Why should I give you face? In a word, a thousand layers of waves!

All the people are gaping at Ye Xiao. This guy is arrogant. This is something anyone knows. When he was still in Jinghai City, he would dare to lift Bai Chou off his horse!

This guy is very strong, just arrived in Kyoto, he dares to fight against Lin mercilessly. In the end, Lin mercilessly died, and he still lives well. He was once a soldier of the Dragon immortal camp. He once won the dragon gold medal. At that time, he dared to fight against Lin family members. Everyone can understand it!

But now that he has been expelled from the dragon clan, what qualifications does he have? Well, the old chief still dotes on him, but who is this man in front of him? This is the young man the old chief thinks highly of. Otherwise, how could he become a field army commander at a young age?

One is a guy who has been expelled from the dragon clan; the other is the commander of the independent army. Behind him are the Minister of public security and the Secretary of the provincial Party committee of Bashu province. As long as it is a pig, he knows how to choose. Under such circumstances, what else can he do to yell at Zimo?

It's nothing for ye Xiao to say to anyone in such a tone. After all, as long as the old chief is in one day, he has arrogant capital, but he can't do it to purple desert. According to reason, they are all on the same front. How dare he speak like this? What is he relying on?

Many people do not understand looking at Ye Xiao. In people's understanding, ye Xiao is not a person with no brain? Don't mention other people. Even shangguanfei looks at Ye Xiao in surprise. He doesn't understand how his master should establish such a strong enemy as Zimu at this time? This is totally unnecessary?

Of course, more people are looking at Zimo. According to the rumors, Zimo is one of the best people in Southwest China. He is very powerful and domineering. What kind of way will he deal with such a person? Can he tolerate the more arrogant Ye Xiao?

Sure enough, Zimo's face was cold on the spot. A pair of eyes with purple light were staring at Ye Xiao. It was like eating Ye Xiaosheng!

"You Good, really good! " Zimo almost suppressed his voice to the lowest level, and anyone could hear the anger in his words. It seems that the rumor is really true. This is a powerful figure who is extremely domineering and does not allow people to pick up scurf!

"What? You want to take over the fight? If you think you can't do it alone, come along and I will accompany you! " In the face of purple desert, which almost suppresses his anger, ye Xiao continues to pick crumbs!

People's faces changed again. Is this guy crazy? Even Shangguan Fei wants to talk to Ye Xiao, but Bai choufei's eyes flash with a smile. What are these two guys going to play?

"Wanton..." One side of long Yusheng saw Ye Xiao pick up the scurf purple desert again. He was overjoyed. However, he pretended to be angry on the surface. He drank and scolded him directly and said something, but he was interrupted by Zimo!

"Brother long, let me do it!" Purple Mo said, already untied the light blue coat on the body, turned to look at Ye Xiao!

"If you want to die, I'll do what you want!" The same domineering words, the same domineering manner, the same Miao like all eyes, the air field of purple desert broke out completely!

Long Yusheng, Gu Yu and others all opened their mouths and seemed to want to dissuade them. But they felt the anger in Zimo's heart. When the words came to the mouth, they swallowed them back!

At this time, it's better not to touch this person, or it will arouse his disgust. It's not worth the loss. Moreover, he and ye Xiao fight, no matter who wins or loses, it doesn't do them any harm!

Not only can we try to find out the strength of Zimo, the commander of the first field army, but also can make the two fight each other. This is only good, but not bad!

At present, this group of people can't help but step back. Bai choufei and others wanted to say something, but when they saw Ye Xiao's eyes, they still took the initiative to step back. In a short time, the scene gave up a vacuum zone of more than ten meters!

Don't blame me In the face of the sudden outbreak of purple desert, ye Xiao also snorted coldly. His eyes were full of disdain, and the boundless fighting spirit broke out!

"Die!" Zimo roars, his body turns into a shadow, and rushes towards Ye Xiao. Ye Xiao also roars. He puts his foot on the ground and hits Zimo directly!

"Bang..." Their fists hit each other heavily in the air. Everyone felt as if two giant beasts had collided. The terrible force shocked both ears. It was like thunder. Once again, the granite floor under the two people's feet actually made a click sound, so it cracked directly!

The power of a punch is just the power of a punch. The strength borne by both legs will crush the marble floor. How powerful is it?

Startled, absolutely shocked, everyone looked at all this, including long Yusheng. At this moment, he finally understood how powerful Ye Xiao was. Even if he was not injured just now, if he really fought with him fairly, he would surely lose himself!No if, it's absolutely yourself. The power of this punch is absolutely not what you can resist. What kind of monster is this? How could he have such a terrifying force in his body?

Fortunately, a purple desert came, which is also a monster. It is said that when he joined the wild wolf field army, he once singled out a company, which quickly established his foothold in the wild wolf field army, and finally took the position of commander at a young age!

This time, he didn't appear. It's really hard to find a person to suppress Ye Xiao. This guy is too terrible, too terrible!

The original long Yusheng only wants to have a good relationship with purple desert, so as not to have a bad relationship with him. But at this moment, he has made up his mind to pull Zimo to his own camp!

Only in this way can he fight against Ye Xiao. It's better to get rid of Ye Xiao with his hand, otherwise it's really difficult for him to control the dragon clan. After all, the dragon clan is a place where strength is supreme. If ye Xiao finally returns to the dragon clan and proposes to fight with himself, then he is not his opponent!

Not only long Yusheng has such an idea, but also Gu Yu, Lin wuhui and others have such an idea. They must pull Zimo to their own camp. This is a terrible battle force. With Zimo's participation, not only has he got a strong support, but also has the existence of being able to compete with ye Xiao in terms of individual combat effectiveness!

As for Bai choufei, at this time, there was a flash of light in his eyes. It was a flash of admiration. He admired Zimo. Ye Xiao used a violent blow. He was able to fight hard in front of him. He was worthy of being Ye Xiao's elder brother!

On the contrary, it is not far away from Bai Chou Ku's face that Bai Chou Fei said they were two brothers? Just how did the two brothers fight each other when they met?

Is Bai Chou Fei cheating himself? But it's impossible. Who would cheat himself on such a thing? This is not the style of Bai choufei? Do you mean?

As soon as I saw that although they were angry and fighting with all their might, they seemed to have lost something called murderous spirit. A faint smile appeared on Bai's sad face!

Interesting, very interesting two brothers, they make such a play, in the end for what? Is the sky in Kyoto really going to change?

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