"Damn it! What's the use of you people! It was almost done! Someone ran in! " Zhao Tianya scolded a big, this just calls the eye to look toward the leaf without missing.

"I don't know who they are! Can you give your name! I'd like to see what they can do! How dare you even manage my affairs Zhao Tian said coldly, and looked at the crowd.

In the face of Zhao Tianya's words, ye Wuque is laughing.

"Just a few of us! But even if you men are here, you can't be safe! You'd better let Wang Xiaotong go! To avoid hurting the harmony Ye Wuque said with a smile.

"Hum! You don't know what to do! Knowing that so many of my men are here, you dare to let me let them go! I don't think I dare to touch you Zhao Tianya said coldly.

"Dare you! Do you know who he is! If you dare to move him, you will not be able to get along in the whole Huangdao! " Yang Xiaodie's threats seem serious.

At this time, Zhao Tianya heard Yang Xiaodie's words, and his heart was also a little afraid. After all, ordinary people can't dare to move on the Lord Tai Sui. That is to say, ye Wuqian and others will have a backing. Otherwise, they would not dare to be so arrogant.

"Who is he? I really want to know! " Zhao Tianya asked coldly.

"Do you know Jinlong group?" Yang Xiaodie asked, but the words are quite meaningful.

"Of course! There is no one in Huangdao, we don't know Jinli group! But don't tell me what you have to do with Jinli group Zhao Tianya said coldly.

"Well, I tell you! Even if it is the young master of Jinlong group, Longyan will bow and bow when he sees us! You guys are nothing! How dare you disrespect us Yang Xiaodie put on airs and looked quite imposing.

At this time, Zhang Xinyu behind Yang Xiaodie, heard Yang Xiaodie's words, but also issued a burst of chuckle.

"Ha ha I'm really scared Zhao Tianya burst into laughter. If Yang Xiaodie were the rich second generation of other groups, he might give them face. Unexpectedly, Yang Xiaodie said that he knew the young master of Jinlong group, and that the young master of Jinlong group would bow down in front of them. This is just a big joke.

You know, in the whole Huangdao Golden Dragon Group, that is the most powerful force. No one can compare with the golden dragon group. This is enough to show how strong the Golden Dragon Group is. As the young master of the golden dragon group, he will be the helmsman of the Golden Dragon Group in the future. How could he bow and bow to these people in front of him.

"What! You don't believe what I said Yang Xiaodie sends out a sneer and looks at Zhao Tianya. However, in this speech, it is quite meaningful.

"Of course I don't believe it! How could the young master of Jinlong group bow to you! Don't you flatter yourself too much by saying this? " Zhao Tianya sneers and says that he doesn't take Yang Xiaodie's words seriously.

See Zhao Tianya simply do not believe what he said, Yang Xiaodie this just picked up the mobile phone.

"If you don't believe it, I'll call him now and ask him to come right away!" After Yang Xiaodie finished, this just made the phone call, said a few words in the phone, this just hung up the phone.

"If you're right, in 20 minutes! He will bring people here! I'd like to see if you are powerful or if he is. " Yang Xiaodie said with great significance.

In the face of Yang Xiaodie's words, ye Wuqian on one side also has a convulsive color on her face. Unexpectedly, Yang Xiaodie actually called, and she was so serious that she made some embarrassment.

"You won't really call Longyan, will you?" Ye Wuwei had a moment, and then he said to Yang Xiaodie in a hurry.

"Of course! Let him come here, won't it solve the problem? You don't have to do it! I'll give him some color to see, otherwise he really thinks we are easy to make trouble with Yang Xiaodie said frankly.

At this time, ye Wuque hears Yang Xiaodie's words, but he is quite helpless. However, ye Wuque is really curious. Where does Yang Xiaodie come from Longyan telephone?

"Girl, 20 minutes is what you said. If I can't see anyone in 20 minutes! Then you guys are done! I'll make you worse than dead! " Zhao Tianya sneers and says to Yang Xiaodie that it seems to be very strong.

"Don't talk to me! Put Wang Xiaotong down for me first! When the Dragon comes up! I will let him teach you a good lesson! You really don't know the height of the earth Yang Xiaodie speaks again, but the spoken language is getting better and better.

"Cough..." At this time, Zhang Xinyu also issued a light cough, with an embarrassed color on her face.

After Wang Xiaotong was released, he hastened to look at Yang Xiaodie.

"You'd better get out of here! This matter has nothing to do with you. You don't have to bear such a risk with me! "

"Sister Xiaotong, what you said is out of the ordinary! We have been friends since we knew each other! Friends should help each other! Besides, you can rest assured! With him, there will be no more problems! " Yang Xiaodie looks at ye Wuwu and says with great significance.In the face of Yang Xiaodie's words, ye Wuqian shook his head helplessly and didn't say anything more.

"Little girl, you'll be here in 20 minutes! I'd like to see if you have the ability to call long Shao here! " Zhao Tianya said with a sneer.

The reason why Zhao Tianya said this is because Zhao Tianya is very confident in his heart. What kind of character is long Shao and how could he come here.

Just as Zhao Tianya sneered, dozens of luxury cars were parked outside the hotel. From these dozens of luxury cars, 20 or 30 people came down. The leader was Longyan, and even long Tian was on the side.

"What's going on? Who offended Jinlong group! I didn't expect that the two young people of Jinlong group came to the hotel with so many people! It seems that something is going to happen! " Many people on the scene exclaimed in succession when they saw the scene in front of them. They were curious. Obviously, they didn't know who it was. They were so bold that they dared to offend the young master of Jinlong group.

"Big brother, there seems to be a lot of people coming down here!" A little brother looked at Zhao Tianya and said in a hurry that his heart became a little nervous.

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