"Half past one How could that be possible! " After seeing his own points, Zhao Jianhua's body suddenly trembled, and his face changed a little. You know, he put 50 million yuan into it.

"I guess so! Your points are not as big as mine! That is to say, you have to pay me 50 million! "

Ye Wuqi sends out a sneer and looks at Zhao Jianhua in a meaningful way.

At this time, Zhao Jianhua's face was as gloomy as water. 50 million yuan was not a small amount for their Zhao group.

"Mr. Zhao! I don't know when you are going to give it to me! " Ye Wuqi's voice rings again, but this time it is quite meaningful.

"Hum! You must have cheated! Otherwise, how do you know my points are smaller than you! It doesn't count! "

Zhao Jianhua snorted coldly, and then he said frankly to ye Wuwu.

The people present heard Zhao Jianhua's words, but also sent out a burst of exclamations. They didn't expect that as a young master of Zhao's group, he wanted to pay off his debts.

"Tut What you said is ridiculous! How can I cheat! How do you see that! What evidence do you have that I cheat? " Ye Wuque said with a sneer.

With ye Wuque's words, Zhao Jianhua's look was also a little ugly, because he did not see how ye Wuque cheated.

"Hum! I don't care! Anyway, I won't give it to you! You can't get it Zhao Jianhua snorted coldly, which seemed to be extremely powerful.

Zhao Jianhua said this with a sneer.

"Take the gamble and admit defeat! Now that you've gambled, and you've lost! No matter what, you have to give this 50 million to me! Otherwise, I'll make your life worse than death Ye Wuqian directly threatened him. Up to now, there are not many people who dare to act wildly in front of Ye Wuqian. Ye Wuque naturally will not treat Zhao Jianhua as a matter of course.

"Hum! Who do you think you are! And threaten me! It depends on whether you have this capital! " Zhao Jianhua said coldly.

"Zhao Jianhua, are you too shameless! This is your agreement, 50 million you should be willing to take a gamble and give it up! Otherwise, it will not damage the prestige of your Zhao group! " Wang Xiaotong said.

"Wang Xiaotong! Don't say more! Don't think I don't know! You and he must be in collusion to get benefits from me! I'm not finished with you! It must be your bureau today! Want me to jump out of here Zhao Huajian Lianlian said, obviously want to get rid of his shameless said.

"Isn't that ridiculous! If I'm not wrong, you should be responsible for my appearance today! If you hadn't invited me to the casino, how could I have been here? " Ye Wuque said with a sneer.


Hearing ye Wuque's words, Zhao Huajian's expression also changed a little, because ye Wuque's words were indeed right. Today, it was he who invited ye Wuque to the gambling house in person. His purpose was to show ye Wuque some color. Unexpectedly, he made himself so embarrassed.

"It seems that Mr. Zhao of Zhao's group can't afford to lose! Isn't it 50 million? Is there such a dilemma? " Zhang Xinyu said with a smile, but in this speech, it is quite meaningful.

With Zhang Xinyu's words, all the people present nodded again and again, and their eyes flashed with brilliance. They were filled with disdain for Zhao Jianhua. They didn't expect that Zhao Jianhua would do such a thing.

"Mr. Zhao, leave now! I'm not going to call you anything! But you Zhao group owes me 50 million, this matter I will certainly ask for justice! Within three days, if you Zhao's group doesn't hit 50 million on my card! You must know the consequences! " Ye Wuxiang is a direct threat.

"You threaten me?"

Zhao Jianhua's eyes flashed with cold light, and his eyes looked toward Ye Wuqian. Who was he? The youngest son of the whole Zhao family? And the only successor of the Zhao family? Unexpectedly, ye Wuque dared to threaten him, which made him angry.

"Threatening you? I'm afraid you are not qualified. I'm just warning you! In three days, if I don't receive money from your Zhao group! I'm afraid you Zhao's group will have a bad time! " Ye Wuqi spoke again, but this time his words became extremely strong.

After all, they didn't know ye Wuqian, and they didn't know what he had. They even dared to say so.

"Good, good! We Zhao's group will be able to wait for you

Zhao Jianhua said coldly. It seems that he is extremely strong. He doesn't take what ye Wuqian said as a matter of fact. Their Zhao group is in the whole Huangdao, which is the mainstream force. How can they be afraid of Ye Wuque?

At this time, ye Wuqian saw Zhao Jianhua and said in a cold voice, but he didn't treat Zhao Jianhua as a thing. It seemed that he was very calm.

When Zhao Jianhua leaves, Wang Xiaotong looks at ye Wuwu."Mr. Ye, the Zhao group is not easy to provoke! Let's forget the 50 million! In order not to create extra branches! " Wang Xiaotong hastens to look at Ye Wuqian. After all, Zhao's group is quite rich in financial resources. If you want to deal with Ye Wuqian, you may be in danger.

"Don't worry! I have my own discretion in this matter, and you don't have to ask more about it! " Leaf without lack is to become extremely simple, said frankly.

In the face of Ye Wuque, Wang Xiaotong nodded helplessly. However, he was still worried.

Soon after, ye Wuqian and his three people left the banquet, but at this time ye Wuque's mobile phone rang, which was called by long Tian.

"Mr. Ye, I'm ready for the auction! And this song Yuanqing's calligraphy and painting I have been appraised! It is said that the appraisal can reach 100 million yuan! I wonder if Mr. Ye will be satisfied with this price! " Long Tian's voice rings in the phone.

"Well done! It seems that I have to thank you Ye Wuque said with a smile.

"Mr. Ye is very polite! It's just a small matter. I'll be waiting for Mr. Ye in the auction house tomorrow! " Long Tian said with a smile.

In the face of long Tian's words, ye Wuqian nodded his head. His expression seemed a little dignified. After all, the calligraphy and painting had a value of 100 million yuan, which should not be underestimated.

"Ye Wuque, did Zhao Jianhua not give you 50 million after three days, are you really ready to make a big fuss over the whole Zhao group?" Zhang Xinyu asked.

"Tut After three days, I will make Zhao Jianhua regret what he did today Ye Wuque said with a sneer.

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