"Don't worry about the boss. I will do it well to satisfy the boss." Zhao Liu said seriously, but he was very excited. You know, if this painting is genuine, it is worth more than 100 million.

"Zhao Liu, wait!" When Zhao Liu was ready to leave, the boss's voice rang out again.

"I'll give you a million dollars if I get the picture! You don't have to follow me in the future! Open your own antique shop! Get married and have children

Hearing the boss's words, Zhao Liu's heart is also a joy, this just hastens to nod, seems to be extremely serious, he is just a shop assistant, on weekdays can't make much money, now some opportunities to turn over, he naturally will not let go.

After leaving the antique street, ye Wuque and other figures walked on the street. At this time, Zhang Xinyu kept looking at the calligraphy and painting in ye Wuque's hands.

"I didn't expect that just a painting and calligraphy could sell US $100 million! This is too terrible! I'm afraid the total assets of the whole Zhang group are only 100 million yuan! " Zhang Xinyu exclaimed.

"Sister Yu, you don't know! This thing is very precious! Especially those business families, for this kind of thing are extremely eager to get! Even if it is to spend more money, they will not hesitate, after all, money is nothing in their eyes! "

Yang Xiaodie said, it seems a little indifferent.

"Of course I know that! It's just that I'm just curious! Just a painting and calligraphy can sell at such a high price! If that's the case, we'll mix in antique street every day! Maybe one day I can become the richest man in China! " Zhang Xinyu is obsessed with money.

"Xiaoyu, you are wrong! We are lucky today, so I saw the calligraphy and painting! And in the antique street, there are not many valuable things! Even if you squat in the antique street every day, you may not be able to get good things! So it depends on luck in this respect! " Ye Wuque said with a smile.

"By the way, I always feel that when we leave, the shop owner looks at us a little wrong! He won't send anyone to deal with us Zhang Xinyu suddenly said.

"Are you afraid?" Ye Wuque said with a smile.

"Of course I am not afraid! Isn't there you! If the shop owner dares to make trouble with us, he will kill himself

Zhang Xinyu made a chuckle. It seemed that he was very casual. He did not take this as a matter. He understood ye Wuque's means very well. Now ye Wuqian's strength is extremely strong. Zhang Xinyu has no worries at all.

"Ye Wuwei, your painting is worth more than 100 million yuan! Aren't you going to treat me? " Yang Xiaodie suddenly said.

"What? Now you want to blackmail me? " Ye Wuqi sends out a chuckle.

"Jinjiang Hotel! This hotel is good! Let's stay here tonight. " Zhang Xinyu's steps suddenly stopped and looked at a hotel in front of him. Now that he has walked away with backache, he naturally wants to rest.

After entering the Jinjiang Hotel, Zhang Xinyu and others ordered a few dishes and ate casually, and then came to the reserved room. However, when they were about to enter the room, they saw a beautiful image.

"Wang Xiaotong!" Zhang Xinyu sent out a cry of surprise. Unexpectedly, Wang Xiaotong would appear here.

And at this time in Wang Xiaotong side of Wang Nan saw Zhang Xinyu and others, eyebrows are also slightly a wrinkle.

"Who are you! What's the purpose! Why are you following us all the time? "

Although Wang Nan's voice is not big, it is full of questioning in his speech.

"Is there any mistake! We're not following you! It's just a coincidence. Can you stop talking so bad? " Yang Xiaodie is not happy in her heart, so she says to Wang Nan.

At this time, Wang Nan did not take Yang Xiaodie as a thing, and looked at Wang Xiaotong.

"Boss Zhao is waiting for you in the room! Hurry in, don't let boss Zhao wait for a long time! If boss Zhao is not happy and he withdraws his capital, it will have a great influence on you! "

"Well!" Wang Xiaotong nodded and then looked at Yang Xiaodie.

"I have something else to do. Let's talk about it later." After Yang Xiaodie finished, she walked to the opposite room.

