"Almsgiver, there is no end to the bitter sea! You just need to kneel down to Mr. Zhao and admit your mistake! I will not investigate this matter! My Buddha is particular about a forgiveness. If you admit your mistake, you will not be killed! " The Abbot's voice rang out, and he looked at Ye Wuwei with a solemn look on his face.

In the face of the Abbot's words, ye Wuque made a chuckle.

"What a coincidence! I don't know what it is to return to life! And they all said that abbot, you are very powerful! I'd like to see it! " Ye Wuque said in a cold voice.

Ye Wuxiang is proficient in the cultivation of the true mind. Even if the Abbot's strength is not weak, he is probably not worth mentioning in front of him.

"The sea of bitterness is boundless, and turning back is the shore! Since you are stubborn, I have to do it for you! It's done for the people The abbot got up and looked at Ye Wuwei.

"The abbot can speak! No matter what you say, it's reasonable! But you monks shouldn't be in charge of worldly affairs! You should be breaking the precepts Ye Wuqi made a sneer.

"Entrusted by others, loyal to others! It is the foundation of our Buddha to get rid of the tyranny and stabilize the good The abbot put his hands together. It seemed that he was serious.

Looking at the top of the mountain, there is also a little tension in front of them.

"Why doesn't the abbot of Xuankong Temple do it! It's said that the abbot of Xuankong Temple has great strength! Will you still be afraid of him? "

"How can you be afraid! It should be the abbot of Xuankong Temple who wants to turn him around! That's why I told him so much nonsense! If it had been for someone else, I'm afraid it would have been done already! "

"Who said it was not! I don't know what that boy has! How many moves can you carry master Puzhi? "

The voice of conversation is constantly ringing, and the words of the people are also quite meaningful.

In the face of all the voices of conversation, Zhang Xinyu and Yang Xiaodie's expressions also became somewhat dignified. Obviously, they didn't expect that things would become like this.

"Sister Yu, I've heard that the abbot in Xuankong Temple is very powerful! I'm afraid it's a bit troublesome this time! If we had known that, we should have drugged him, bewitched him, and then directly took him to Yanjing! " Yang Xiaodie said, her expression became a little serious.

In the face of Yang Xiaodie's words, Zhang Xinyu shook her head.

"Don't worry! I believe he will do it! " Zhang Xinyu light said these words, it seems to be very insipid.

"I only know Mr. Yang's medical skills are excellent! As for Mr. Yang's skill, I really don't know! I hope Mr. Yang will not fall here! If not, I'm afraid the dragon family is also a bit sorry The voice of long Tian rang out again.

And at this time, the abbot of Xuankong Temple also has a strong internal force.

"I heard that even Yuanzhen was defeated by you! This is enough to show that your strength is extremely extraordinary! Let's go! Let me see what level of strength you have reached The abbot of Xuankong Temple said, and looked at Ye Wuwei.

At this time, ye Wuqian heard the Abbot's words of Xuankong Temple, but sent out a cold cry.

"The abbot should do it first! Don't get to say I bully the weak Ye Wuque sneered.

With ye Wuque's words, the abbot of Xuankong Temple also had a cold light in his eyes. He didn't expect ye Wuque to be so arrogant that he didn't put him in his eyes.

"Since the little brother is so ignorant! Then I'll help you! " After master Puzhi finished speaking, his body directly went to ye Wuque tower. At the same time, there was a streamer on his palm, which seemed to be extremely strong.

However, when the abbot of Xuankong Temple was about to hit Ye Wuqian, his figure turned into an illusion and disappeared in the same place. When ye Wuqian's deep feeling reappeared, it was already ten meters away.

"How could it be!" Seeing the scene in front of him, the abbot of Xuankong Temple uttered a cry of exclamation. Some of them looked at Ye Wuxiang, but he did not expect that ye Wuque could move ten meters in the moment of his attack. This is just incredible.

At this moment, the onlookers were very surprised to see the scene in front of them. Obviously, they didn't expect that things would really develop like this. Even the abbot of Xuankong Temple couldn't suppress Ye Wuqian with one move.

"What's the matter? Even the abbot of Xuankong Temple should give up all his strength to deal with this boy! " Zhao's heart was startled, and then he hastened to look at Yuan Zhen. Obviously, he didn't expect that things would develop like this.

"No way! How could his heart be so strong! In front of the master, there is no one who can catch the master's hand! I didn't expect that the boy could easily avoid the master's hand Seeing the scene in front of him, the round sky's face also changed a little, and his heart was shocked.

In the face of the round sky, Zhao Laozi's expression also became some dignified, obviously did not know how to return a responsibility.

At this moment, many people who are concerned about the scene are very surprised."Did you see that! Although the abbot of Xuankong Temple has just made a strong move, it seems that he will not! Ye Wuxiang seems to have crossed ten meters in an instant just now

A burst of exclamation of voice sounded, there are many people on the scene said, the look has become a little serious.

"Can this boy really fight against the abbot of Xuankong Temple! If not, how could it be so! "

"Who knows! Maybe! But just now that boy really escaped the blow of Abbot Puzhi There was a lot of conversation.

With a burst of conversation, ye Wuqian's figure also belongs to the top of bajiaoling mountain, which seems to be extremely calm.

"Well! You must have sensed it! You're not my match at all! Even if you hit me! You can't shake me Ye Wuqi sends out a sneer and looks at PU Zhi.

And at this time, the general wisdom of the expression is also changed, because he found that ye Wuqi is not as easy to deal with as he imagined.

"How can the means you just used be so powerful! Who the hell are you? " Abbot Puzhi said, and his expression became a little dignified. You know, his palm just now had a powerful inner force, but it was avoided by Ye Wuqi for a moment. That is enough to show that ye Wuqian's strength is very important.

"I'm just an ordinary man! But it's a little bit better than ordinary people! Therefore, Fang Zheng, you may not be able to deal with me! " Ye Wuqi's voice sounded again.

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