"Ha ha, you can rest assured that they all come out of the blood cave, and their combat effectiveness is no worse than that of the official members of the dragon clan. Besides, even if you can't kill him in disorder, don't you have a second move?" The man holding the red chess smile, smile is so kind!

"Ha ha..." The man holding green chess once again showed a brilliant smile on his face. He was already quite handsome. When he laughed, he was even more charming. He had to sit opposite him with a man. Otherwise, he would be fascinated by such a smile!

"Hehe, if you can help me, great things will come true!" Seeing the brilliant smile on the man's face, the man holding the red chess also smiles. Compared with the brilliant smile of the green chess man, his smile is more cordial, just like a bright moon, gently brushing your heart!

While they were playing chess with each other, three police cars were driving one after another on the road to a police station in a street. It was already time for work in the afternoon. There were not too many cars on the road, especially the University of business and economics, which was outside the Fourth Ring Road of Kyoto. It was near the suburbs, and the hospital was outside. On the road, there were only three or two pedestrians, There are not many cars!

At this time, the police car is about to come to a crossroad. Turn right at this crossroad for more than 1000 meters, which is the location of the police station. Ye Xiao's sense of uneasiness is getting stronger and stronger!

Isn't the other party taking himself to the police station? It's here?

At the thought of this, ye Xiao's mind suddenly burst with thunder, and the whole person sat up from the back seat!

"Come on, stop. It's dangerous here!" Ye Xiao yelled, and then he was about to push open the door and jump out. However, there were policemen sitting beside him. He thought that he wanted to take the opportunity to escape. Where would he let him go? He grabbed Ye Xiao's arm, took out a pistol and aimed at Ye Xiao directly!

"Don't move, please cooperate!" The police officer's name is Wu Xiaojin. His task is to take ye Xiao back to the police station. As for what happened in the back, he has nothing to do with him. Now he is about to arrive at the police station, but ye Xiao wants to escape. Where does he agree!

Ye Xiao was about to snatch his pistol, but a huge truck suddenly burst out on the right side of the intersection in front of him. The truck was still driving in the opposite direction. However, the police car in front of him was just about to turn. When he thought that a truck would rush out of this direction, he heard a loud bang, card The car directly hit the police car, and then the terrible impact directly overturned the police car. Finally, the truck directly pushed the police car forward and collided with another running Mercedes Benz. Two huge forces directly deformed the police car. The four policemen inside were directly crushed to pieces. Only the red blood flowed out. Where could there be half of them Figure!

Seeing such a scene, ye Xiao is stunned, Wu Xiaojin is stupefied, and the driving police are also stunned. What's going on? How could such a terrible traffic incident happen?

"What are you doing? Get out of the car Ye Xiao was the first to come back to his senses and scolded several policemen in the car. Then, regardless of Wu Xiaojin and others, he kicked the door of the police car and ran out!

By this time, the huge truck had been restarted, and a man with a machine gun came out of the window. Of course, the black muzzle also came out together!

The muzzle of the gun is just aimed at the police car. Seeing all this, the other policemen dare to stay in the car and jump off the police car with Ye Xiao!

"Brother Xiao, let's go!" At this time, the man holding the machine gun roared and pulled the trigger directly!

"Dada dada..." Ye Xiao had figured out everything. He took a look at Wu Xiaojin, who had been smashed in the palm, and wanted to explain something to him. But a chill came from under his feet. He didn't have to think about it. His body could have dodged to one side. Then he saw that there was an extra thumb in the place where he was standing Underground cave, the other party is trying to kill him!

Yes, it seems to be saving him, but I want to kill him!

They didn't manage Wu Xiaojin and others again. Since the target of the other party is to frame themselves, before they die, their policemen should be fine. This is the best witness!

In the face of the hidden sniper, ye Xiao dare not stay in this place all the time. Although his skill is good, he is not arrogant enough to ignore any sniper!

As for what kind of misunderstanding it will cause, I can't care about it at this time. Anyway, I'm not a member of the dragon clan. What else do you mean? If it wasn't for the person behind the scenes, ye Xiao would not have followed the police back to the police station?

With his current strength, who else does he care?

The figure quickly ran on the road, only a few breathing time, had disappeared in the scene, and the huge truck did not drive towards this side after ye Xiao disappeared. The man put away the machine gun, and then the huge truck left in the angry eyes of several surviving policemen!

Seeing that this group of people rescued Ye Xiao so honestly, Wu Xiaojin's face was livid. These people simply had no royal law. In broad daylight, they launched such firepower to rob people? Is there any law in their eyes? In Kyoto, who dares to be so bold?Fortunately, there are not many vehicles in this generation. Otherwise, we don't know what kind of commotion will be caused?

But even so, some people were injured and four colleagues left forever, which made Wu Xiaojin more angry. Ye Xiao, no matter who you are, I will arrest you!

Looking at the direction of Ye Xiao's disappearance, Wu Xiaojin, who broke a wrist, secretly vowed in his heart!

Ye Xiao doesn't know that he has been missed by Wu Xiaojin. Even if he does, he won't care. It's obvious that someone persecutes him. As long as he doesn't die, sooner or later it will come out, he really doesn't care!

Quickly left the scene, came to an alley, took out the phone, was about to call Kanu and others, a bloody light suddenly cut from the top of his head

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