On the rooftop in the distance, ye Xiao quietly looks at all these things, at the civilians who died in the riot, the members of tianyaomen who died at gunpoint, those brothers who died with bombs and the other side, and the soldiers who died of innocence just because of an order. His heart beat violently!

All this was caused by one of my own decisions. If I hadn't set my mind on killing Yue Buxiu, I would never have suffered today's tragedy. All this might not have happened, but I really have no choice!

Yue Buxiu killed the old chief executive. What can he do without evidence?

I can't do anything. I can only watch him step up to the highest position of power step by step. No matter those aristocratic families or senior officials, what they care about is the interests. They only care about the interests of their families. How many of them really think about China and ordinary people?

Once Yue Buxiu really took the supreme position, what harm would he do to China?

Ye Xiao can't let such things happen. He can't live up to the expectations of the old leader. He can only cut the mess as soon as possible. Jibin is a mistake. Even if the consequences of doing so are heinous, ye Xiao still has no hesitation. If he is really guilty, let himself bear all the sins alone!

At last, ye Xiao took a look at the people who still attracted most of the chariots in the field regiment. Two lines of blood and tears sprang out of Ye Xiao's eyes, and murmured: "brothers, don't worry, your blood will not flow in vain. If I don't die, sooner or later, I will leave your name in history!" After that, ye Xiao turned around and walked downstairs. Ye yubai, dressed in black, was waiting there early!

At this time, on the red flag car, Yue Buxiu was still calm. Even though the number of thugs far exceeded his estimate, he was still not nervous. At least, his face did not show any tension!

There are more than 1000 people in the field regiment. At this time, more than 300 people have been sent out to intercept the thugs. There are still 8900 people following them. More than 10 minutes have passed. The headquarters should have received the news. At most, there will be more than 10 minutes for the support people to arrive. No matter how many people there are, the only end is to perish!

To dare to attack and kill state leaders in public is a crime that no one can cover up. It is equivalent to a crime of treason. Yue Buxiu is still very curious about who has such a big death feud with him!

The motorcade has entered another main road, which also belongs to traffic control. However, once it leaves the main road, it will no longer belong to the scope of traffic control. There will be more vehicles and more variables. Whether it is Yue Buxiu or the head of the field corps, he will not make such a low-level mistake!

After getting Yue Buxiu's approval, the head of the field corps ordered all people to stand by on the spot. They would wait for help here!

Ten minutes, only ten minutes, reinforcements will continue to arrive, they only need to adhere to ten minutes, there are 8900 most elite soldiers, just adhere to 10 minutes, no matter who is full of confidence!

But at this time, there was a huge motor noise ahead, and then people saw a huge truck coming from a main road. Although it was thousands of meters away from the red flag car, once the truck rushed over, it would still pose a huge threat to the chairman of the car. Naturally, the commander would not let such a thing happen, so he would order to do nothing Cut the price to destroy the truck, but saw that the huge truck a turn, turned its head in the opposite direction!

What is this for? Isn't this a thug? Is it just a normal truck?

But soon, the commander, including the soldiers of the field army, immediately understood why the truck turned. The door of the truck opened at the first time, and then he saw a small tank driving down from the truck compartment!

Tank, this is actually a tank, the other side even brought a tank into 49 cities? Where did they get the tanks? Looking at the posture of the tank, this is a very old tank. It is estimated that it may be some of the tanks during World War II. But he is really a tank. In a big city, he just drove into such a tank. My God, what kind of damage will this cause?

Let the commander almost feel despair, from the truck ran out of the main road, constantly came the sound of click, one by one of these miniature tanks ran out!

In a short time, there were ten tanks on the broad street. Ten tanks looked worn-out, but absolutely powerful and terrible!

The ten tanks were divided into two rows and drove towards this side by side. The huge gun barrel, yes, the barrel of this kind of small tank is not too large. However, after special modification, it is even bigger than the ordinary sniper gun. How strong is the shell fired by this caliber?

"Bang..." One of the tanks fired first, and then saw a shell shot out and landed directly on the front position. Then the whole explosion broke out and made a loud noise. At least ten soldiers were directly lifted out by the explosive force of the bomb. Some of them died on the spot, and some broke their legs and hands!Then came the second and the third. When ten tanks opened fire at the same time, the iron and steel defense line arranged by the head of the field regiment in the front was torn to pieces like paper paste. Faced with this huge steel beast, they had no way to deal with it without corresponding weapons!

Even if they are the most elite field army, even if their combat effectiveness is infinitely strong, even if they can resist the strength of an ordinary division, they still have no way to deal with these tanks!

As a result, the head of the field regiment was only able to mobilize the remaining chariots in an attempt to delay the advance of these tanks. However, he asked chairman Yue Buxiu to leave immediately. Faced with such strong firepower, even this specially modified car may not be able to bear it!

The indifference on Yue Buxiu's face finally disappeared. The other side even sent out tanks. In addition to the military exercises, no tank in Kyoto could drive on the streets in such a high sounding manner. This is Huaxia state, not the Soviet Union in the early 1990s, but the Huaxia state with only one ruling party. Now these thugs, these thugs who are trying to attack themselves, should be honest Kirk's on the street? Who gave them such courage? Who gave them that ability?

Huaxia is a country with extremely strict arms control. Even though firearms are rare among the people, now, these people even drive out tanks. It's not one tank, but ten. They transport ten tanks and enter the Forbidden City. What's funny is that they didn't receive any news. The staff of those departments do what they want Did you go?

Yue Buxiu vowed that as long as he didn't die this time, he would change the heads of powerful organs all over again. There was no royal law and no justice!

"Leave from Tianlong Avenue!" Yue Buxiu couldn't sit still. Although he knew that the red flag car he was riding had the most advanced defense force in the world, no one could guarantee that he would still be intact in the face of the shelling of ten tanks

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