afraid of it Li Tiancheng asked with some doubts.

"Tut It's possible! " Void Taoist priest issued a chuckle, did not care about what happened just now, it seems to be a little indifferent.

"What a pity! That ten thousand years of snow has a good effect on me! It's just bought by Zhao Tian! " Ye Wuque shook his head, the color of helplessness in his heart!

Ten thousand years of snowflake for him, but has a lot of effect, if you can get, since you can let the strength of Ye Wuwei more stable.

"It's just a pity! We don't have that much money! Otherwise, the snowflakes of ten thousand years will not be snatched away by Zhao Tian! " Li Tiancheng also said with great helplessness.

"By the way, when are we going to Tianhu mountain?" Li Tiancheng suddenly said that he had some expectations in his heart.

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