"A woman is a disaster, a woman is a snake and a scorpion, and a woman is a poison. I know clearly that she is the biggest poison, but why do I still want her to poison me? Why? Why is that? " In the courtyard next door to Jinling garden, ye Xiaoxiao looks at the graceful figure that slowly leaves, and constantly asks himself!

I'm puzzled, confused and puzzled

This is a huge pit, I know it is a pit, but why do I jump in?

Long Yusheng? The grandson of long Yuxuan? Nima's name is actually the same as his grandfather. This boy doesn't look like a simple character. Of course, if it's just a person, ye Xiao will never worry about anything, but long Yusheng is obviously not alone. He occupies the whole dragon family behind him!

Ye Xiao doesn't worry about Lin's ruthlessness. When he faces the Li family, ye Xiao doesn't care. That's because behind him stands the dragon clan, the most mysterious and core organization in China. But now it's different. The dragon family has a huge power within the dragon family. Even after so many years of the Dragon Emperor, he can't wipe out all the forces Go!

After all, the whole dragon clan was created by long Yuxuan. His descendants naturally have many advantages over themselves. At least those old people of the dragon clan are still very optimistic about him!

Even the Dragon Emperor is not easy to deal with things to themselves, this is not a biggest pit is what?

Ye Xiao is very helpless, ye Xiao is very tragic, but he is also very happy, at least seductive and the Dragon Emperor is not on his side?

Shaking his head, ye Xiao got up from the sofa and walked out toward the outside. No matter what, even if it's for the sake of seduction, for the dragon family, or for the country of China, or for yourself, if you carry this thing by yourself, you must resist it, long Yusheng or long Tiandong, go to hell !

Humming an unknown tune, ye Xiao came out of the courtyard, and then heard a burst of hearty voice from Jinling garden. Then he saw a man in a black robe and Bai choufei come out together!

The man is not handsome, at least not as handsome as ye Xiao himself, but he is particularly good-looking when he laughs, especially those two rows of white teeth, which look very healthy under the sunshine, and his smile is also very sincere. No matter who sees his bright smile, he can't help but regard him as the big brother of his neighbor!

Compared with the arrogance of Bai choufei and his own tyranny, he gives people a feeling of tenderness, which makes people can't help but want to get close to him!

"Isn't this brother ye? Ha ha ha, you should have come back with brother Bai. Why didn't you come in together? I heard from brother Bai that you have made great achievements this time. I also told the Dragon Emperor just now. I hope you can return to the dragon clan! " The man also saw Ye Xiao. His smile was bright enough. He didn't need to introduce Bai choufei. So he came to meet Ye Xiao and extended his hands to him!

"Well, are you?" Although you have guessed who the visitor is, ye Xiao's face still shows a puzzled look!

"I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce you. I'm long Yusheng, a new member of the dragon clan. From now on, we will be comrades in arms and brothers." Long Yusheng laughs, very heroic appearance!

"It's brother long. Hello. I've heard a lot about Daming. I've heard so much about Daiming." Ye Xiao's face also immediately showed a smile, the so-called hand out do not smile face people, no matter what kind of contradictions they will have with him in the future, others are smiling, they can't face each other coldly!

"Ha ha, brother ye, you are welcome. I've heard a lot about you. I don't know if you are free today. How about going to Zijin garden for dinner

Little brother? Nima's, you look like a bear, at least you're nearly thirty, and you call yourself little brother. You're thick skinned. I'm sorry to agree with you!

"I'm sorry, brother long. There are still some things to do today. I may not be able to go there." Ye Xiao's outspoken refusal!

"Ha ha, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, then we won't disturb the two brothers. We'll have time to come out and have a good drink. We won't come back when we're not drunk." Long Yusheng didn't care and waved his hands again and again!

"Well, if you have time some other day, you will have a banquet for elder brother long. If you have something else to do, please leave first!" Ye Xiao returned a gift!

"Please!" Long Yusheng made a gesture of empty invitation. Ye Xiao and Bai choufei looked at each other and walked towards the Audi car not far away!

When they get on the car, and then wait for the Audi car to start slowly and disappear in the field of vision, the friendly smile on long Yusheng's face gradually disappears. Looking at the direction of the disappearance of the Audi car, long Yusheng's eyes flash a cold killing opportunity!

Ye Xiao, you are a waste who has been expelled from the dragon clan. What qualifications do you have to compete with me for the position of the Dragon Emperor? Thinking in his heart, long Yusheng turned back to Jinling garden. He just came out to send Bai Chou Fei away!

On the Audi, ye Xiao lowered the window of the car, took out a cigarette from his arms, handed it to the driver and Bai choufei, and lit it. Then he said, "long Yusheng, the new member of the dragon clan?""Well!"

"What do you think of him?" Ye Xiao continued to ask!

"A cobra that laughs!" Bai choufei mercilessly gave such an answer!

"Yes, a cobra who can laugh is the most dangerous person! Ah Ye Xiao murmured a sigh!

"Yes, he came for the throne of the Dragon Emperor. You are in trouble, so am I!" Bai Chou Fei also sighed!

"Trouble? What's the trouble with you? " Ye Xiaoyi Leng, this matter put clearly is oneself and long Yusheng's matter, and Bai Chou Fei has what relation?

"The Dragon Emperor was also in it at that time. He clearly told long Yusheng that he was going to pass on the throne of the Dragon Emperor to me!" Bai choufei looks at Ye Xiao like a resentful woman. How long does he join the dragon clan? He has no foundation in the dragon clan. No matter the old people or the new people, they have nothing to do with him. It can be said that except ye Xiao, he has no friends in the dragon family. Under such circumstances, how can the Dragon Emperor pass on the throne of the Dragon Emperor to him?

But Bai choufei's heart is more clear, the Dragon Emperor's successor is Ye Xiao, he has never peeped into the Dragon Master's position, but now, the Dragon Emperor even carried himself out!

Seeing the sad eyes of Bai choufei, ye Xiao "poo Chi!" With a smile, it seems that Bai choufei is even more depressed than himself. He is willing to jump into this pit, but Bai choufei is forced into this pit by a word from the Dragon Emperor, but he has no choice. The most important point is that no matter how the final result is, it has nothing to do with him. This is a supporting role of tragedy!

I don't know why, seeing Bai Chou Fei's depressed appearance, ye Xiao's mood suddenly improved a lot. There are still many people in the world who are worse than themselves!

"Don't be complacent. Although the dragon emperor wants to take me as your shield, long Yusheng is not a fool. He won't believe that I will fight for the position of dragon master, so his main target is you!" Seeing the smile on Ye Xiao's face, Bai Chou Fei was not happy, and then he gave a cold hum

"Er..." Ye xiaoyileng, it seems that things are really such a thing, the last to resist or their own ah

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