Just so so? The voice was not very loud, but it was extremely clear in the quiet hall. Everyone turned their eyes to the direction of the sound, and then saw the man dressed as a migrant worker coming towards this side!

The people around him were shocked to see this guy who didn't know his heaven and earth would dare to talk to Xue Qing like this. This boy is really from the countryside. At this time, he still wants to save the beauty. Does he think his life is too long?

Even if he doesn't know Xue Qing's identity, he can see the men in black around him. These are killing roles. Does this kid think that they are all decoration?

Many people cast a regretful look at Ye Xiao. It seems that it is a pity that such a big fool is about to disappear in this world!

Xue Qing, known as master Xue and the only son of Xue Benning, is the biggest bully in Yangcheng. Because of his father's relationship with the director of the Public Security Bureau and the senior officials of the municipal Party committee, he is domineering in Yangcheng, and is extremely bold. His nature is romantic. All the women he likes will try their best to get them to bed, almost daily bridegroom!

However, this guy will compensate a large amount of money every time he goes to a woman. In addition to the influence behind the Xue family, many girls dare not say anything more after suffering losses. Of course, some girls want to report him after being defiled. However, the director of the public security bureau is his Godfather. Most media in Guangdong Province are also the Xue family's industry, and the reporting is just mud in The sea is useless, and often after reporting, the victims' families will be implicated. As time goes by, no one dares to report in such a big Yangcheng!

Xue Qing is also more and more publicity, more and more arrogant, completely like Laozi is the best in the world. In his eyes, he is the king's law, he is the heaven of Yangcheng, the land of Yangcheng. All the women he likes should take the initiative to send their arms!

This is why these guests retreat to the corner one by one when they see Xue Qing's arrival, just because Xue Qing's name in Yangcheng is really too loud!

Ye Xiao has never been to the south, and he has no idea about the situation of Yangcheng. As for Shao Bingyan, he has just arrived and has been working in the provincial Party committee office all day. Where has he heard of Xue Qing's name!

After all, the eight trigrams, even if there is a big provincial underworld, who cares?

This is why Ye Xiao and Shao Bingyan were surprised when they heard Xue Qing's arrogant words. No matter Jinghai city or Kyoto City, even those top yamen dare not be so rampant. As for the members of the underworld, they are more low-key. If the underworld is not low-key, is it still called the underworld?

But now, they've got a lot of insight. However, after knowing that this boy is Xue Qing, ye Xiao's first thought is that God is too kind to him. This time he came for Xue Benning. What he didn't expect was that he met his son-in-law just after he arrived in Yangcheng. Isn't this the best chance to kill God for himself?

It seems that I have done too many good deeds these days. Even God has begun to take care of himself!

In the heart complacent thought, the leaf Xiao already came to Shao Bingyan's side, threw that piece of huge package at the foot!

Xue Qing is very surprised to look at Ye Xiao, just like Ye Xiao and others surprised expression, who is this guy? How dare he speak to himself like that? Doesn't he know who it is? Or is his brain broken?

A white T-shirt, a pair of white jeans, a pair of sports shoes under the foot, and then carrying a rustic bag, are these the most typical migrant workers?

In Yangcheng, even the childe brothers of ordinary officials dare not provoke themselves, let alone a migrant worker?

Xue Qing's first reaction is a dream. It must be a dream. Otherwise, how dare a migrant worker provoke himself? Even his subordinates have killed a lot of troublemakers?

However, the faint smile on Ye Xiao's face tells Xue Qing that this is not a dream. This guy dares to speak to himself like this and shows such a sarcastic smile. Does he laugh at himself? How dare he laugh at himself?

"Boy, don't tell me you still want heroes to save beauty?" Seeing ye Xiao close at hand, Xue Qing narrowed her eyes and sneered!

"Heroes save beauty? No, no, no, I just came here to rob a woman from you. She is my favorite. You can't move her Ye Xiao shook his head with indifference!

"Robbing women with me? Ha ha ha ha ha... " Xue Qing was stunned at first, and then the whole people burst into laughter, as if hearing the most funny joke in the world. Not only he, but also the big men in black all around him laughed one by one. This boy can't be damaged by the door, right? How dare you come over and rob a woman with Xue Dashao? How dare he rob a woman with Xue Qing? It's just looking for death!

"Boy, for the sake of you making me laugh, I don't care about you today. Go away quickly and don't disturb my good deeds." Finally stopped the smile, Xue Qing this just covered his abdomen, toward Ye Xiao said!

Obviously, he regards Ye Xiao as a person with abnormal brain. In his capacity as Xue Da Shao, there is no need to argue with a person with abnormal brain. If this spreads out, won't it be too humiliating?"What? You don't believe it? " Seeing Xue Qing's laughter, ye Xiao was not angry, but said faintly!

"Letter? How can you believe this childe? What are you taking with me to rob a woman? By your beauty? Or by the pile of junk you brought? Ha ha ha... " Seeing ye Xiao's serious face, Xue Qing was once again amused to laugh. It was so funny. It was so funny. How could this guy be so funny?

"It's not junk!" Ye Xiao murmured a sigh, and then opened the zipper of the big bag, revealing a long black box!

"What's not junk? Don't tell me it's a family heirloom? How much do you want to compare this with me? " Seeing that ye Xiao opened the bag and revealed a big black box, Xue Qing continued to laugh. He really wanted to see what the person with brain problems would take out!

And the people around are also curious to see this side, they also want to know what kind of things this guy will take out, dare to rob a woman with Mr. Xue!

However, the men in black around Mr. Xue stopped laughing. Naturally, they took a step forward, surrounded Xue Qing in the center, and then kept staring at the black box!

If it's a treasure or something like that, if it's a machete or something, these big men in black don't mind rushing to kill this guy immediately!

In the eyes of everyone, ye Xiao opened the black box, and Xue Qing, including the big men in black, took a breath at the same time, just because the box was not a treasure or a sword, it was a gun, a huge sniper gun!

"Protect childe The front of a big man in black exclaimed, and then his body was about to rush to Ye Xiao. However, ye Xiao had already twisted the huge heavy sniper gun with one hand and threw it directly. Then the big man who rushed up was smashed and flew out, and then the black muzzle of the gun aimed at Xue Qing's head!

"You say, can your men withstand such a shot?" Ye Xiao's smile is very light, but also very bright, and the huge hall, is a silent

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