Ye Xiao was sitting on the sofa in the hall. He had just taken out a cigarette from his pocket and was about to light it. When he looked in the direction of the sound, he saw two big men in black pulling a young girl in his twenties into the room.

The girl struggled hard, but she was just a weak woman. How could she break free from the grip of two big men. Behind them, there were a group of men in black, surrounded by a young man with dark glasses and pale face!

Seeing such a group of people, whether the hotel security or the past guests, all retreated to one side and did not dare to take a look at the visitors at all!

Such a scene leaves Xiao secretly surprised, who is this guy? How could it be so powerful? Why are these people so afraid of him?

Instead of acting immediately, he took out a lighter, lit a cigarette in his hand and took a gentle puff. Ye Xiao is not a real impulsive person. He will not rush out without understanding the situation. Who knows what happened to them?

However, ye Xiao didn't attack immediately. Shao Bingyan, who was checking in at the counter, was startled by the noise. When she turned to look at the girl who was pulled by two big men in black, she was immediately angry!

Also did not go to continue to deal with the matter of open room, directly hands akimbo walked to the center of the hall, stopped in front of the Han.

"What are you doing?" Shao Bingyan hands akimbo, horizontal eyebrow upside down, directly ah mouth drink curse way!

Being stopped by Shao Bingyan, the two men were stunned. In this Yangcheng City, there are people who dare to intercept Mr. Xue. Isn't this for death?

When they looked up, they immediately changed from stunned to amazing. Where did this beautiful woman come from? Dressed so perceptual, this appearance is more beautiful than those big stars? Not to mention the two men, even the man in the Armani shirt and sunglasses was stunned. Obviously, I didn't expect to meet such a beautiful woman in the Huacheng hotel!

"Sister, help me, they want to insult me, please help me!" When these men were stunned, the girl who was caught by them had already exclaimed, as if she had found a straw to save her life. She was in a crazy struggle. She even broke free and ran behind Shao Bingyan!

Indecent? When you hear these two words, don't mention Shao Bingyan. Even ye Xiao is scared. Now it's in broad daylight. It's also Huacheng hotel. With so many people coming and going, how dare someone take this girl to the hotel to open a room in broad daylight? Isn't that amazing?

Now it is a civilized society, but here is the Republic of China, especially in the modern society with such a developed network civilization, who dares to do so?

However, seeing the fear in the eyes of those around, ye Xiao believed some of them, and involuntarily put her eyes on the man wearing sunglasses. Obviously, this talent is the leader of this group of people!

"Little sister, don't worry. What's going on? Tell me slowly!" Shao Bingyan is also scared. She thinks that the girl is too frightened. She talks nonsense. She grabs her hand tightly and says softly!

This is Yangcheng, the capital city of Guangdong Province. It's too bold for someone to insult a girl in broad daylight here. If secretary Lin knew this, he didn't know what he would look like!

"Elder sister, I am a student of Huadu University. Today is the weekend. I made an appointment with my classmates to go shopping. But I met them on the way. He said that he took a fancy to me and offered me 10000 yuan to sleep with him for one day. If I refused, they forced me to come in! Sister, please help me Although Shao Bingyan doesn't look much better than himself, no one dares to stand up and speak for himself all the way. This is the only one who stands out, and the girl doesn't care so much!

Hearing the girl's explanation, Shao Bingyan is stunned, and ye Xiao is also stunned. Is there such a thing?

In broad daylight, if you have a crush on a girl and throw out ten thousand yuan, you're going to have sex with someone? If they don't agree to it, they will come directly. What's the matter with such hegemony? Ye Xiao knew a lot of dandies. From the earliest Han Jianyu to the later long Yusheng, none of them dared to do so?

Especially shangguanfei and long Yusheng, the top dandies in Kyoto, dare not do so? Even if these dandies fall in love with a girl, they only secretly use all means to get the girl. They absolutely dare not pull into the hotel so openly!

But now, this guy, how dare to do such a thing openly? How can ye Xiao be shocked that there are such tyrannical figures in China?

Too strong, too strong, compared with this guy, what Kyoto aristocratic childe, are dregs!

However, seeing that there was only fear in the eyes of those around him, but there was no surprise. Ye Xiao felt that this seemed to be true, and this kind of thing had not happened only once!

Shao Bingyan is also shocked by a girl's words, and then can't help but look up at the sunglasses man who has come up!

"Is there any royal law in your eyes?" Ghosts and gods make bad, Shao Bingyan's mouth jumps out such a sentence, dandy, she has seen a lot, but dare to be so arrogant, she is really the first time to see!"Royal law? What is that? " Xue Qing disdained a way, but slowly took off the sunglasses, constantly looked at Shao Bingyan standing in front of the body, the focus is naturally on Shao Bingyan's full chest!

The figure is neat, the appearance is neat, NIMA's, it's even better than those female stars I've played with. There are such beautiful women in the world!

Get her, must get her, no matter what the price, must get her, Xue Qing's heart, has made such a decision!

Shao Bingyan obviously didn't expect that the man would answer like this. For a moment, he was stunned by this sentence. What did this guy say about Wang fa? This is really too arrogant!

"Miss, are you from other places? You look good. I don't care about your rudeness. As long as you accompany me well today, I'll release the girl immediately, and I promise that no matter what you do in Yangcheng in the future, you will be free from any obstruction. How about? " Seeing Shao Bingyan's startled appearance, Xue Qing thought that she was forced by her own momentum. She was frightened and said with a smile at the moment!

"Who are you?" Shao Bingyan is a little confused. Who is this person? How long has he been working hard? He has turned his attention to himself and said such arrogant words. No matter what he does in Yangcheng, he is free from obstruction? He is a secretary of the provincial Party committee, not to mention Yangcheng, even if it is Guangdong Province, how many people dare to talk to themselves like this?

If the Secretary of the provincial Party committee secretary was molested in Yangcheng, what kind of sensation would it cause?

"Ha ha, my name is Xue Qing. They all call me Mr. Xue!" Xue Qing is very reserved to manage their own shirt collar, light smile way, look speechless pride!

Xue Qing? Hearing this name, ye Xiao and Shao Bingyan are stunned at the same time. This guy is Xue Benning's only son, Xue Qing? The so-called Southern underworld Prince Xue Qing?

"How about it? What are the conditions I just mentioned? " See Shao Bingyan surprised appearance, Xue Qing complacent smile, he thought the other party was scared by his identity!

"Not so good?" At this moment, ye Xiao stood up from his seat and came over carrying the huge package

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