But obviously, he has no such a chance!

"A bunch of fools!" Looking at the five bodies on the ground, ye Xiao sneered, then took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of Bai Chou Fei. These people have special identity, or let the people of the dragon people go to check it up!

The dragon people are comparable to their hands, but the fighting experience with people is almost zero stupid, such a person can not find ah!

When ye Xiao was ready to call, there was a sound of propeller in the air. Ye Xiao looked up and saw a military helicopter appear above his head. While a turntable machine gun was on the helicopter, the muzzle was aiming at himself, and the helicopter also flew to this side. Ye Xiao's eyebrows jumped sharply. Could someone even be in the military Deal with yourself?

Without any hesitation, he took his leg and ran towards the alley

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