Let's not say that the commander didn't understand. Even those scholars who studied this riot for many years still couldn't understand that Kyoto is the capital of the imperial city. How did these thugs bring in so many weapons? This has also become a permanent mystery in the history of China!

With the emergence of these machine guns, the defense line formed by armed police soldiers collapsed completely. From the beginning of the war to now, they have only persisted for seven minutes. One by one, loaded with heavy machine guns, rushed over like crazy. The armed police commander was hit in the head by a bullet and died on the spot!

Seeing that the armed police soldiers only lasted seven minutes, Zhang Lin, the head of the field regiment responsible for protecting Yue Buxiu, frowned. He immediately issued an order, ordering the commander of the third battalion to personally lead 300 people to the front line to support. The third battalion is the chariot convoy of this field regiment. At present, more than 30 of them are also equipped with heavy machine guns Their task is to stop these thugs!

Even if it's death, it must be stopped!

Looking at the field chariots rapidly gathering here, the members of tianyaomen didn't have the slightest fear. Instead, they frantically stepped on the accelerator and rushed forward to the soldiers of the field army!

Xuefei is one of them. He was originally from Kyoto. He used to be a veteran and an excellent driver. After he retired from the army, he had been driving a taxi in Kyoto. Later, he made a beautiful girlfriend because of his honesty and integrity. However, his girlfriend was taken in by the son of a government official in Kyoto, and was finally hated by her girlfriend Humiliated, and finally committed suicide by jumping off a building!

Xuefei is desperate for grief and indignation. He goes to the government and wants to get justice for his girlfriend. However, he is just an ordinary taxi driver. Those government officials collude with each other. How can he offend the senior official of the municipal government for his little figure? He squats at the gate of a nightclub for seven days, and finally waits for the insulting of his girlfriend But I don't know whether it's the luck of the other party or something else. The knife didn't kill him, but he was caught by the police who arrived later!

Finally, he was sent to the crime of intentional injury and sent to prison. Originally, Xuefei thought that the law was fair and did not sentence him to death. Later, he realized that it was the young man who deliberately asked the court to do so through his own relationship. The purpose of doing this was to kill himself!

That period of time was the dark years that Xuefei could never forget. He was beaten up madly every day. The childe came to the detention center in person to destroy him. The cigarette end hot marks on his body are left by that childe brother!

Later, when he was sent to prison, his body was covered with scars. He was also in prison. Xuefei met a member of tianyaomen, and later, on his recommendation, he joined tianyaomen!

The master of that day's gate, the man regarded as a God by all members of TIANYAO gate, did not know what kind of means he used to rescue himself from prison after knowing his situation!

Soon after, the senior official was sentenced to prison for corruption, and the senior official and his son were also sent to his own face!

Xuefei killed the father and son with his own hands. From then on, he knew that his life was Ye Xiao's, and now is the time to pay back!

Even those soldiers on the opposite side may have been their former comrades in arms. Even if they had been guarding the motherland like them, Xuefei knows that he has no choice!

Moreover, although he did not know why Ye Xiao attacked the vice head of China, he believed that ye Xiao was right. He did not know politics, nor did he know all kinds of conspiracies. He only knew that the officials who caused him the greatest harm were the officials, but ye Xiao was the one who helped him. This is enough. Moreover, ye Xiao was a member of the dragon clan at the beginning Would you do something wrong?

If this thing is really wrong, then let yourself go wrong with him?

Xuefei thought in his mind, had slammed on the brake, the huge SUV was like a beast out of the cage, crazy rushed to the front of the chariot!

"BAM Bang Bang..." The mechanism shooter kept pulling the trigger, and countless bullets flew out and bombarded the car body. No matter whether it was an off-road vehicle or a combat vehicle, the window glass was bulletproof. For a moment, there was no way to hurt the soldiers of the field army!

In the face of such a situation, Xuefei just drove the car crazily and stepped on the accelerator to the bottom!

"Shua Shua!" The SUV roared and ran at full speed. It hit the front chariot so hard. The huge impact made the chariot stand up. As for the SUV where Xuefei is, it also flew up at the same time. Then the roofs of the two vehicles collided fiercely, and finally fell heavily on the ground. At the same time, the people inside the vehicle were bleeding violently, A lot of people were broken bones on the spot, even if it was Xuefei, they also hit the steering wheel head and blood!

But as if nothing happened to him, he rushed out with a sniper gun in his hand and pulled the trigger at the soldiers who rushed out of the vehicle. However, he only killed one person, and his whole body had been blasted out of several blood holes. Even in this case, Xuefei had pulled out a saber and rushed to the nearest one A field soldier!However, when he was about to dive in front of the soldier, there was a blood hole the size of a thumb on his forehead, and the whole person fell down like this!

At the end of the day, although Xuefei didn't hurt the soldier, his fierce breath shocked the soldiers of the field army. They were the main elite to protect the head of state. Their fighting capacity and fighting will were extremely strong, but what they didn't think was that the fighting spirit of the mob was even stronger than them!

One by one off-road vehicles came crazy, and they were mounted on the chariot. Then a man in black jumped out of the vehicle with a weapon and fought with the soldiers of the field army!

At such a close distance, they can't even shoot at all. The best weapon is the saber that they carry with them. The scene is in chaos. What tactics and formations are, damn it!

At this time, whoever is more brave will be able to live on!

Li yuannai was one of the first members of the flying car party who followed ye yubai. Now he has been in tianyaomen for many years and has always been a member of the dragon soul team. At this time, a blood hole was cut on his forehead, and his left hand was hit and broken by the impact of the car. At this time, he was still hanging on one side. However, he was like a man who did nothing and jumped out of the car with a saber, He rushed to a field army soldier. The field army soldier also took out his saber for the first time. Relying on the advantage of speed, he stabbed Li Yuan in the abdomen. However, Li Yuan grinned grimly and cut the soldier's neck with a knife!

Blood kept spraying, Li Yuan's abdomen is also inserted with a military thorn, but he is still crazy to another soldier, just in the soldier's startled eyes, a knife into his heart

Blood dyed the earth red, sadness filled the sky, this is a battle between blood and will

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