"Who is it?" Zhao Tianya in the heart some curiosity, this just makes a speech to ask a way.

"It's like the dragon of golden dragon group!" The little brother was stunned for a moment, and then he said in a hurry. His face became a little ugly. I didn't know that the dragon of Jinlong group was the local emperor in the whole Huangdao. No one dared to offend him easily.

"Well! Now you know how good we are Yang Xiaodie is extremely proud and looks at Zhao Tianya.

"Mr. Ye, I don't know who offended you!" Longyan's figure appears, and he looks at Ye Wuwei. There are more than 20 people behind him. It seems that the momentum is very strong.

"It's nothing to offend me! But I want him to let go! " Ye Wuxiang shrugs his shoulders, which makes him look at Zhao Tianya.

At this time, Zhao Tianya saw the scene in front of him, and his face changed slightly. He didn't expect that long Shao of Jinlong group would really appear, and he seemed extremely respectful to these people in front of him.

"Aren't you from the Zhao group! Zhao Tianya! How dare you! Mr. Ye dares to offend! Don't you want to open up the Zhao group? " Long Shao's cold voice sounded. Although Zhao's group is a relatively large enterprise in Huangdao, it is not worth mentioning in front of Jinlong group. If Jinlong group wants to deal with Zhao group, it is also a matter of randomness.

"This Misunderstanding, this is a big misunderstanding! I didn't know that this gentleman was from long Shao! How much to offend, how much to offend! "

Zhao Tianya said in a hurry, and then let Wang Xiaotong go. It seemed that he was extremely respectful. After all, long Shao could not offend him.

"You're wise! Mr. Ye is my VIP! If you dare to offend him in the future, I will let you Zhao's group go down in smoke! "

Long Shao's voice sounded again, but this time it was extremely powerful, and it seemed to be extremely powerful.

After hearing long Shao's words, Zhao Tianya nodded repeatedly, and his expression became dignified for a while. Obviously, he didn't expect that he would offend Jinlong group because of this.

When Zhao Tianya leaves, Longyan looks at ye Wumian.

"Mr. Ye, if you feel any dissatisfaction! We Jinlong group can help you deal with Zhao group! I don't know what Mr. Ye thinks Longyan asked.

"No! I don't like to make trouble! I don't want to trouble your financial group! That's it with this thing! " Ye Wuqi said.

Hearing ye Wuque's words, long Shao nodded and didn't say anything more.

When long Shao and others leave, Yang Xiaodie looks at Wang Xiaotong.

"Are you all right?"

"It's OK. Thank you. I'm afraid I would be in danger today without you." Wang Xiaotong sincerely to ye Wuque and other thanks, but at this time Wang Xiaotong for ye Wuque is a little different.

In the restaurant, ye Wuqian once said that he had a disaster, but now it has come true. Finally, it has turned out to be a disaster.

"If I dare to trouble you again, boss Zhao! Tell me! I will teach him a good lesson Yang Xiaodie has become extremely loyal.

Ye Wuqian on one side hears Yang Xiaodie's words, but she laughs secretly. Yang Xiaodie obviously suppresses boss Zhao by means of her own authority. Unexpectedly, she still says that she is so strong.

"Don't worry! This boss Zhao is also an understanding person! Some things can be done and some things can't be done. Since he knows that we have a relationship with Jinlong group, he doesn't dare to do anything to Wang Xiaotong! " Zhang Xinyu said, the words are quite meaningful.

In the face of Zhang Xinyu's words, one side of the leaf Wuque also nodded, because Zhang Xinyu's words are indeed right.

"By the way, a few days later, I have a wine party in Huangdao! Do you want to join us! It's just to help me flush my popularity! " Wang Xiaotong said with a smile.

"You are a big star! I'm afraid there are plenty of people who want to attend your party! Why should we be popular! But if you have said that, we will not refuse! " Ye Wuque said with a smile that, after all, the main purpose of their coming to Huangdao this time was to play. Since Wang Xiaotong invited him, ye Wuque naturally would not refuse.

Hearing this, Wang Xiaotong also made a chuckle.

