After Zhao Jianhua finished, he looked at the missing cards.

"Open your own points!" Ye Wuqi's words are extremely insipid, but this tone is very confident.

"Half past eight! Ha ha It seems that you are not lucky! "

Zhao Jianhua issued a surprise sound, this just put his cards out, only saw an eight and a peach K appeared, add up to just 8:30.

When the audience saw the scene in front of them, they were also surprised. They didn't expect Zhao Jianhua to be so lucky? The first touch is at 8:30. In this way, I'm afraid that ye Wuqian will be in danger here.

"There is no lack of leaves! Don't worry. Look at the cards! It's OK to lose this one! " Zhang Xinyu comforts Ye Wuhou, because Zhang Xinyu knows that it is difficult for Zhang Xinyu to win this set.

"I'm so sorry! You lost! It's just half a point

Ye Wuqi's voice rang out and took down the nine and the cross in his hand. When the audience saw the scene in front of him, they were also surprised to the extreme. They didn't expect Ye Wuqi's luck to be so good.

"How could it be!" Zhao Jianhua's voice rang out, and his heart was filled with surprise. He didn't expect that his number of points was so large that he was suppressed by Ye Wuqi, which made him feel quite upset. The number of 10 million is not a small number.

"Give me that card! He has lost! " Ye Wumian looks at the dealer, and the dealer does not hesitate at all. He directly gives the bank card to ye Wuque. After all, they have made an agreement just now. Whoever loses is 10 million.

See ye Wuque take the bank card, Zhao Jianhua's face is also difficult to see the extreme, did not expect ye Wuque should be so difficult to deal with.

"It seems that Zhao's luck is not very good! In the future, if we are lucky, we'll have another game! " Ye Wuwei said with a smile that he was ready to leave.

"Wait! We just gambled! One is nothing! Let's make a few more bets Zhao Jianhua said frankly that he obviously wanted to get back the ten million he had lost. After all, this is all his property. Although Zhao's group is extremely large, his personal property rights are not too much.

"You have lost ten million! What else do you want to bet me? " However, ye Wuwu becomes extremely straightforward and looks at Zhao Jianhua.

"I really lost ten million to you! But how do you know I don't have any money! " Zhao Jianhua is quite displeased. He is he et al. In the whole Huangdao City, he is the famous Zhao Dashao.

"If you're right! You really have no money! Otherwise, why is the confidence so insufficient? " Ye Wuqi uttered a chuckle and said in a meaningful way.

With ye Wuque's words, Zhao Jianhua said coldly.

"You are nonsense! Who says I don't have money! We're gambling 10 million! " Zhao Jianhua said coldly.

"Yes! Since Zhao Dashao wants to gamble like this! Then I will accompany you to the end! But I can say the ugliness ahead! If you can't get the money, I won't bet with you! " After ye Wuqian finished, he only painted 10 million yuan.

At this time, Zhao Jianhua saw the scene in front of him, and his face was also embarrassed, because there was not much money in his card, so he could not pay 10 million yuan.

"Well, didn't you say you still have money! Now the card can't be painted Ye Wuque said with a smile.

"I don't have much cash with me today! But I can owe it first. I am the majority of Zhao's group. What I said should have some weight. " Zhao Jianhua said, it seems that he would like to break even.

"What you say is very important! But I tell you, if you really want to bet with me! Then we'll play a big game! How to bet 50 million this time Ye Wuque said with a smile.

When the audience heard Ye Wuqian's words, their expression changed slightly. They didn't expect Ye Wuqian to say so. To know that 50 million yuan is an extremely huge asset. Even if it is Zhao's group, it is quite difficult to come up with 50 million yuan.

"That's what you said! Don't you regret it Zhao Jianhua said in a cold voice that he didn't expect Ye Wuqian to play such a big game. In this case, he couldn't be weak. If not, wouldn't it be a joke to the audience?

"50 million! My god? It's too much of a bet The crowd at the scene screamed in succession. Unexpectedly, ye Wuqian and Zhao Jianhua had such a big bet.

"Deal the cards!" Ye Wuqi's speech seems to be extremely insipid, but at this time Zhao Jianhua's heart is extremely nervous.

You know, he is penniless now. If he loses the 50 million yuan, he will not be able to repay. Although Zhao's group does belong to their family, if his father knows about this, his father will not let him go easily, so he can't lose.

Thinking of this, Zhao Jianhua's heart is even more nervous. You know, this is 50 million yuan. Even if their Zhao group takes 50 million yuan, it is also a huge asset."Open it up!"

At this time when Zhao Jianhua was extremely worried, ye Wuqian's voice rang out, and directly spread out his own card.

"Two thirty! It's two thirty! "

The people present felt Ye Wuqian at 2:30, and their faces changed a little. They didn't expect Ye Wuqian's luck to be so bad. You know, this is 50 million yuan. If ye Wuqian loses this time, you can imagine how miserable it will be.

"There is no lack of leaves!" Yang Xiaodie's look changed. Apparently, she didn't expect ye Wuwu to touch 2:30.

"Never mind! I have my own discretion! Even at half past two! There is no problem! I'll take 50 million! " Ye Wuque became extremely indifferent. He said frankly that he was full of confidence in his words. He did not treat Zhao Jianhua as a matter in front of him.

Hearing ye Wuque's words, Zhao Jianhua made a burst of laughter, which seemed extremely arrogant.

"God help me! I thought I was going to lose! I didn't expect you touched two and a half! Do you want to beat me with that? Isn't it a little too funny! " Zhao Jianhua said coldly.

In the face of Zhao Jianhua's words, ye Wuqian is not convinced.

"You just open the cards! I'm sure you don't have as many points as I do! So you must lose this time! " Ye Wuque did not have the slightest taboo, said frankly.

Hearing ye Wuque's words, Zhao Jianhua burst out laughing, which brought out his own points, and the people present were also extremely looking forward to it.

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