This time, the old chief didn't meet Ye Xiao in Jinling garden. After all, the situation is getting tense. There are too many people who pay attention to Jinling garden all the time!

Under the arrangement of secretary Zhan, ye Xiao took a black Audi car to a national park in the western suburb of Kyoto, and finally came to a small Western-style building and stopped!

The driver didn't get off the bus, but Secretary Zhan had been waiting at the door for a long time. Seeing that the Audi was parked at the door, he quickly walked towards this side. Naturally, ye Xiao couldn't wait for secretary Zhan to open the door for himself. He was also in his forties. He pushed the door and went down!

"Ye Xiao, come on, the old chief is waiting for you inside!" Seeing ye Xiao come down, Secretary Zhan's face showed a kind smile. It was a kind of smile from the heart. One after another, they got along with each other, which has made their relationship closer!

"Well!" Nodded, with Secretary Zhan into the small building!

The small building looks very ordinary, just like that of ordinary people. It is a three story building, surrounded by small courtyard, with flowers and plants in the yard, and a rockery. The environment is very good, but this is only the first feeling for people!

However, ye Xiao does not doubt that the defense force of this small building is definitely not under the Jinling garden. Around the small building with less than 300 square meters, there are at least 12 absolute experts who can enter the ground list. In addition, there are at least 16 snipers nearby, covering the whole building. Once anyone sneaks in here, he will definitely be the first For a while, being smashed by these snipers is only a threat that ye Xiao can feel, but the real threat is not in these people. It is a kind of existence that even ye Xiao can't detect!

Ye Xiao's strength today has been able to independently fight against the existence of the top three in the sky list. With his strength, we can not detect it. We can imagine what a terrible guard force it is!

Under the leadership of secretary Zhan, I came to the door of the small building. I saw a man less than 1.7 meters tall half squatting at the door. There was a Zhongnanhai that was pumping four yuan a bag from the market. When ye Xiao arrived, he didn't mean to get up. He just squatted there, staring at the ground, as if studying the pattern rules of the floor !

This is a seemingly simple man, even like those migrant workers. Once they are thrown into the crowd, they will never be found. However, ye Xiao feels that the biggest threat here comes from him!

A man who doesn't need to do anything at all, but can bring great pressure to Ye Xiao. He is a master. He is an absolute master. He doesn't need to fight or try. He knows that his strength is absolutely terrible!

Maybe it can't compare with the Dragon Emperor, but it's not far away. He should be Lei, the bodyguard of the old chief! I have never seen him in the University. On the contrary, the old chief executive took him with him this time!

Secretary Zhan didn't say hello to the man, so he walked in from his side. When ye Xiao came to him, he stopped and saluted the man respectfully. It was not the recognition of his strength, but a salute to his unknown protection of the old chief!

With his ability, if he had joined the army, he would have been at the rank of general or above. However, he stayed quietly by the old chief executive to guard the most precious old man in China. He never complained for many years!

Ye Xiao's action made Lei's plain face show a surprised look. He even raised his head and looked at Ye Xiao. Then he spat out a few words from his mouth: "you are very good!" After saying that, no longer pay attention to Ye Xiao, continue to look down at the floor lines on the ground!

Thank you Ye Xiao said thanks, and then walked into the small building!

The small building is a living room. The windows of the living room are all bullet proof glass. The light can come in, and the people inside can see the situation outside, but the people outside can't see the situation inside at all!

The living room is not very big, only 60 or 70 square meters. There is a huge sofa in the center. In front of it is a huge tea table. There are three cups of tea on the table. There are three old people sitting on it!

The middle one, of course, is the old chief. Today, he is dressed in military uniform and looks energetic. When he sees Ye Xiao coming in, he has a kind smile on his face!

The one on his left, wearing a black suit, is very formal. His gray hair is combed behind his head, and his forehead is wrinkled and sunken. It seems that he is at least 60 or 70 years old. This old man, ye Xiao, and even the whole Chinese people should know him. He is the leader of the ruling party and the No. 1 leader of China!

When he saw Ye Xiao, he also had a kind smile on his face, just like seeing his own children!

As for the one sitting on the right of the old chief executive, ye Xiao naturally knows him. He is now the premier of the State Council. This is the second Chief Executive of China!

The old chief, the first and the second leaders gathered together just to wait for him?

At the sight of such a lineup, Rao Shi Ye Xiao has a very strong psychological quality. At this time, he also makes a fierce jump. No wonder the guards here are so strict. No wonder many powerful breath can't even feel it. If something goes wrong here, China National horse will fall into turmoil!"Good old chief, good chief, good prime minister!" Ye Xiao immediately saluted the three great men with a military salute. The arrogance on his face was already gone. At this time, ye Xiao, anyone who saw it would say that he was a good boy!

"Ha ha, you boy, don't come to this kind of empty, come and sit down quickly!" The old chief executive ha ha ha ha laughs, pats the sofa beside oneself to say!

"Ah..." This makes Ye Xiao stunned. Let him sit with the most powerful old man in China. There will be a lot of pressure, OK!

"Oh, what, if you want to stand, then stand!" Seeing ye Xiao's surprised appearance, the old chief executive laughed!

Ye Xiao wants to stand, but if he has been standing like this, doesn't it make all of you look up at him? He is just a younger generation, how can we make several old people look up at him, so we have to hurry to the old chief's side and sit down, just like a good baby!

Secretary Zhan on one side had already poured a cup of tea, sent it to Ye Xiao's side, and then respectfully withdrew. Here are the three most powerful old people in China. No matter the No.1 or No.2 leaders, they are all promoted and supported by the old leaders!

It can be said that without the old leaders, there would be no today for them!

"You were taken away by the police today?" When ye Xiao was seated, the first chief executive opened his mouth!

"Well!" Ye Xiao nodded. This is Kyoto. What can be hidden from the eyes of the three old people!

"And the military men?" This time it was the prime minister!

"I don't know if it's from the military, but at the last minute there was a military helicopter!" Ye Xiao said honestly!

He just suspected that the other party was probably from the military headquarters, but he was not sure whether it was really the army who intervened!

"There's no need to guess. A report has been sent to Gu CanXue. Gu Yu's troops are acting near Nanniwan when they happen to encounter a road attack. Gu Yu leads his troops to stop the escaping truck and kill the thugs on the spot." At this time, the old chief who has not spoken has spoken!

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