Three days later, ye Wuqian came to Huang Yi's painting gallery with his calligraphy and paintings. This painting of song Yuanqing's calligraphy and painting is a genuine work. If it is auctioned, it will surely sell for a sky high price.

Just came to this painting gallery, but a body shape stopped Ye Wuxiang.

"Who are you! This is the gallery! Not everyone can go in! Master Huang Yi is really painting inside! Don't disturb me The young man seems to have good facial features and elegant appearance, but the words are a bit sharp, and it seems that he did not treat Ye Wuqian and other people as a matter.

"We are here to find master Huang Yi!" Ye Wuwei hesitated for a moment, then he said.

"As I said just now, master Huang Yi is painting inside! What's more, my master can see you when you want to see him! "The young man in front of him, named Zhao Yun, is Huang Yi's tenth disciple. He is arrogant and charming by nature, and has extraordinary talent. Therefore, he was accepted as a disciple by Huang Yi.

"How can you do this! We are also your master's guest! Not only do you not treat each other politely, but you speak disrespectfully! Is that what your master taught you? " Yang Xiaodie said with some dissatisfaction and looked at the young man.

As soon as Yang Xiaodie said this, the young man's face was also a little ugly. Obviously, he didn't expect that Yang Xiaodie would dare to talk to him like this. It was just a matter of life and death.

"This is my master's painting gallery! I'll let you in if I want you in. If I don't want you to go in, you can't get in! Who do you think you are! How dare you behave in front of me Zhao Yun was quite dissatisfied. As a disciple of Huang Yi, he was a respectable figure in Huangdao. He didn't expect that any girl would dare to be rude to her.

"Cut, you really take yourself seriously!" Yang Xiaodie snorted coldly and didn't put Zhao Yun in his eyes at all.

At this time, Zhang Xinyu saw the scene in front of her, but she shook her head, and then she said with a smile.

"We are indeed the guests of master Huang Yi! If he is really painting, we can wait for him in this gallery! "

"No! My master never receives the guests without appointment! Let's go Zhao Yun's voice sounded again. He looked extremely proud and charming. He didn't even want to be able to do things once.

"Zhao Yun, what are you doing! Who are they? "

Just as Zhao Yun was going to ask for leave, a man in his 30s came out. He was the eldest disciple of Huang Yi. He was extremely calm.

"They said they wanted to find the master! But I think it's a bluff! Then they are gone Zhao yundao is also very impolite, said frankly.

The big disciple heard Zhao Yun's words, but his brow was slightly wrinkled. Then he hastily looked at ye Wuque and other people.

"How many names do you know?"

"My name is ye Wuque!" Ye Wuque was extremely straightforward and gave his name.

"It's Mr. Ye! The master has been waiting in the gallery for a long time! Please follow me The man looked extremely respectful, and said to Ye Wuwei in a hurry.

However, his master said that when he was in the antique street, he met an expert who was Ye Wuqian. He not only knew song Yuanqing's calligraphy and painting at a glance, but also gave people great momentum. The reason why he went out this time was to ask for money to meet him at the gate.

"Has your family been waiting in the art gallery for a long time? Tut Don't you, the people of the painting gallery, don't you let us in? " Although Yang Xiaodie's voice is not big, it is quite meaningful in his words.

With Yang Xiaodie's words, Zhao Yun's face on one side is also a little ugly. Unexpectedly, the man in front of him is Mr. Ye.

"Zhao Yun, do you want to apologize to Mr. Ye! Do you know who Mr. Ye is! How dare you offend Mr. Ye The middle-aged man did not hesitate, said to Zhao Yun in a hurry.

At this moment, Zhao Yun's heart is also quite helpless, because Zhao Yun knows that if he doesn't apologize today, I'm afraid this matter can't pass.

"Sorry, I didn't know Mount Tai just now! Don't argue with me After Zhao Yun apologized, he made a gesture of invitation.

At this time, ye Wuqian apologized sincerely when he saw Zhao Yun. After all, Zhao Yun is a disciple of Huang Yi, so he can't blame him too much.

When he came to the painting gallery, ye Wuque saw Huang Yi painting a picture with flying dragons and Phoenix dancing. It seemed that the technique was extremely exquisite, which made Ye Wuqian admire him.