"Why don't you go yet?" See Zhang Xinyu three people are still in place still, Wang Nan this just said to ask a way, look like fly general.

"What a funny thing you said! Why should we go! Our reservation is right here! " Yang Xiaodie is tit for tat.

"Well, Xiaodie, hurry into the room and have a rest! There's nothing to argue with such a man

Zhang Xinyu said without salt and salt, and then she was ready to take Yang Xiaodie to the room. However, ye Wuqian frowned slightly, because ye Wuque heard that the room Wang Xiaotong had just entered was locked.

Although ye Wuwu is aware of the wrong, but did not say anything, this just entered Zhang Xinyu and Yang Xiaodie's room."Cough There is no lack of leaves! What do you want! Do you still want to get rid of me! Do you sleep with sister Yu? " Yang Xiaodie said without good breath.

"Butterfly, what are you talking about! If you talk like that again, I'll ignore you! " Zhang Xinyu's face turned red, and then she said to Yang Xiaodie. Unexpectedly, Yang Xiaodie would say such a thing.

"No, I found something wrong! The room that Wang Xiaotong entered just now was locked! If you're right, he'll be in danger Ye Wuqian said frankly that when he was in the hotel, ye Wuque reminded Wang Xiaotong that something must happen because he was in the hotel.

"The door of the room is locked? What does that mean? " Yang die obviously didn't respond to her curiosity.

"Don't you know what that means! If I tell you, there is still a man in the room! You should know what you mean by now Ye Wuqi spoke again.

With ye Wuque's words, Yang Xiaodie's face became ruddy, because he seemed to think of something bad.

"No, Wang Xiaotong is in danger! Does that boss Zhao want to insult her? " Yang Xiaodie Leng for a moment, this just hastens to say, the expression becomes some serious.

"If you're right, it should be like this!" Ye Wumian did not have the slightest taboo, nodded, it seems to be extremely casual, after all, he and Wang Xiaotong are not very familiar.

At this time, in another room, a middle-aged man locked the door, and then he looked at Wang Xiaotong.

"Xiaotong, you should know what I mean by calling you here! I've helped you a lot these years! I'll make you red and purple! Without me! I'm afraid we don't have this achievement today! " Zhao Tianya said, will look at Wang Xiaotong, but that eye looks like to eat Wang Xiaotong in general.

"Thanks to the support of boss Zhao these years, if there is no support from boss Zhao! I'm afraid I can't be purple and red! Today I come here to repay boss Zhao! " Wang Xiaotong said.

"Have you figured it out?" Zhao Tianya's heart a joy, seems to be extremely excited, originally he also intended to use strong, did not expect in Wang Xiaotong unexpectedly so discerning.

"There are ten million in the bank card! It's all my savings over the years! Although boss Zhao didn't hit me so much as 10 million, at least there were 8 million! That's why it's not a tribute! " Wang Xiaotong directly took out a bank card from his body and handed it to Zhao Tianya.

"What do you mean?" Zhao Tianya frowned. He thought Wang Xiaotong had figured it out, but he didn't expect Wang Xiaotong had come up with such a set for himself.

"Nothing else! Just want to repay boss Zhao! I hope boss Zhao doesn't mind! " Wang Xiaotong's voice rings again.

"Hum! Wang Xiaotong! Isn't that a bit of a rip off! You know I like you, so I help you! Do you think you can give me ten million and not owe me? " Zhao Tianya looks a little ugly and says to Wang Xiaotong.

I owe you back, Zhao! And there are some things I have said very clearly! I won't be with you if I have something else to do! "

After Wang Xiaotong finished, he opened the anti lock door. What Wang Xiaotong didn't expect was that the door was not only locked from the inside, but also from the outside.

"What's the matter? This door... " Wang Xiaotong's face changed a little.

"You don't have to waste your effort! The door is locked inside and outside! You can't go out without my permission! " Zhao Tianya sneered and said, it seems that he will be a little proud.

"What do you mean?" Wang Xiaotong's look changed and he looked at Zhao Tianya.

