"You don't mean it too much! You really take yourself seriously if you can say such a thing in Hutou Gang Qing Ye's voice rang out, but he was very angry. He didn't expect that ye Wuque was so ignorant of the heaven and earth that he simply did not put their Axe Gang in his eyes.

However, when the young master seems to be dissatisfied, ye Wuqian grabs the leader of the tiger head gang. The leader of the tiger head Gang pinches it in his hand, which looks like carrying a chicken.

"I'll ask you again now! Yan Ruyu, are you going to hand it in or not! If you don't hand it in, I'll make you suffer! Believe me Ye Wuque threatened directly, without any hesitation. He seemed to be extremely strong and even had no hand left.

With Ye Wuqian's words, the people of the Hutou gang were also surprised to the extreme. They didn't expect ye Wuque to be so strong that they didn't pay attention to them. Even the leader of the Hutou gang was so vulnerable in Ye Wuqian's hands.

"What do you want! Let go of our help

Qing Ye's voice rang out and his face changed. He said to Ye Wuxiang in a hurry. He didn't expect that ye Wuque would be so strong today that he didn't even pay attention to their tiger head gang.

"I've made it clear to you! I don't want to do anything to you Hutou Gang! But you Hutou Gang is repeatedly embarrassed me, that Yan Ruyu, no matter how I must get it! If not, you don't have to exist! " Ye Wuqian said frankly, without any taboo, the language is full of strong wind.

With Ye Wuqian's words, the faces of the Hutou Gang's people changed a little. They didn't expect ye Wuque to be so powerful. What they didn't expect was that ye Wuque would hold the leader of the Hutou gang.

"You will completely offend the Hutou Gang! We tiger head Gang is not easy to provoke! I advise you to think twice! " After being held by Ye Wuqian, the leader of the Hutou Gang said coldly. However, he was worried because ye Wuque's strength was so strong that he could not bear it.

"You don't have to threaten me! I am not threatened by you, and I am not afraid of you at all! You just need to hand in Yan Ruyu! " Ye Wuqian said bluntly, but this time it is a strong pole.

In the face of Ye Wuxiang's words, the leader of the Hutou Gang is also very angry, but he dare not act arbitrarily. After all, this matter is extraordinary, and ye Wuque is not an ordinary person. If he acts rashly, he may end up with a broken rhythm.

At this moment, all the people of the Hutou Gang also came out, surrounded the whole Hutou Gang, and surrounded Ye Wuqian with three layers inside and three outside.

"If anything happens to me today, you may not be able to escape! This matter I can not pursue, you can leave now! As long as you let me go! " The leader of the Hutou Gang said frankly, and his expression became a little solemn.

In the face of the tiger head gang leader's words, ye Wuque makes a chuckle, and doesn't take it as a matter. In Ye Wuqian's opinion, the Hutou gang can't threaten himself at all, and ye Wuqian doesn't have any fear in his heart. Naturally, he won't put the leader of the Hutou gang in his eyes.

"Within three minutes, if you don't see Yan Ruyu, today is your death date!" Ye Wuqi looks directly at the leader of the tiger head Gang, but this time his words are extremely fierce.

With Ye Wuxiang's words, the leader's face of the tiger head Gang suddenly became a little ugly. He never thought that ye Wuque would threaten him so naked, but he believed ye Wuque could do what he said.

If he didn't hand Yan Ruyu out, I'm afraid ye Wuque would really do such a thing. At that time, his reputation in life would be buried here.

"Go and bring me that Yan Ruyu!" The leader of the Hutou Gang said that he looked at the green master.

"Sect leader, that Yan Ruyu is something that we finally got! I'm afraid there's something wrong with giving it to him like this! " Qing Ye's look changed, and he said to the leader of the tiger head gang.

"You can get it if you want it! Where does that come from! Do you want to see me die? Or you can be the leader of the tiger head Gang after I die? " The leader said coldly, but he was very angry in his heart.

"I dare not! I'll go now

Qing Ye's look changed, and then he said in a hurry, how could he have such an idea? He is loyal to the Hutou Gang, and the leader of the Hutou Gang is even more central. However, he is not willing to accept it. After all, he has such a beautiful face, but he can hardly get it.

After taking Yan Ruyu out, the green master handed it to Ye Wuqian. After getting Yan Ruyu, ye Wuqian watched for a moment and let down the leader of the tiger head gang.

"Thank you very much! However, you Hutou Gang, if you want to trouble me, you can come and I will accompany you to the end! " Ye Wuqian said bluntly that he did not help any one person for a time, because in Ye Wuqian's opinion, these ordinary people can't threaten themselves, and even for ye Wuqian, these ordinary people have no use."You wait! We tiger head Gang, certainly with you irreconcilable! Within three days, someone will come to trouble you! " The leader of the tiger head Gang is threatening Ye Wuwei. There is a strong wind in his words.

"Trouble with me? It also depends on whether the person has that ability or not Ye Wuqian chuckles and doesn't treat what the leader of the Hutou Gang said as a matter of fact.

At this time, the leader of the Hutou Gang didn't say much, so he made way for ye Wumian to leave. Because the leader of the Hutou Gang knew that they couldn't be ye Wuqian's opponent. If you want to deal with Ye Wuqian, you must let the martial arts fight, and they naturally know it.

When ye Wuqian leaves, the green master looks at the leader of the tiger head gang.

"What are we going to do now, leader? Is this Yan Ruyu taken away by it

Green Ye some unwilling, this just rushed to the help of the tiger head help said, after all, this matter is not trivial.

"Don't worry! Naturally, there is a way to deal with him! This boy is in a rough situation. We are against Hutou gang. I will make him suffer! " The leader of the Hutou Gang said coldly.

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