Hua YUEWU is also shocked by the scene in front of her. She wants to call the police with her mobile phone, but it's too late to call the police

The only one who can keep calm on the scene is Ye Xiao. Seeing these obviously unkind thugs, he has also taken out the phone

"Hello, Xiaobai, Laozi is surrounded by people. A snack street outside the West District of Jinghai University will arrive in ten minutes. Otherwise, I will collect my corpse." After calling, ye Xiao looks at a guy who is obviously the leader

"Oh, I still called to move the soldiers, but I'll wait for you for ten minutes. I'll see what you can do to save the soldiers..." This is a muscle man in his twenties. He is about 1.9 meters tall. His whole body is like iron pimples. His face is full of flesh. He is ferocious. Standing there, he can frighten the gangsters around him. He looks at the man named tiger brother with adoration!

Seeing this guy's arrogance, a faint smile appeared in the corner of Ye Xiao's mouth. This guy is really one track minded. With his intelligence quotient, he can only be a thug. How can he become a big brother?

If you change it to Ye Xiao, in this case, you'll have to beat it up

It doesn't look like they worship him, but how can he become a big brother?

The gangster who was knocked unconscious by Ye Xiao has been sent away. Now the only one who follows tiger brother to come here is the one whose head has been smashed and several other people. Even though their own people surround Ye Xiao, they still have some fear in their eyes

Ye Xiao casually took out a bag of soft from his pocket, which was very sauby's one hand flick. A cigarette drew a beautiful arc in the middle of the air and fell steadily on his mouth. He caught it. Then he slowly took out the lighter and lit the cigarette

Seeing ye Xiao still pretending to be forced in front of himself and others, tiger brother's face showed anger, but he had just put down his words and had to wait for him for ten minutes. Wouldn't it be too shameless to take a move at this time?

Seeing ye Xiao's puffing soft, tiger brother's addiction to smoking has also been committed. He also took out a package of soft clouds from his pocket, and then took a greedy look at the soft in Ye Xiao's hands. The likelihood is soft, but this gap is also larger?

After smoking a cigarette, three or four minutes have passed, and the passers-by around have also avoided early. In addition to Ye Xiao and Hua YUEWU, there are only dozens of other people left in this area!

Seeing ye Xiao still able to keep calm enough under such circumstances, Hua YUEWU is also curious. Who did he call? Does he have friends in Westlife?

She didn't hear her brother say that ye Xiao was the leader of the party. Even if she heard about it, she didn't think that the power of the party could extend to Xicheng, let alone from Yunlong in ten minutes

As time goes by, ye Xiao has finished smoking two cigarettes. When he throws the third one on the ground, tiger talks!

"Boy, it's ten minutes. It seems that the person you want to call won't come. Go ahead, you hurt my brother. How do you calculate the account?" Brother Hu looks at Ye Xiao with a murderous face and says coldly

"How? What do you want to do? " Ye Xiao said with a smile that he had already felt the shaking of the ground

"Repay money in debt, kill for life. If you hurt my brother, I will hurt you too!" Tiger brother angry hum

"Ha ha, do you hurt me?" Ye Xiao disdained to smile!

"You..." Tiger was so angry that he had to give the order to start. Suddenly, he felt that the whole earth was shaking, and a burst of rumbling sound was coming. He could not help but look up and see that there was no lightning and thunder in the sky?

What's going on?

Just a few breathing time, a dazzling light from the other end of the snack street, and then see a huge motorcycle roaring!

Under the dazzling light, the figures of Ye Xiao and Hua Yue are so clear, just like gods falling from the sky!

"Hi..." The screeching sound of friction sounded, and the motorcycle suddenly stopped behind Ye Xiao. The wheels rubbed smoke on the ground. A smell of rubber came from it. It was the smell of rubber being worn off

"Brother Xiao, here we are..."

When ye Xiao looked back, he saw ye yubai, Xiao Nan and ye Canglang coming with seven or eight people

"Why are there only so many people?" Ye Xiao was a little puzzled. He even wanted to come to two or three hundred people directly and surround them all. At that time, he could also dress up well, but he couldn't do it?

However, the fact that more than ten motorcycles are able to run out of such prestige is really frightening

"Big brother, you want us to get here in ten minutes, and only these ten motorcycles in Bangli can have such a speed!" Ye yubai opened his hands


Ye Xiao didn't know what to say for a moment. He arrived in Xicheng from Yunlong street in ten minutes. It was not a racing car. It was a play for his life. He didn't report any hope just now. He just wanted ye yubai and others to arrive as soon as possible, but who knows they really arrived!Think about it. No matter how good their racing skills are, they also need cars to get here in such a short period of time. There are many motorcycles in the party, but not everyone is as good as these more than ten. Only the performance of these more than ten cars can make them drag from Nancheng to Xicheng in a short time, and they also don't know how many red lights they have run along the way

"But that's enough..." Ye Xiao patted ye yubai on the shoulder, moved a little in his heart, and then turned directly

When he heard the man's face in the city of tiger, he was surprised!

So far in ten minutes? How much control technology is needed?

"The flying car party in Nancheng?"

Although they are in different areas, they are all friends on the road and have heard about some things in Nancheng!

"Xiaobai, I didn't expect that the influence of the feiche party was so great that even friends in Xicheng knew it!" Ye Xiao smiles at ye yubai

"Hey, hey..." Ye yubai also grinned a few times, and then took out a knife from his pocket. Even when facing dozens of people, they didn't have any fear in their eyes. Instead, they were all excited. What they liked most was that they cheated less!

"But take good care of her. Don't worry about other things." When ye yubai is ready to start, ye Xiao points to the Flower Moon Charm beside her!

Ye yubai turned her head and saw that there was a beautiful woman standing beside her, and she had never seen it before?

Can't help but eyes a bright, then immediately dim down!

Grass, what kind of thing? Why is this bastard woman so lucky? For the first time, I brought a mature girl, and then I brought a beautiful woman. Now I have a royal sister. How many days is it? How did he hook up with so many women?

I don't know how many beauties I've had, but none of the women I've ever had is better than one of them!

The justice of heaven is not fair

"Anan, take good care of your sister-in-law..." Discontented ye yubai says to Xiao Nan behind her that she is not a woman she can touch. Why do you want to protect her? Where is the stimulation to beat people up!

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