After getting Yan Ruyu, ye Wuhai comes to the hospital directly, and Zhao Tianhai is on the bed at this time.

"Mr. Ye, why are you here? What's the matter with you? " Zhao Tiantian hastens to inquire and ask, and his expression becomes a little serious.

However, he knew that the tiger head gang was not easy to provoke. Although Yan Ruyu was of great significance to him, he could not have watched Ye Wuqian take the risk. Now that ye Wuque was safe, he was relieved.

"I promised to help you deliver Yan Ruyu to the museum! Naturally, I will not break my promise! " Ye Wuqi finished saying this just took out Yan Ruyu from the hand.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Zhao Tianhai's heart was also startled. He looked at Ye Wuqian with some incredible eyes. He didn't expect that ye Wuque really took this Yan Ruyu to him.

"This Yan Ruyu is not in the hands of the Hutou Gang! How did Mr. Ye get it? "

Zhao Tianhai some incredible, hastily said, do not know is extremely excited, after all, this Yan Ruyu for him, has a great relationship.

"Don't worry! This Yan Ruyu is true! I got it from tiger head Gang! I will send it to the museum now. In this way, your mission will be completed. Even if the tiger head Gang is powerful, it will not be able to get this beauty again! " Ye Wuqian said bluntly.

Hearing ye Wuque's words, Zhao Tianhai nodded again and again, and his expression became somewhat solemn. After all, this matter is not trivial.

"Mr. Ye is very kind to me! There is nothing to repay Zhao Tianhai said, some solemn eyes toward ye Wuque, eyes full of gratitude, and at this time ye Wuque is a face of indifference, and did not take this matter seriously.

"You are sick now! I will send Yan Ruyu back to the museum for you! But you should be careful of the Hutou Gang! I'm afraid they won't let you go easily in the future Ye Wuqi said solemnly to Zhao Tianhai.

"Don't worry! Since Yan Ruyu has returned to the museum, Hutou help them dare not move me! " Zhao Tianhai is extremely confident.

Just at this time, Zhao Tianhai's eyes are toward Ye Wuwei.

"Though they dare not touch me! But you got Yan Ruyu back from their tiger head gang. They will not let you go easily! Mr. Ye, be careful Zhao Tianhai is a little more serious.

"Tut They are just ordinary people! Can't let me how! You don't have to worry about that! " The leaves have no defect, but they are very simple.

"Mr. Ye does not know that the Hutou Gang is not as simple as it seems! I used to hear that the founder of the Hutou Gang is a peerless expert! If they really want to embarrass you, they will report it to you. By then, they will be in trouble! " Hesitating for a moment, Zhao Tianhai said in a hurry.

"Peerless master?"

Hearing this, ye Wuqian frowned slightly. Obviously, he didn't expect that there would be some martial artists in the Hutou gang. Otherwise, how could the tiger head Gang have a peerless expert? This is enough to show that there must be some martial artists in the Hutou sect. This matter is also undeniable.

"Don't worry! Even if they have some peerless experts, they can't hurt me! " Ye Wuqi's voice sounded again.

Hearing ye Wuque's words, Zhao Tianhai was somewhat curious. Obviously, he didn't know why he was so confident. Moreover, he didn't seem to put the founder of Hutou gang in the eye.

After Yan Ruyu is handed over to the museum, ye Wuque's figure comes to the hotel. However, ye Wuque has not entered the hotel, but is stopped by several people.

"You must be Mr. Ye! Welcome to our ninth master

A man said, but there is a bad look in that look.

"Nine masters? I don't seem to know any nine masters! "

Ye Wuque's flat voice rings out, but ye Wuque has already guessed at this time. I'm afraid these people in front of me should have something to do with the Hutou gang.

"It must be that you have more things from the Hutou gang! Our ninth master is here specially for this matter! We are all sensible people! Some things don't need to be so clear! Come with us Those men looked extremely strong, and did not put ye Wuque in his eyes, said to ye Wuque straightforwardly.

To see these men so strong, leaf without lack of this just issued a sneer.

"That's ridiculous! I don't even understand! How strong is your tiger head Gang's deterrence! It's so rampant

The voice of Ye Wuqi rings out, but in this time's speech, there is a fierce color.

"Tut Don't you know how powerful our Hutou Gang is? How dare you offend the people of the Hutou Gang? I think you really don't know what to do. "

The voice of the middle-aged man rings again, but this time it becomes extremely strong.

"Hum! If I don't go today! " Leaf without lack of cold hum, this just said."If you don't go, we will certainly have a way to let you go! But I advise you to be honest. There's no one we can't see who we want to see! " The middle-aged man is threatening Ye Wuwei.

"Tut Is it? It seems that your ninth master has a great deterrent force! Even so! I won't do anything like you tiger head! You go back and tell your ninth master! Just say I won't be with you! If he really wants to see me, let him come in person! " Ye Wuqi did not have the slightest evasion, said coldly.

With ye Wuque's words, the faces of those middle-aged men also changed slightly. They had heard that ye Wuque was crazy, but they didn't expect to see it today.

These people have been following the ninth master all the time. They are cruel and ruthless. Naturally, they don't treat ye Wumian as a matter of fact. They are unwilling to leave with them when they see ye Wuqian. Without any hesitation, these people directly rush towards Ye Wuqian, obviously intending to detain ye Wumian.

"Tut Why, you still want to do something to me

In the presence of the body, only to see the body of the cold smile, but there is no form.

"What if I do it to you! What do you think you are! Even the face of our ninth master doesn't dare not show me that you are impatient to live! " The middle-aged man did not hesitate, directly toward ye Wuque, but in that moment, there was a rush of inner strength on ye Wuque's palm.

A moment later, the middle-aged man's body suddenly flew.

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