"Hum! In that case! I'd like to have a try! " Fang Zheng uttered a sneer and began to recite the incantation in his mouth. This made the people at the scene curious. They didn't know what the abbot Puzhi was doing?

"Great sorrow curse! Abbot Puzhi is reciting the curse of great sorrow A cry of exclamation rang out, and all the people present looked at Abbot Puzhi. They were extremely shocked. Obviously, they did not expect that Puzhi Fang was going to put out a great compassion mantra to deal with ye Wuque.

"How could that happen?" At this time, when I saw the scene in front of me in the round sky not far away, I also sent out a cry of surprise.

"What's the matter! Is there anything wrong with it? " See round empty look a change, Zhao Laozi hastily said, obviously do not know what happened.

"My master, he is using the great mercy curse! This is my master's strongest means! Who the hell is this kid! How can the master show the great mercy curse! "

The voice of the round sky rang out, and his expression became dignified. Obviously, he didn't expect that ye Wuqi still had such ability, which made him a little frightened.

In the face of yuankong's words, Mr. Zhao's heart is curious, because Mr. Zhang doesn't know what the great sorrow mantra is, but when he sees yuankong so seriously, he is also worried.

"Is it that even Abbot Puzhi is not his opponent?" Mr. Zhao murmured, and his expression became very dignified. If this is the case, it will be troublesome.

"No! My master is very powerful! He won't lose! " The voice of the round sky rings again, but the look is very solemn.

With yuankong's words, Mr. Zhao nodded again and again, and then looked forward to the front, and his expression became a little dignified. This matter is not trivial. If Abbot Puzhi really loses to Ye Wuxiang, then Zhao family will be in big trouble.

Ye Wuqi's strength is extremely extraordinary. If he can defeat Abbot Puzhi and want to deal with Zhao's group, it is just a matter of waving hands.

"Don't worry, Dad! My master will not lose! As the abbot of Xuankong Temple, he is very powerful! How can you lose to the boy in front of you

Seeing Mr. Zhao, he was very worried. Yuan Kong said that, but he was still hesitating in his heart, because even he didn't know! Is Puzhi the opponent of Ye Wuwei?

"If your master is defeated in his hands, what should I do?" At this moment, the voice of Zhang Xin and Zhang Xin is not in the distance.

"It seems that Abbot Puzhi is not so powerful! In Yunhao's hands, it seems that he has not got any benefits! "

Yang Xiaodie said bluntly, looking extremely casual.

In the face of Yang Xiaodie's words, long Tian on one side also looks forward to the front and looks away. It turns out that Abbot Puzhi is indeed not ye Wuqian's opponent.

"It seems that the abbot of Puzhi is only in vain! It's not so easy to deal with ye Wuwu! " Zhang Xinyu's voice also sounded at this time, for the leaves without lack, but extremely believe.

At this moment, on the top of the whole bajiaoling mountain, abbot Puzhi's great compassion mantra was also cast out in an instant, with a strong momentum. For a moment, on the whole bajiaoling mountain, the wind was blowing, making the people on the scene stand unsteadily.

"You will! What a strong wind Seeing the scene in front of us, many people on the scene screamed. It was obviously unexpected that Abbot Puzhi had such a strong breath that it was hard for people to get close to him.

"The power of your great sorrow mantra is really extraordinary! But it's not worth mentioning in my eyes Seeing the scene in front of him, ye Wuqian uttered a sneer. A strong internal force rushed out of his body and grabbed him directly to Abbot Puzhi. It seemed that he was extremely powerful.

For a moment, the abbot Puzhi was caught in his hand by Ye Wuxiang, just like catching a chicken. At this time, the great sad mantra stopped.

"How could it be!"

When he saw his master, he was held in his hand by Ye Wuqian, without any resistance. Yuankong also made a cry of surprise. Obviously, he didn't expect that ye Wuque's strength would be so strong that even his master's great compassion mantra could not shake ye Wuque.

"It seems that the strength of the poor monk is no match for the benefactor! If you want to kill him, please do as you like Puzhi became extremely simple. He closed his eyes slowly. He even put out the great compassion mantra, but he still couldn't shake Ye Wuxu back. This is enough to show that he is not ye Wumian's opponent. In this case, he naturally has no way.

"Tut After all, it's a monk! Some things are between us mortal things! You shouldn't have stepped in! But heaven has a good life! You are a Buddhist! I will not kill you! Leave yourself The leaves are not missing, but become very simple.

Although it is said that the monk came to find ye Wuque for trouble, he is not willing to quarrel with the monk.

At this moment, the monk got Ye Wuqian's forgiveness, and his heart was also slightly shocked. He didn't expect Ye Wuqian to have such a mind, and he even had the color of shame."What a shame! I didn't expect that my little brother's mood had reached such a level that I couldn't reach it! I believe in Buddhism all my life! I didn't expect to be disturbed by ordinary things! " Abbot Puzhi sighed again and again. It seemed that he had gained some experience.

At this moment, in the whole bajiaoling mountain, the people who watched saw the scene in front of them were shocked to the extreme. They didn't expect that Abbot Puzhi was really defeated by the boy in front of him. They didn't know what kind of character the boy was. Even Abbot Puzhi could defeat him.

"No way! Lost! The master lost The voice of the round space rings, eyes filled with incredible, how he did not think that his master would lose.

"It seems that my practice has failed! Never forget the earthly world! Although it has been decades! But the cultivation of heart has not reached the peak! It's no wonder that I can only stop at my strength! In that case, I can only apologize with death! Please forgive me

Abbot Puzhi sighed, folded his hands, and walked directly towards the cliff of bajiaoling.

Seeing the scene in front of him, ye Wuqian is also surprised. Unexpectedly, the abbot of Puzhi wants to find a short-sighted view.

At this moment, ye Wuqian, regardless of his body shape, directly takes him to Abbot Puzhi. Obviously, he doesn't want to. Abbot Puzhi will die like this. After all, it's not worth it.

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