Osaka City is one of the largest cities in Japan. Because it is close to the sea, there is also one of the largest docks in Japan. Of course, the main reception of the wharf is not cruise ships, but cargo ships. It can be said that a lot of goods from abroad are unloaded from this Wharf, and many export ports are also transported from this wharf!

Of course, because of the Japanese national conditions, many smuggled goods from Yamaguchi group also left here!

Around the wharf, there are also many houses built. Of course, this is the cargo terminal. The people living here are certainly not rich people, but some relatively poor people. Many people are the porters of this wharf!

Less than three kilometers away from the wharf, there is a small three story house, which is a typical Japanese style building. The first and second floors are ordinary floors, and the third floor is the form of attic!

The owner of this house is a small owner of a grocery store. The couple have lived in this place for more than 30 years. They have a daughter under their knees. Now they are studying in Osaka City!

By this time, the couple had already gone to their grocery store, and maple Matsushima, who had changed into a light blue kimono, was walking upstairs to the attic with a plate containing some medicines!

Push open the door, maple Matsushima walked in, this is a small loft less than seven square meters, and the roof is very low, with the size of Matsushima maple, at this time, can not stand completely, can only half bow the body, there is nothing else in the attic, only a collapse, at this time, a man is lying on the couch!

Matsushima Maple came to the couch, knelt down, and then put the plate beside, which stretched out that pair of white tender hands and opened the quilt on the man's body, revealing a beautiful face and a body completely incompatible with this face!

This person is not others, it is Ye Xiao. At this time, his body is covered with scars. These scars are not old wounds, but recent ones. Many wounds have stopped bleeding. But maybe because of the long time of soaking in the heavy rain, the wounds are some white. In the abdomen and chest, there are obvious signs of speech and faint pus!

Even though Matsushima maple is used to seeing all kinds of casualties since childhood, he can not help but feel shocked. Although Ye Xiao's right fist has been dealt with, it is still swollen like steamed bread. In a short time, it is difficult for this arm to recover its fighting power!

Took out a half foot long, only thumb thick knife, gently cut open those purulent places, and then use cotton to absorb these pus!

Even if the Matsushima Maple has been very careful, but the sleeping Ye Xiao eyebrows are still wrinkled, obviously in the bearing of great pain!

First, the purulent area was treated, and then all the rotten meat was cut off with the sterilized scalpel. Finally, some of the best golden sore drugs left by Miyamoto Musashi were sprinkled. These drugs were not only very effective, but also able to eliminate the scars. Otherwise, how could there be no scar on the body after practicing sword for so many years with maple seed of Matsushima!

After dealing with all this and dressing up for ye Xiao, maple Matsushima breathes a long sigh of relief! Yesterday, ye Xiao turned around and rushed to Abe Benfu. Finally, he killed Abe Benfu. However, he himself suffered extremely serious internal injuries. After jumping into the car, he was in a coma and fell into the arms of Matsushima Maple!

Matsushima Maple drove Ye Xiao to Osaka City. There are more than millions of people in Osaka City. Even if Yamaguchi group can cover up the sky in Japan, it is difficult to find Ye Xiao and Matsushima Maple from the vast sea of people. Moreover, maple Matsushima also sent Ye Xiao to the dock!

She once saved the daughter of the family, so the master of the family is very grateful to her and absolutely trustworthy. It's impossible for Shankou group to find this place!

Moreover, ye Xiao will leave Japan sooner or later, but if he takes a plane in an open and aboveboard way, he will surely be found out by the people of Yamaguchi group. The only way to leave at this time is to take a boat. As a descendant of Miyamoto Musashi, Matsushima Fengzi naturally has a group of forces of his own. It is not difficult to find a boat to go to sea, but the most important thing is now Is to help Ye Xiao take good care of his body!

Looking at Ye Xiao, who is still in deep sleep, maple son of Matsushima sighs softly again. Although his breath of life has stabilized, he has been in a coma for a day and a night. This situation is not good!

Gently cover the bedding for ye Xiao again. Maple Matsushima carefully leaves the attic with the plate to deal with the injury for ye Xiao. This is an extremely tiring thing. At the moment, she is covered with sweat. She should take a bath when the master is not back, otherwise it will be inconvenient at that time!

The plate containing medicine was placed in his room. Maple Matsushima walked into the bathroom on the second floor and looked at his charming self in the mirror. His eyes were blurred for a moment. Now, can he be regarded as the descendant of Miyamoto Musashi? Now, can you still hold the flash spirit in your hand?

Slowly stretched out his hands, gently untied the kimono belt, and then the loose kimono fell like leaves, a perfect ketone body appeared in the mirror!The face is extremely beautiful, the neck is delicate, the chest is full, the two points on the peak are pink and delicate, the abdomen is flat, a pair of beautiful legs is slender and smooth, this is a body that can make all men crazy, even at the moment of Matsushima maple, when looking at this body, he still has a moment of trance, is this his appearance?

For a long time, she has never really looked at her body. She has always regarded Kendo as her lifelong pursuit. This is the first time that she really examines her appearance!

"Whoa..." A sound, in the Matsushima Maple almost completely immersed in their own perfect body, bathroom door was suddenly pushed open, and then Maple Matsushima saw the whole body wrapped in gauze Ye Xiao appeared at the door!

Time seems to stop at this moment. Both Matsushima maple and ye Xiao are looking at each other straightly, their eyes open rapidly, and their incredible expressions gather on their faces. In particular, maple Matsushima, which is already big and beautiful enough, is more and more beautiful, and the color of horror in the eyes is more and more thick

"You How did you get up? " Matsushima Maple son did not directly cry out like other girls, nor did he cover his chest instinctively. She just looked at Ye Xiao so straight. She was very puzzled. How could he walk down by himself when he was still in a complete coma just now? Is it the reason of your own acne medicine?

"I I think Pee... " Ye Xiao stammered a little, but his eyes were always on Maple Matsushima and couldn't be moved any more. The focus was on the chest of the maple. It was not only plump, but also quite smooth. Especially those two points, it was a piece of pink and tender, which was even more attractive than the ripe peach. Ye Xiao couldn't help but want to take a bite, As for the place under her belly, it is yearning for

The blood in Ye Xiao's body began to boil, and the wounds that had almost healed showed signs of collapse again

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