When Tan Xiaoxiao comes to see the fight between them, her eyes also show anxiety. She doesn't know the relationship between Ye Xiao and Zimo. It is estimated that Bai choufei is the only one who knows this relationship in Kyoto. However, she knows the identity of purple desert. Ye Xiao has offended enough people in Kyoto. Zimo, a powerful yamen from other places, should be pulled by him with all his strength The object he picked up, but he offended Zimo when he came. It's not worth the loss!

But now the two have begun to fight, even she has nothing to do!

When Gao Zimo saw her brother-in-law, she didn't want to see her brother-in-law's good-looking, but she didn't want to learn from her brother-in-law!

Even Xiao fei'er showed a look of surprise and worry at this time. She knew what ye Xiao's strength was. In her opinion, it was very difficult for the younger generation in Kyoto and even the whole world to find rivals. But now, it's amazing that such a young looking family should be equal to him?

The commander of the wild wolf field independent army is really extraordinary!

In the eyes of the people, the two brothers became braver and braver, and their speed was also faster and faster. People could not even see the movements of the two men. They only saw the continuous interlacing of the two figures, and then the voice of fists touching each other came from their ears!

As for the floor under their feet, it was inch by inch broken. Only for a moment, the granite floor under their feet had been completely broken, and it looked as if they had been trampled by a giant!

At this time, the two bodies suddenly staggered, and then people saw the two people at the same time, back foot pedal, full speed toward each other in the past!

The two men clenched their right fists at the same time and attacked the opponent at full speed. Instead of facing each other's fists, they smashed into each other's hearts!

Look at that, it's just desperate

Actually, they were totally regardless of their own safety. Seeing such a scene, many people were shocked. These two people were indeed ruthless. In order to defeat each other, they did not care how much damage they would cause to themselves!

In the eyes of everyone's surprise, two people's fists almost at the same time in each other's hearts!

"Bang..." Ye Xiao withdrew from seven steps, and Zimo also withdrew from seven steps!

Then I heard a "click" sound, as if something of metal had broken, and then I heard "Pooh Hoo!" A sound, a mouthful of blood spurted out from purple desert's mouth!

"Mean!" Zimo covered his chest with one hand and said angrily!

"It's called the war is not full of deceit. Thanks to you, you are still the commander of an army. Don't you understand this?" Ye Xiao sneered, and then reached out of his arms and took out a piece of completely broken heart guard!

Everyone was moved. This is a bronze heart guard. It was smashed by a blow. How powerful is the fist of Zimo? If you don't have this heart guard, don't you say ye Xiao is dead?

"You..." When ye Xiao said this, Zimo was furious. He wanted to say something, and then a mouthful of blood gushed out. Obviously, he was not very happy to have completely suffered from ye Xiao's fist!

"Ye Xiao, you mean villain, what else can you use besides these little hands?" Seeing that Zimo has suffered such a powerful blow and constantly spurting blood, long Yusheng's face has changed greatly. By now, anyone can see that Zimo's strength is not under Ye Xiao. If ye Xiao didn't have a heart guard, his injury would only be more serious than Zimo!

But he lost in too open and aboveboard, if he and ye Xiao put a heart guard in the heart, who wins and who loses is still an unknown?

But the more open and aboveboard he is, the more he can be assured of communication?

With this in mind, long Yusheng jumps out again. Zimo has been injured and has suffered heavy damage. If he continues to fight, there is no chance of winning. He can't let the two fight again. This matter can only be calculated temporarily!

Without Zimo's help, no one on the spot can beat Ye Xiao alone. He can't let Zimo be destroyed in Ye Xiao's hands. This is their biggest chip to turn defeat into victory in the future!

"Mean? This is just a protection for yourself. How can it be a mean means? If a soldier can't protect himself, how can he defend his motherland? I don't think it's the same as the commander of an independent field army! " In the face of long Yusheng's question, ye Xiao also snorted coldly, his face full of sarcasm!


"Brother long, there's no need to say more. He's right. If a soldier can't protect himself, how can he protect his motherland? I'm convinced that I didn't help brother long this time. I'm really sorry that I didn't have the face to eat this meal. I'm leaving now!" Don't wait for long Yusheng to open his mouth, purple desert has interrupted his words, finish saying, will turn to leave!

"Brother Zi..." Seeing Zimo turn around and go, long Yusheng, Lin Wuren and others are all surprised. They quickly follow up. Anyone can see that it is he who should win today!It's just that ye Xiao played some small tricks. Thinking that he was the first son of Southwest China who came to Kyoto for the first time, he suffered such a blow for his own affairs. Long Yusheng was not very happy!

"Ye Xiao? The shame of today will be returned in the future. " When purple desert walked to the door, he suddenly stopped and left such a word. He never stopped and left!

Long Yusheng, Gu Yu, Lin wuhui and others looked at each other, and they all caught up. Zimo was so disgraced that they could not stand by. This is also the best time to get closer to Zimo!

As soon as long Yusheng and others left, the number of people on the scene was reduced by half. The others looked at each other and left one after another. They came here to get close to Zimo. Now that Zimo has left, what are they still doing here?

Finally, shangguanfei and other people who made friends with Ye Xiao were left on the scene. Of course, Tan Xiaoxiao was also among them. As for Yang Su Su, she was very red with a smile. She didn't care what means Ye Xiao used. As long as ye Xiao won, it was something to be happy about!

He is about to rush forward to find Ye Xiao to cheer, but he is held by Shangguan Fei. He knows that there is a gap between his master and Tan Xiaoxiao because Ouyang Qianqian's affairs have already appeared. Now Tan Xiaoxiao has seen Ye Xiao and Xiao fei'er together. If this little girl goes ahead and makes a mess, then there will be no drama between them!

With a look at Ye Xiao, shangguanfei pulls Yang Susu away. As for Bai choufei, he also greets his second brother and a group of loyal yamen, and leaves the scene quickly. Soon, there are ye Xiao, Xiao fei'er, Tan Xiaoxiao and several famous family members who follow Tan Xiaoxiao

"Headmaster, now that everyone is gone, I don't think the party will last. I still have a date with my boyfriend. I'll go first." At this time, Xiao fei'er is open to say, and then don't wait for ye Xiao's reaction, leave in such a hurry, as if her boyfriend is really waiting for her!

Those aristocratic family members who followed Tan Xiaoxiao seemed to realize that the atmosphere at the scene was strange and left one after another. Soon, only Ye Xiao and Tan Xiaoxiao were left in the huge flower Hall

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