On the helicopter, in addition to the pilot, there were two men in camouflage suits. One of them was about twenty-eight years old. He was quite good-looking, especially his skin color. He was a little white. He didn't look like a soldier at all. He was more like a big star!

The other is very strong, that machine gun is twisted in his hand, looks very fierce!

"This guy, it's a quick escape!" Looking at Ye Xiao's rapidly disappearing figure, the big man grinned, revealing two rows of teeth that were smoked yellow by cigarettes!

"Yes, he's brave and resourceful. He's a character. No wonder he's proud to ask me for help." The young man sitting next to the big man smiles, but shows two rows of white teeth. The more he looks, the more he looks like a movie star!

"But young master, is it good or bad for us to join the fight rashly? I always think that it's OK for them to play on their own. There's no need for us to add them in! " The man with the machine gun discontented to read a sentence!

"Ha ha, do you want to enter the dragon clan?" In the face of the man's words, the young man did not immediately answer, but asked a question!

"Yes The big man almost didn't want to think about it. He answered directly!

"If you want to, then work hard. As long as it is done, the dragon clan will have a place for us!" The young man laughed and patted the big man on the shoulder. He had planned to persuade him. After hearing such a reason, he immediately closed his mouth. The dragon clan is the place all soldiers dream of. Of course, for the children of these military families, they have a certain voice in the dragon clan, but they have a certain right of promotion in the future Great significance!

The helicopter bypassed the building and did not chase Ye Xiao all the time. Instead, it flew towards the scene of the accident, specifically to the truck that caused all these disasters. Their identities are extremely sensitive. Since they are here, if they do nothing, it would be too hard to say!

And the man on this truck is also the reward that someone promised to give them, the reward for meritorious service!

When this group of people chased the truck, ye Xiao had already crossed the alleys, got on a taxi, and then took out the phone and dialed Xiao Feng's number!

"Well, how are things?" Xiao Feng slightly worried voice came from the other end of the phone!

"The situation is not very good, Xiao Feng, you may not be able to return to southern Fujian for the time being." Ye Xiao said in a low voice that Xiao Feng had planned to go to the Shaolin Temple in Southern Fujian to improve his strength, but now it seems that he is not allowed to go there!

When ye Xiao went to the northern ice field to kill moustache, he had thought about expanding the strength of the north. Yi Kefu was the most ideal spokesman. He had the means, strength and wisdom. He was also the local villain in there. If he had not met with moustache, he would have unified the northern ice field, only met the weirdo!

In Ye Xiao's plan, as soon as moustache dies, with his own support, Yi Kefu will definitely be able to unify the northern ice field in the shortest time. However, Yi Kefu is dead. In order to give himself and others a chance to escape, he dies. After that, ye Xiao does not want to talk about the North any more!

But now long Yusheng appeared, he also encountered such an attack, and even the military has people involved in it, which can not help Ye Xiao not make good arrangements!

Now, he has been expelled by the dragon clan, and the dragon clan is no longer his backstage. Especially after long Yusheng comes, he can no longer deal with many things through the dragon clan. He must establish a strength of his own. No matter how the final game results of the senior management, he must have his own power!

The Longyao society has gradually spread out, and now it has occupied most of the south. Except for Yangcheng, Honggang, Aocheng and other southernmost cities, almost all of them are infiltrated by Longyao society. The whole south of the Yangtze River, including the Central Plains, has been under the control of Longyao club. As for the north, except for the three northeastern provinces, the whole underground world has also fallen into the hands of Tianmen These are all our own forces!

As for Bashu, although Longyao association did not extend its sphere of influence, it was Zimo's territory. When ye Xiao needed help, Zimo would definitely stand on his side for the first time!

However, this is not enough. Compared with those real aristocratic families, such power is not enough. Before ye Xiao was able to defeat his opponents in the game again and again, it was mainly relying on the prestige of the dragon clan and the support of the old leader!

But now there are voices of opposition among the dragon people, and the old leaders are getting older and older. If one day something goes wrong, there will be no one to help him. Under such circumstances, what ye Xiao has to face is probably a group of people at the highest level in China!

He must be powerful enough to make his voice heard!

"Come on, what do you need me to do?" Xiao Feng also heard the anxiety in Ye Xiao's words and asked directly!

"I need you to go to the north and become the northern overlord!" Ye Xiao said categorically, originally Xiao Feng was not the best candidate. Now that the north is in chaos, he doesn't want his good brother to go there to take risks. But as the saying goes, if you want to grow up, Xiao Feng must be on his own. At this time, he can't care so much!"OK!" Xiao Feng only thought about three seconds, and made an answer!

He was rescued from the north by Ye Xiao and Bai Xiaofei. He almost kept silent after returning. He felt that the gap between himself and ye Xiao was getting bigger and bigger, and he didn't want to do such a waste!

He also wants to have a career of his own, especially after Li Shiqin disappeared, Xiao Feng wants to make himself stronger as soon as possible. Under the control of Xiao fei'er, Kyoto Tianmen does not want to or will not insert it. Then he can only choose other places!

Now ye Xiao gives such a place, how can he refuse, he does not want Ye Xiao to worry about him again, and he does not want to let Ye Xiao down again, even if he knows that it will be difficult to travel to the north, and knows that there is a lot of crisis, but he still agrees without hesitation!

He is Xiao Feng, he is Xiao Zhentian's son, he can not weaken such a name!

Hang up the phone, ye Xiao calls Xiao Fei Er, Xiao Nan, ye yubai several people, then say a place, hang up the phone!

It is imperative for Xiao Feng to go to the north. Now the forces of ekov have been disintegrated and the forces of beards have collapsed. In the north, the only thing they can rely on is fox kafsky of the north. However, kafsky has little help except news. It is absolutely not enough to occupy the North and become the northern overlord. Only with the news, it is not enough Yes, we need enough strength!

Ye Xiao is to draw people from Tianmen and Longyao, and provide Xiao Feng with a strong base. Only in this way can he rule the north as soon as possible!

Just as ye Xiao was ready to go to the pre location, his cell phone rang again. When he opened it, it was actually from Secretary Zhan, the Secretary of the old head!

"Hello, Secretary Zhan!" Ye Xiao said politely!

"Ye Xiao, are you free now? The old chief wants to see you! " Secretary Zhan was also polite on the other end of the phone. Only when he was around the old head did he know the position of Ye Xiao in the eyes of the old head!

"Yes, I'll be right here!" Although Ye Xiao is very confused how the old head will meet himself at this time, but still a word of consent down

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