It is now mid March, even the most late university has opened. The University of economics and trade has been open for more than half a month. At this time, people in the university are in full swing. From time to time, the students' laughter is coming from time to time. Universities, such a peaceful and leisure place, is also a place full of youth and vitality, and it is also a dream of many people. Finally, they enter the University Then dream of broken place!

However, there are always countless students who have been struggling for more than ten years, in order to enter the combination of hell and heaven!

The most important thing on campus is the beauty, especially the beautiful women full of youthful vitality. Especially these days, the weather in Kyoto has gradually warming. Many girls who love beauty have changed their first summer clothes and began to build beautiful thighs. Of course, the price often paid is to get red and purple!

At this time, a silver white Audi car slowly drove into the campus, directly came to the bottom of the boys' dormitory building, and then saw two handsome and unnatural men walking down the car, a set of beige leisure clothes, a face quite sunny, but in the sunshine, but more calm!

A set of fashionable mid mountain clothes, the collar is upright, embroidered with golden dragon pattern on the left chest, a black hair is tied behind the head, and looks aggressive!

Fortunately, the car is parked under the boys' dormitory. If it is parked in the dormitory of girls, I don't know how many people will scream!

Seeing the dormitory building that has not been here for a long time, ye Xiao or Xiao Feng, they sighed at the same time. However, for months, they felt the same as each other for centuries. After all, there are too many things happened in these days!

Locked the door, the two people straight up the stairs, how to say they are also college students, the administrator will not stop them!

Came to room 808, took out the key directly, opened the bedroom door and walked in!

The bedroom is still as messy as before, beer bottles, ashtray, underwear, stinky socks are still everywhere, on the wall, ceiling is pasted with jade photos of small zemaria, cangjingkong and other stars. There is also a computer on the desk. This should be Chen tanshang's!

Seeing this long-term violation of the breath, ye Xiao and Xiao Feng looked at each other at the same time, all of which were helpless in the eyes of each other. In a few months, they had already been wrong and good. At the beginning, the four SPLASHERS in the 808 bedroom were still in, but no matter whether he or she or Xiao Feng, they were no longer a simple student, even they were very difficult to return to live here!

This bedroom, left big fat and Chen Dan Shang!

As for the four beautiful women, Li Shiqin disappeared. When she was caught in the iron castle, Li Shiqin was gone. Originally Xiao Feng thought she was poisoned. However, in Ye Xiao's view, since enchanting appeared in the iron castle, then Li Shiqin should be OK. Biunexpectedly, Liyuan has been working under the enchanting staff!

And huanglingyao went to Jinghai City, entered the entertainment circle, in the flower month charm cultivation, it is estimated that it will be very popular and purple, after all, as long as there is enough strong strength, even a pig, can stir up the big red Dazzi, with the strength of star entertainment company, want to hold a person is not easy?

And have the charming care of the moon, ye Xiao really do not believe who can dive rules huanglingyao!

Ouyangqianqian went to m country, it is said that she went to study abroad. As for why she went so far, ye Xiaoxin knew that she felt sorry to smile, so she went far away from home!

As for Tan Xiaoxiao, he left the University of economics and trade, and unexpectedly joined the army resolutely. Ye Xiao didn't understand her idea very much, but how much she could understand, with Ouyang Qianqian among the two, they have been very difficult as before, some things, once happened, they will never be able to recover!

The story of four SPLASHERS and four beautiful women seems to end like this, but this may be just the precursor to the beginning of another story!

"Bang!" One sound, in the two people sad past, the bedroom door was directly opened, then saw the fat body standing at the door, when saw the two people in the bedroom, fat face first showed a look of dismay, and then quickly this expression was replaced by surprise!

"Ye Xiao, Xiaofeng, you two bastards are finally willing to come back! I thought you forgot me! " Big fat a big roar, so rushed in, open that huge arms, so will ye Xiao and Xiao Feng hold!

But a touch of crystal clear tear in the eyes of fat flash, it seems, these days, he also really miss these two brothers!

"Ha ha, how can we be brothers, that is a lifetime, even if the end of the world, will not forget you!" Ye Xiao also ha ha a smile, let fat and Xiao Feng hold themselves in his fat body!

Three people hugged each other, and then they separated. Ye Xiao and Xiao Feng looked at the fat behind them. Liu Yingying, a fat girlfriend, was standing at the door, and saw the three big men who were crying and hugging. Tears flashed in their eyes!

But there are no other people except her, which makes both people confused. What about Chen Dan Shang?"Where is xiaoshangzi?" Ye Xiao asked!

Xiao Feng is also looking up at the big fat, that boy is a standard homestead man, even before class would stay in the bedroom to see AV, now how come to noon time has not seen a person!

When it comes to xiaoshangzi, big pang's face darkens and the whole person falls into silence. Ye Xiao and Xiao Feng are both stunned by this scene. Is there something wrong with xiaoshangzi?

"He's in the hospital!" Sure enough, big fat spits out these four words!

"Hospital?" Ye Xiao and Xiao Feng are surprised at the same time. What's really going on?

"Well, I've been beaten for a week, and I'm still in the hospital for treatment!" Big fat hesitated for a moment, or decided to tell Chen Dan Shang's situation!

"Beaten? By whom? What's going on? Fat man, tell me what's going on When they heard that Chen Tan Shang was beaten, ye Xiao and Xiao Feng were all worried. Although their identities were increasingly different, they were both friends and brothers they knew in this university. If something happened to their brothers, how could they press the information!

"It was beaten by Wang Zhenzhen who wanted to be a new boyfriend!" The fat man is still hesitating, standing behind him, Liu Yingying has opened his mouth and said, and her little face is red, obviously for such a thing is also very angry!

"Wang Zhenzhen's new boyfriend?" Ye Xiao and Xiao Feng looked at each other, and then made a decision at the same time: "go, go to the hospital, see the little wounded son!"

They almost dragged the fat man out of the bedroom. Wang Zhenzhen, this cheap woman, had already dumped Chen tanshang once, but now she has a new boyfriend. Now she still beats the little wounded son to the hospital. Isn't this for death?

With the strength Ye Xiao has now mastered in Kyoto, he is really not afraid of anyone. Even young people with strong background like Lin Qingqing also say to kill them. Other people really don't pay attention to them

Soon, Audi and Liu Yingying's little beetle came to the Affiliated Hospital of the University of business and economics. Led by Da Pang, they came to Chen tanshang's ward. When they saw a small wound lying on the bed, covered with gauze, ye Xiao was angry

Even Xiao Feng, who has been relatively silent, is completely angry!

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