"The last word? How is that possible? Master Huang, are you sure you read it correctly! How can this painting be song Yuanqing's last painting? " The owner of the shop was a little surprised. He asked Huang Yi in a hurry. He was curious.

"Of course not! I open a painting gallery in Huangdao! Not many people don't know my name! Are you doubting my eyesight Huang Yi said with some dissatisfaction.

"Of course not, of course not. How dare I doubt master Huang's eyesight! It's just that... " But the shop owner was curious. If this painting was really painted by song Yuanqing, how could he not know it.

"Little brother, the value of your painting is estimated to be over 10 million! I wonder if my little brother can sell this painting to me! I'm willing to buy it with all my strength! "

After pondering for a moment, Huang Yi said to Ye Wuqian in a hurry. His expression became a little solemn. He was obsessed with painting all his life. If he didn't buy it today, I'm afraid he would be unwilling.

"If you don't guess wrong! I'm afraid the value of this painting is far more than ten million! " After hesitating for a moment, ye Wuqian said with a smile. Although ye Wuque didn't know how famous song Yuanqing was in the Song Dynasty, ye Wuque knew that any painting of song Yuanqing could sell for 10 million yuan. I'm afraid that such a masterpiece can be doubled by ten times.

"My little brother is really a man of understanding. The value of this painting is indeed much higher than 10 million! It's just a pity that all my family property is only 10 million! I don't think it's the same thing! " Huang Yi is helpless.

Hearing Huang Yi's words, the shop owner's face was also a little ugly. Unexpectedly, he sold such a valuable painting with 5000 yuan, which was really a loss to grandma's house.

"Little brother! I won't sell this painting! " The shop owner suddenly said that he walked towards ye Wuque and seemed to want to play a rogue.

Although the owner of the shop didn't know whether the painting was song Yuanqing's, even Huang Yi said so, which shows that the painting is not ordinary.

"Are you kidding! You say you don't want to sell the things that have been closed! You're not breaking the rules! Do you really think we don't understand? " Yang Xiaodie's voice sounded, some dissatisfied to the shop owner said, did not expect the shop owner want to play rogue.

"This painting is originally mine. If this is the original work of song Yuanqing, I would be in great loss." After all, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If this is true, isn't it?

"Tut I said boss! As the saying goes, hand in money, hand delivery, my money has been given to your hands, goods are also in my hands! Now of course, the thing is mine. If you want to buy it back, you can! a hundred million! What do you think of it? " Ye Wuque said with a smile.

"Boy, don't bully people too much! Not many people in that antique street dare to offend me The boss's face is a little ugly, which is like a leaf without a lack of threat, it seems to be very strong.

Hearing what the boss said, ye Wuque made a chuckle and didn't treat the boss in front of him for a time.

"You take yourself seriously! I tell you! This is already in my hand. If you dare to rob me, I will let you know the consequences! " Ye Wuwei said with a smile, but in this speech, there is a strong wind, it seems that the shop owner did not put in the eyes.

"There are rules of conduct! What we pay attention to in antique business is credibility! Your painting has been sold to this little brother. Naturally, it is impossible for my little brother to give you the painting. Otherwise, it would be a bad practice! " Huang Yi's voice rang out and looked at the shop owner. There was a strong wind in his voice.

In the face of Huang Yi's words, the shop owner's face changed slightly. Huang Yi had some status in the antique industry of Huangdao. Naturally, he didn't dare to offend him easily. However, if this was really painted by song Yuanqing, it would be very valuable, and he didn't want to lose the chance to make a fortune.

"Since the owner of the Yellow hall has said so, naturally I will not break the rules! It's just bad luck The owner of the shop sighed. It seemed that he was serious.

In the face of the shop owner's words, Huang Yi nodded and then looked at Ye Wuwei.

"Little brother, your painting is worth a lot! If you want an auction! I can contact the auction house for you! At that time, your painting might sell for a high price! I don't have the money to take this painting down! But in the whole Huangdao, there are many rich people! Maybe you can make a lot of money Huang Yi said with a smile. He seemed to be respectful to ye Wuwu.

"Yes Ye Wuxiang agreed directly.

"My business card! Three days later, my little brother came to my painting gallery directly with this painting. I must contact the auction house and spread this matter out! At that time, the influential figures of the whole Huangdao will also be present! If my guess is right, the auction price may be more than 100 million! "Huang Yi said to Ye Wuwei seriously.

"In that case, thank you very much! I'll go to your gallery in three days Ye Wuque said with a smile.

After a few words, Huang Yi left. He seemed very happy. He didn't expect to see song Yuanqing's masterpiece today. This made him extremely happy. Although he didn't get it in the end, it was enough to satisfy him.

"Boss, what are we going to do now! If the value of that painting really exceeds 100 million! Then we have lost a lot Zhao Liu's voice rang out and his face became a little ugly. I didn't expect to find treasure today, but I missed it.

"Hum! This boy is really in a bad luck! I didn't expect such a good thing to be hit by him! But I will not let him succeed! I must have this picture in my hand

There is a chill in boss Wang's eyes. It's not a year or two for him to do the antique business. He is very clear about the road in the antique. If he can't do it clearly, he will come into the shade. Since this painting is not available, ye Wuqian is not willing to hand it over, so he will send someone to grab it. When the painting reaches his hand, he will naturally have a way to sell it.

"Take a few men and take this painting back! Remember! Don't let this boy find out. We'll have a dead end in time

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