Ye Xiao has two chills in his eyes. He really wants to kill him. In the face of this bright cold light, ye Xiao not only does not retreat, but further speeds up his speed. Almost in the blink of an eye, he has already stepped out of several steps. When the knife is cut on him, his body has hit a man who jumped from above Go!

The force of terror directly bumps the other party out, and ye Xiao has snatched a sword in his hand. This is a sword in the shape of Tang Dao, which is similar to Ye Xiao's throat sealing sword!

Ye Xiao grabs the sword with one hand, and ye Xiao is about to cut at the man. However, two other swords are attacked from both sides. In desperation, ye Xiao can only meet the sword and resist it. Suddenly, he hears a clang sound. Ye Xiao's body is shaken back and forth. However, the two men are shaken and show their true shape!

Looking at them, they are two men who will never be recognized once they enter the crowd. Their looks are so ordinary, and their breath is so ordinary. However, these two ordinary people bring invisible pressure to Ye Xiao!

Especially at this time, the man who was hit by himself also got up from the ground. In addition to a mouthful of blood, he didn't seem to be hurt much!

Not only that, behind him, there were also two men holding Tang Dao and wearing strong black clothes. Five men surrounded themselves in the center!

Looking at the five people around, ye Xiao's eyebrows slightly wrinkled together, who is it? I just came back and arranged such a killing game? Lin Wu regret? Qiu Ziyun? Or

While he was still in doubt, five people moved at the same time. They did not directly jump up, but they did not know where to take out a steel claw with a chain, and threw it at Ye Xiao. The steel claw was extremely sharp, flashing cold light in the sunlight. If their own body was caught by the steel claw, they would be plunged into it immediately, and then they would certainly They split them up!

Ye Xiao didn't want to die, let alone be dismembered. He put his foot on the ground with great force. He even made a crack on the concrete floor. Then he saw his body ejected like a shell!

"Jingle!" A crisp sound, from the front to grasp his steel claws, by his hands of the sword swing open, and the back of the steel claws is rubbing his back, did not hurt him at all!

At the same time, five people's faces showed a color of surprise. Obviously, they didn't expect Ye Xiao's speed to be so fast. When they came back to their senses, ye Xiao had already come to one of them, who was the guy who had been captured by Ye Xiao!

Seeing ye Xiao's target is himself, the man's eyes are sharp, but one hand is stirred. The iron chain in his hand makes a whirring sound, which directly entangles Ye Xiao. However, ye Xiao's body deviates, avoids the iron chain, and once again approaches the man, and then with one stroke of one hand, the sword in his hand cuts at the man!

The man's eyes were startled, but he had to take back the iron chain and block it in front of him. The sound of metal collision sounded again. Even the sword cut out sparks on the iron chain, and the body of the figure was shocked to retreat. In such an instant, ye Xiao had already run out of front of him and was about to escape!

At this time, the other four people have already chased after ye Xiao. Seeing that ye Xiao wants to run away, they also think of his terrible speed. At the same time, they throw their steel claws out with all their strength. Even the man who blocks Ye Xiao does not wait for his body to stand firm, they throw the steel claws in front of Ye Xiao. They can't let Ye Xiao leave at this moment!

Just when everyone thought Ye Xiao was sure to be hit by the steel claw, ye Xiao, who was running rapidly, suddenly turned around, and then one of the five people's startled eyes rushed forward and even rushed towards himself and others!

Isn't he running away?

All of them received the most arduous training since childhood. When they were teenagers, they were secretly sent to various difficult environments. Finally, they came back safely from those harsh environments. It can be said that each of them climbed out of the dead!

In addition, their own strength is super vertical, so when assassinating Ye Xiao, they never thought that ye Xiao would fight against them. Once they had time, ye Xiao would surely flee for the first time. This is also the reason why they wanted to stop Ye Xiao at full speed after they found out that ye Xiao's target was to escape!

But what they didn't expect was that ye Xiao didn't want to escape at all. His goal was to kill his partner. What they didn't expect was that ye Xiao's turning speed would be so fast!

In the man's surprised eyes, ye Xiao has come to him, and then the sword in his hand mercilessly inserted into his heart, from his back heart to wear out!

"Blood five?" Seeing ye Xiao kill his brother, the other four people are furious. Their eyes turn red with blood. Then they roar at the same time and rush towards Ye Xiao at full speed!

Seeing the four people rushing towards him at full speed, ye Xiao's mouth showed a sarcastic smile. To tell the truth, these people are very powerful, even not inferior to the general members of the dragon clan. However, their combat quality and emergency response ability are absolutely unable to compare with the members of the dragon clan!If you change to a member of the dragon clan, just now at most three people intercept themselves, and the other two are responsible for defense to prevent their own counter attack. This is also the belief that the Dragon Emperor has always taught to the members of the dragon clan. To complete the task, but also to protect their own lives, only alive can we better complete the task and better serve the motherland!

Unless forced, the members of the dragon clan will definitely put their lives first, which is the reason why the casualty rate of the dragon clan has been very low!

However, these people are obviously not the same thing. They don't care about their own lives at all. They just want to complete the task. If such a person doesn't take his life as one thing, it will be extremely difficult to deal with it alone. However, once the group attacks, it is full of weaknesses. Five people, three attacks and two defenses, that is absolutely the most perfect formation, but when these five people choose Attack together, and it's an irregular attack. It's easy to kill them alone!

Now, after killing a person, they are angry, but they still forget to defend, or they can't defend at all. What's the fear of those who just want to die because they don't know how to react flexibly?

One grabbed the body of the man who was inserted into the heart, and then lifted it up and directly hit the two fastest charging people. Then ye Xiao's body rushed up with the corpse like this!

Xuesan and Xuesi see ye Xiao throw their companion's corpse as a shield. They are angry. But they are their own companions. They grow up together, fight together and survive together. How can they hurt him with their weapons? They can only take back the iron chain!

But at this time, ye Xiao has come to their bodies, and then a sword inserted in the heart of blood five is drawn out, and it is easy to draw towards blood three and blood four!

Both of them changed their faces, but after all, they were on par with the members of the dragon clan. In this extremely short period of time, they had drawn out their swords and protected them in front of them!

"Clang..." With a loud noise, ye Xiao's sword is heavily cut on xuesan's sword. The huge force shakes xuesan's arms. Then, the sword is like a spring leaf, and it cuts towards Xuesi's head, which makes Xuesi have to tilt back!

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