"Brother Ye is here! I've contacted the auction house for you! This time, your song Yuanqing's words will surely be sold at a high price Huang Yi was extremely polite, and said to Ye Wuqian in a hurry.

"The master of Huangguan has taken great care! After the auction, I will give 10% of the quota to the owner of the yellow house! It's a reward to the master of the Yellow hall! " Ye Wuque said with a smile.

"Little brother ye, I'm not sure! I'm just trying to get in touch! How can you let ye xiaobrother spend money? " Huang Yi said with a smile, but the brush in his hand didn't stop at all. In an instant, a painting was finished, which seemed to have a certain charm.

"Good painting! I didn't expect that the master Huang's painting skills were so good! " Seeing the scene in front of him, ye Wuqian also said repeatedly and praised it.

At this time, Huang Yi also stopped, stopped his pen in his hand, and came to Ye Wuqian's face.

"Let's go to the film store now." After Huang Yi finished, he looked at Zhao Yun.

"Hold the picture for Mr. Ye!"

Hearing Huang Yi's words, Zhao Yunleng for a moment, then hurried toward Ye Wuqian.

"That's not necessary! Take me! I dare not trouble the students of your painting gallery Ye Wuque said in a hurry.

"Mr. Ye, do you still mind me! If not, why would Mr. ye say so? "Zhao Yun said in a hurry. He looked at ye Wuwu, but in his words, it was quite meaningful.

"Of course not! How could I mind you? " Ye Wuqi said with a slight smile that he handed the painting to Zhao Yun.

"I just don't want to bother the students of the painting gallery, but since the master of Huang Yi is so kind! Naturally, I will not fail to live up to the beauty of the master of the Yellow hall! " After ye Wuqian finished speaking, he walked out of the gallery.

At this time, when Huang Yi saw that the painting had arrived in Zhao Yun's hand, he was also very happy. In his eyes, there was a flash of light.

"Mr. Ye, you three will take that car! My disciples and I will take this car! It's about ten minutes from the auction house! " After Huang Yi finished, he got on the bus.

But at this time ye Wuque brow is slightly wrinkled, because ye Wuque seems to feel something wrong, but at this time ye Wuque did not say much, and got on the bus directly.

After Huang Yi and Zhao Yun arrive at another car, Huang Yi looks at the painting in Zhao Yun's hand.

"Song Yuanqing's original work! I didn't expect that I really got the original song Yuanqing! "

Huang Yi uttered a roar of laughter, which seemed greedy.

"Master, didn't you just say that the Song Yuan Qing medicine was taken for auction?" Zhao Yun is a head of fog, will look at Huang Yi.

"This is song Yuanqing's original work! The world is hard to find! What a pity to take it to auction! We should take it for ourselves! Only in this way can we keep song Yuanqing's original works from fading away! " Huang Yi said frankly.

"Master, but if you do this, how can ye Wuqian fool the past?" Zhao Yun's face is a little ugly, although Zhao Yun is usually arrogant, but let him do such a thing, it is a sense of shame in the heart.

"Don't worry! I've drawn a picture early! What's more, it's imitated by sending eyes! When you get to the auction house, you can auction this fake painting! " Song Yuanqing sent out a sneer in the speech, is quite meaningful.

At this moment, Zhao Yun heard this, but he was also quite helpless.

"Don't let it out! When I get to the auction house, I will take the money for the fake painting, and you will take away the original one! Find a secret place to hide, and then take it out after the storm Huang Yi's expression this time became a little solemn.

In the face of Huang Yi's words, Zhao Yun also repeatedly nodded, and did not dare to disobey Huang Yi's meaning.

After arriving at the auction house, Huang Yi came down from the car with a fake painting, while Zhao Yun did not get down from the car.

"Why, don't Zhao Yun go! How to draw it in master Huang's hands Yang Xiaodie asked curiously.

"Just now, someone said that we need to draw a water curtain! So I let him go back Huang Yi's expression became extremely indifferent, and then he said with a smile.

In the face of Huang Yi's words, Yang Xiaodie nodded. It seemed that he was a bit casual. He didn't find Huang Yi cheating him.

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