"Bang..." Ye Xiao's body heavily stepped on the engine cover of the off-road vehicle that just stopped. The huge force actually trampled down the engine cover made of this special alloy. Abe Benfu, who controls the sniper gun in the co driver's seat, is stunned. The Yamaguchi group members who were just thrown into the back seat by Abe Benfu are stunned The Yamaguchi group members who just came from the back of the fire were also stunned!

Originally thought he wanted to have a more violent collision, but now he suddenly went around, and he jumped directly into the vehicle. What is he going to do?

Does he want to assassinate Abe Benfu in the car? But doesn't he know that the glass of Mitsubishi is bulletproof glass? Even ordinary sniper guns may not be able to penetrate. What will he take to kill Abe Benfu?

All of them couldn't understand, and they couldn't understand. Then, in the eyes of people who didn't understand, ye Xiao raised his right fist. In this rainy day, he raised his right fist and raised that pair of very ordinary right fists!

Crazy, he must be crazy, absolutely mad. Only a madman can do such a thing. He even wants to smash the bulletproof glass with his fist. This is the voice of Abe Benfu and the freshman of all Yamaguchi members. If Matsushima saw such a scene, he would definitely think he was crazy!

Man is flesh and blood. How can human body smash such special glass? That's absolutely impossible!

"Ah..." There was a huge roar from ye Xiao's mouth. His eyes burst out with blood, and even some blood tears flew down from the corner of his eyes. Then he saw his whole right arm begin to expand crazily. Only in the blink of an eye, it had already expanded more than twice. A violent force gushed from his body, and then he saw his obviously enlarged right fist Hit the windshield of Mitsubishi!

The four inch force suddenly broke out, and this force, which was already enough to be terrifying, grew exponentially, "bang!" And then everyone heard a voice that was absolutely impossible to hear!

"Click!" It was the sound of glass breaking, and then I saw that the windshield, which was enough to prevent the ordinary sniper gun from shooting, began to crack from the place where his fist hit!

Broken, he even smashed this special bulletproof glass with one punch. How could it be? This is absolutely impossible? It's impossible!

All people, including Abe Benfu, couldn't believe such a scene. They all looked at the gradually broken glass with horror on their faces!

Shocked, everyone is shocked, no matter who, see such a scene, will be thoroughly shocked, shocked do not know what to say, what to think!

"Bang..." Another big bang, ye Xiao's second punch has hit that crack again, and then the third punch!

At this moment, Abe Benfu finally came to realize that this was a monster. He really wanted to kill himself, but it was too late. When ye Xiao hit the glass with his third fist, the front windshield had been completely broken. Then he saw a bloody sword on his left hand, which just crossed Abe's neck!

Only this knife, under a knife, a spring of blood spurts out. Abe Benfu's hands instinctively cover his neck, but the blood gushes out like a blood spring. Where can he cover it!

Just unwilling to open a pair of eyes, staring at the devil like man standing on the hood, he even died in the hands of this should be the prey, is all this true?

No one answered his question. When ye Xiao cut Abe Benfu's neck with a knife, maple Matsushima turned the car around miraculously, and even more miraculously, she came to the side of the car and the door of the co driver's seat just opened!

Ye Xiao leaped forward, and the whole person got into the car and pulled up the door

Then the black Mitsubishi SUV flew away in the heavy rain and looked at the disappearing SUV. All the members of Yamaguchi group, including the driver who escaped by chance, were stupidly stunned. Looking at all this, Abe Benfu died, and the second leader of Yamaguchi group died? Was killed by the other party alone? How could that be possible?

No one can believe all this, no one can accept all this, but Abe Benfu's body is still powerless

Blood, dyed red seat, quickly along the door gap, flow out, mixed with the heavy rain, is so bloody and brutal

"How are you?" On the off-road vehicle, maple Matsushima miraculously drives the Mitsubishi. They dare not turn their heads and look at Ye Xiao sitting in the co driver's seat. They just stare at the front with all their strength. For fear of a mistake, they drive the SUV into the ditch beside the road!

However, ye Xiao didn't reply. Matsushima Maple was stunned and tried not to let the car slip. He quickly turned around and saw that ye Xiao had closed his eyes. Then the whole person fell over to her and fell into her arms. She was scared to step on the gas pedal, and the SUV almost overturned!After controlling the racing SUV, Matsushima Maple had the heart to check Ye Xiao's injury. He found that his fist was hanging there, dripping blood continuously. His fist was swollen like a steamed bun. It should be a fracture!

The whole arm is also covered with cracks, blood continues to flow down, such injuries, if not immediately treated, at any time may be killed! Seeing the man lying in his arms and seeing ye Xiao, who has no ability to fight back at this time, Matsushima Maple has a moment of confusion in his mind. This man is the murderer of his master. He once vowed in front of the master's spirit that he would defeat him and kill him again to avenge his master. Now, he has no power to fight back. He just needs to use a flash of light in his neck Wipe, you can cut off his life!

But can you do it yourself? Even the master or, perhaps, does not allow himself to do so? As a descendant of Miyamoto, even if he wants revenge, he must defeat his opponent openly. But when he thinks of Ye Xiao's terrible strength and his amazing ability to fight against Shura, maple Matsushima knows that he will never have a chance to defeat him in his lifetime!

She did not see with her own eyes what ye Xiaogang had just done, but she took a glance from the rear-view mirror of the car where Abe Benfu was located. The window of the car was broken. Ye Xiao's hand had no blunt instruments except a throat sealing knife. When she saw his fists swollen like steamed bread, maple Matsushima had figured out what he had done!

Breaking bulletproof glass with flesh and blood is not a human thing at all. This is a madman, a complete madman

I don't know why, maple Matsushima thought of all the things about ye Xiao that she saw today, and the people who were willing to die for him. At this moment, she finally understood why those people who knew that they were dead would rush forward without any efforts, because he also thought that his brother was willing to die!

This is a very silly behavior, but I don't know why, Matsushima maple is very fond of this silly behavior. Looking at Ye Xiao, whose life is getting weaker and weaker, she even has an idea in her heart -- save him!

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