"Nothing else! Just want you to accompany me all night! As long as you accompany me for one night, after you walk your yangguandao, I cross my log bridge, we do not owe each other! If you don't! Then I'll ruin you! I think you should know how deep this muddy water in the entertainment industry is! " Zhao Tianya threatens Wang Xiaotong.

"Zhao Tianya! It's mean of you to do so! I've already given you ten million! What else do you want! That's all I have! What you gave me, I have already returned it to you with interest! "

Wang Xiaotong's face is a little ugly.

"Tut I hit you so much on the head! Do you think you just want you to repay me for this? How ridiculous Zhao Tianya sneers and walks towards Wang Xiaotong step by step.

"What do you want! Don't come here! If you come back again, I'll call out! "

Wang Xiaotong's figure retreated to the rear.

"Shout, shout as much as you can! I've arranged everything. You can't get out of my hand today! And I'll tell you! If you obediently from me, in the future you can still big purple big red! If you don't follow me! After that, it's the mud that can't hold up the wall! " Zhao Tianya threatens again, and his expression seems to be a little indecent.

But at this time, Wang Xiaotong didn't care so much. He ran to the door, pulled the door and yelled at the door."Wang Nan, Wang Nan, are you there! Open the door

Wang Xiaotong's voice constantly rings, seems to be extremely anxious.

"You don't have to waste your time! Wang Nan, he is my man now! incorrect! Wrong! He's always been my man! He locked the door from the outside! Do you think he might open the door? "

Zhao Tianya sneered.

"It's you! You planted the eyeliner early in order to deal with me! " Wang Xiaotong's voice rang out and her expression became a little ugly.

"Against you? Tut I'm afraid you think too much of yourself! I'm just letting her watch you! " Liu Tianya finish saying, this just fiercely toward Wang Xiaotong pours in the past.

At this time, Wang Xiaotong is also struggling, constantly patting the door, standing outside the door Wang Nan is smoking cigarettes, looks very insipid.

"What the hell are you doing in the room! Open the door quickly! Is something wrong with Wang Xiaotong? "

At this time, Yang Xiaodie's body shape walked out of the room and looked at Wang Nan.

"Mind your own business, you three! This is not something you can manage Wang Nan has a cigarette in her mouth, which seems to be extremely domineering.

"Open the door!" Ye Wuqi looks at Wang Nan and threatens him.

"Open the door? Who do you think you are? " Wang Nan did not leave no lack when things back, cold words toward the leaves said.

But before Wang Nan's words were finished, ye Wuqian slapped Wang Nan, and instantly knocked Wang Nan to the ground, which seemed to be extremely strong.

"I don't like to talk much! Since I told you to open the door, just open it! Why say so much! " After ye Wumian finished, he walked towards the room. At this time, Wang Xiaotong was pressed on the bed by Zhao Tianya, looking helpless.

"Let go of him!" Ye Wuque's cold voice rings out and looks at Zhao Tianya.

In fact, ye Wuqian and Wang Xiaotong are not very familiar with each other. If Yang Xiaodie had not asked Ye Wuqian to save Wang Xiaotong, ye Wuqian would not have been more concerned about this business.

"Who are you! How dare you meddle in my business! You are impatient to live Zhao Tianya's expression became a little cold, did not expect that ye Wuqi could run in the wild, which naturally made him feel quite uncomfortable.

"I advise you not to make trouble for yourself! Wang Nan has been beaten to the ground! Do you want to get down too! " Zhang Xinyu's voice rang out and said coldly to Zhao Tianya.

Hearing Zhang Xinyu's words, Zhao Tianya's brow was also slightly wrinkled. He didn't know who these three people were, so he didn't dare to act rashly.

However, at this time, dozens of body shape is an instant into the room, with the guy in hand, it looks like Zhao Tianya's subordinates.

"Boss, are you all right?"

A man quickly looks at Zhao Tian. Yang Fangxu inquires, and his expression becomes a little fierce.

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