The reason why Li Tiancheng is so excited is that Taoist priest xukong once said that he would take Li Tiancheng as his disciple if he went to Tianhu mountain to help Ye Wuqian find the elixir for thousands of years!

At that time, Li Tiancheng would be able to become the disciple of the void Taoist priest, which was a great temptation for him. After all, he became the apprentice of the void Taoist priest, and he could practice martial arts with him.

"In three days! After three days, we will go to Tianhu mountain! " Hesitating for a moment, ye Wuwei said.

The reason why Ye Wuqian chose three days later is that ye Wuqian is ready to stabilize his breath in these three days, and then go to Tianhu mountain.

Ye Wuqian has a little knowledge of Tianhu mountain. Naturally, he knows that there are many dangers on the mountain. Therefore, he should be well prepared to enter Tianhu mountain in the best condition. In this way, there will be no danger.

"Will you go to Tianhu mountain after today? I'll get ready now Li Tiancheng left after saying this, and seemed to be in high spirits.

After arriving at the hotel, ye Wuqian found that his lifeline was much shorter and longer, which means that ye Wuqian's days are not many. He must find a thousand year old elixir to dissolve his lifeline.

Three days passed quickly. During these three days, Li Tiancheng prepared a lot of things, which can be said to be everything. He even prepared all kinds of tools for climbing mountains.

"Is it necessary to prepare so many things? How big is Tianhu mountain? " Ye Wuqi is curious and looks at Zhao Tian.

"Of course! Tianhu mountain is in our sky. It's a big mountain! If we want to enter Tianhu mountain and search for the elixir of a thousand years, I will certainly make ten thousand preparations! Otherwise, if we are trapped in Tianhu mountain, we will be in trouble! " Li Tiancheng said seriously.

Facing Li Tiancheng's words, ye Wuqian just nodded and didn't say anything more.

After all, it is impossible for them to drive into the mountain because it is too large and full of trees.

It's just that it's getting late when they come near Tianhu mountain. If they enter Tianhu mountain now, there will be some danger.

Just when they were hesitant, Li Tiancheng looked not far away and found that there was a village not far away!

"There is a village ahead! We'll stay there for the night! Tomorrow morning, let's go back to Tianhu mountain to look for a thousand year-old elixir. " Li Tiancheng said in a hurry, his expression seemed to be a little serious.

With Mr. Li's words, ye Wuwei hesitated for a moment, and then nodded!

"It's really too late now! If we go up the mountain now, there is a certain danger. We will stay in the village for the night! We'll be on our way again early tomorrow morning Ye Wuwei said.

In the face of Ye Wuque's words, the empty Taoist priest also nodded his head and seemed indifferent as usual.

A moment later, the three of them appeared outside the village, but at this time, they found that there were several luxury cars not far from the village.

"What's the matter! Did other people from Tianzhou come to Tianhu mountain? Otherwise, how can there be luxury cars here! " Li Tiancheng let out a low cry and then looked at the village! There is a color of curiosity in my heart.

"You must have come to Tianhu mountain! We are in the Tianhu mountain scenery is very good! Please come inside, please! We have a lot of food in our village

Just as Li Tiancheng was watching, a young woman rushed to Li Tiancheng's side. She was very tall and fat. She was called second sister-in-law. She was also a good hand in the whole Tianhu village.

"Are there any other people in Tianhu village who have never been here? Why are there luxury cars nearby? " Li Tiancheng looked at the young woman and asked, but he was curious.

"It's nature! There are many people coming to Tianhu village every day. It's very natural to have a few luxury cars parked here. They must have been tired. Let's go to the village and have a rest! It's not expensive to stay here for one night. It's 500 yuan per person! " The second sister-in-law said with a smile.

"500 yuan for a person? Boss, you are a black shop! I don't have to be so expensive even if I live in a hotel! " Li Tiancheng's look changed, and then he said.

It's just a night at will. I didn't expect that a person would have to pay 500 yuan. Naturally, Li Tiancheng couldn't stand it.

If it was a five-star hotel, Li Tiancheng would not care. Instead, he could sleep anywhere in such a remote country. The charge of the second sister-in-law was so expensive.

"Young man, I don't think you are short of money! Besides, if you don't plan to live in our village, you can only live outside the village! If you run into any wild animals in the evening, you will be in trouble The second sister-in-law said to Li Tiancheng in a meaningful way. There was a trace of threat in this speech."What? There are wild animals outside the village? " Li Tiancheng's heart was startled. Obviously, he was worried, because he felt a little uneasy. After all, he had been living in the city and had never seen any wild animals. Listening to this, he felt flustered.

"Of course there are wild animals here! I remember that three years ago, there was a tourist who was playing with us. He thought that the place we lived in was too expensive, so he lived outside the village. But since that night, he may never come back. It is said that he was eaten by wild animals on the mountain! " Second sister-in-law said seriously.

"Cough This elder sister, 500 yuan is not expensive for a person! Pay the deposit for the three of us now Li Tiancheng took out a stack of banknotes without hesitation. After all, this matter is not for fun. If there are wild animals on Gushan Mountain that day, it will be troublesome.

After paying the money, Li Tiancheng and ye Wuqian came to the village.

But in the village, there are many people, but not far from the village, there are some young people playing cards.

These young people seem to be wearing famous brands, and their temperament is extraordinary. At first glance, they are the second generation of rich people in the city. Unexpectedly, they will appear in this remote country!

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