"Canglang, take good care of your sister-in-law..." Xiao Nan is the most handsome one among several people. Seeing ye Xiao's collusion with a rare beauty, she is more upset than ye yubai. She says to Canglang and comes to Ye Xiao's back!

As for ye Canglang, he was more direct. He didn't say a word at all, but quietly came to Ye Xiao's back and showed his position with his actions!

I'm here to fight, not to be a bodyguard

The rest of the others were aggrieved. They were also excited to fight. But now the three big brothers are unwilling to act as protectors. Can they follow suit? Ye yubai several dare to refute Ye Xiao's orders. They dare not. At the moment, the three most unlucky guys are pushed out and surround Hua YUEWU. They also call out a flattering sister-in-law!

Hearing that several people called themselves sister-in-law, Hua YUEWU's face was slightly red. However, I didn't know that it was not the time to argue and argue. I just looked at Ye Xiao a few people with some worries. Should we rely on these people to deal with them?

Seeing ye Xiao calling several people after half a day's shouting, many people showed disdain on their faces. Even ah Hu, who had heard the name of the flying car party, was also disdainful. Do they think that only these people can handle so many of them?

"I've given you a chance, but since you've only called so many people, don't blame me for being rude!" Seeing ye Xiao standing in the front, ah Hu said again!

"Oh, you're welcome, Xiaobai. They didn't move the knife. Put it away!" Ye Xiao smile, as long as the protection of the Flower Moon Charm, this man horse he really did not put in mind!

As soon as ye Xiao heard that he let the guy who took out the knife put it away, brother tiger's face changed. There were many people on his side and he had no weapons. But how many of you were there? Now you're talking about taking back the weapons? Isn't that contemptuous?

He didn't know that this was the trap arranged by Ye Xiao. There were 40 or 50 people on the other side. Although they didn't have a knife in their hands, who knew if they had weapons on them. If they started to fight later, what would they do if they took out their weapons?

Their skills are good, but they are not made of steel after all. If they are faced with several random knives at the same time, they will always suffer losses. Besides, there is no big deal at all. If people's lives are caused by this, it will not be worth the loss!

"Oh..." Ye yubai nodded obediently, folded the knife in his hand and put it into his trouser pocket

"Arrogant, look how arrogant you are. Listen, don't use weapons, and beat these guys hard for me!" Sure enough, after ye yubai put away his knife cleverly, brother tiger roared and gave the order to attack. All of a sudden, the gangsters around him rolled up their sleeves and rushed over

Also want to prove in front of Ye Xiao that his skill has not fallen, even if it is not ye Xiao's opponent, it is enough to deal with these people!

Ye Xiao originally wanted to do it, but when he saw the three men rushing forward, he also stopped himself. He also wanted to see how the three guys are now

Seeing that this group of people took the lead in the attack, ye yubai, Xiao Nan and ye Canglang ran forward at the same time

Fighting, which is their favorite thing

Ye yubai grabs a blow from a gangster. Ye yubai turns his wrist and hears a click. The gangster's arm is directly dislocated by Ye yubai. Then ye yubai blows his fist on his nose and immediately bursts out a mass of blood. The gangster falls with his head up!

Xiao Nan is even more vicious. He rushes forward and kicks at the foot of a gangster's thigh. Although he doesn't kick the other party's eggs directly, he also makes the other party's body seem to shoot up, and then he covers his crotch with both hands and cries incessantly!

The most silent one is Ye Cang wolf. He grabs the heads of the two thugs and touches them hard. He hears a bang. The two thugs look at each other, their eyes are black, and they faint at the same time

Just a fight, we can see the gap between Ye's other thugs and ye yubai's three. In the face of ordinary thugs, they beat up like beating their own children!

It's just a charge. The four men in front have been knocked down. Tiger and others are stunned. These three boys are not simple!

However, he did not have any fear. His body, which had been standing still, rushed towards ye yubai. Aren't you good at fighting? Today, let's teach you a lesson

Ye yubai, Xiao Nan and ye Canglang all have a bright eye. What is it to teach a little gangster? It's fun to teach big brother a lesson. The three of them burst into a drink at the same time and rush to your brother Tiger

Ye yubai's body is also the closest to brother tiger, so he is the first to rush to tiger brother's body and raise a fist to tiger brother's chest

Tiger gave a sneer, ignoring ye yubai's blow, he directly hit ye yubai's head

Ye yubai was shocked. Originally, he looked at this guy's height, and his speed should not be too fast. But who knows how fast he is!

The opponent's arm is longer than his. Before his fist blows at the other party's heart, the opponent's fist will surely smash his head. As a result, ye yubai can only fight back with his fist"Bang..." Ye yubai was shaken back and forth by Tiger brother's fist. His arm was in sharp pain, and he kept shaking. It was enough to see how strong this guy was!

"Be careful..." Seeing that Xiao Nan's figure also rushed up, ye yubai, who had suffered a dull loss, made a sound to remind him. However, Xiao Nan, who only wanted to do meritorious deeds, would not care. He only said that Xiaobai was invincible, so he wanted to make himself invincible!

The right hand suddenly stretched out and directly grasped brother tiger's shoulder. Since you are strong, I won't fight hard with you

He intends to buckle his opponent's shoulder and then attack his weakness. However, in the face of Xiao Nan's grasp, tiger brother also blows a blow, which also hits Xiao Nan's head

This time, Xiao Nan is the first to take the shot. It is reasonable to say that he should buckle the shoulder of the other party first. However, tiger brother appears too fast. Under such circumstances, Xiao Nan just grabs the other party's shoulder at most, and he will get a blow in the head

This is not worth the loss, so Xiao Nan had to withdraw

As soon as he retreated, ye Cang wolf had already rushed over. Judging from the fight between ye yubai and Xiao Nan, he had already seen that this big one was not simple. At the moment, he got up in the air and directly kicked tiger!

It was originally a forward body, coupled with the explosive power of the moment of bounce, which made Ye Cang wolf's speed to the extreme, and gave tiger brother no chance to escape!

However, looking at brother Hu, it seems that he doesn't mean to avoid it. The blow to Xiao Nan suddenly changes direction and directly throws it to Ye Cang wolf's flying leg, just like an iron bar sweeping over

"Bang..." With a loud noise, tiger's body just shook, but ye Cang wolf's body was shaken and flew backward. He directly completed a backward somersault in the air, which stopped and landed on the ground and took several steps back

However, at this time, Xiao Nan, who had retreated, had already grasped his shoulder and had to buckle his shoulder so that his left arm would lose its fighting power. But who would have expected that when his fingers caught on his shoulder, he only felt that what he was grasping was not meat, but steel. With his finger power, he could not hurt brother Hu!

It is at this time that tiger's shock flies, and ye Cang wolf's fist has been taken back. Facing the terrible fist, Xiao Nan has to retreat quickly and withdraw several steps in succession before stopping

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