As long as ye Xiao does not die, no one dares to underestimate his power. As long as ye Xiao is alive, he is the biggest threat in the hearts of all the giants. Under such circumstances, how the giants play games, we should also consider such a factor. Even if the giants hate Ye Xiao, they have to treat such a person carefully!

In particular, if ye Xiao is really dead, then tianyaomen will not attack and break. It is not easy for the government to wipe out such an underground force with the absolute power of the government. However, if ye Xiao is not dead, the government will not dare to move this force rashly!

The more than 1000 members of tianyaomen have left an extremely deep impression on the government's tycoons. Even if ye Xiao is not dead, the government will not force tianyaomen people too hard. Otherwise, once the members of tianyaomen get crazy, they will not be able to subvert the government. However, it is easy to cause some damage to the society!

Ye Xiao's existence is also equivalent to pacifying these violent elements!

Politics is always a matter of compromise and interest exchange. A person's life and death directly affects the layout of the giants. Of course, if Yue Buxiu is not dead, then the political group in which Yue Buxiu belongs will absolutely kill Ye Xiao's forces. In the end, they occupy the absolute truth, and Yue Buxiu can gain great benefits But the problem is that Yue Buxiu is dead. No one wants to tear his face with another political group for the sake of a dead man. This is not worth the loss!

Of course, if you don't tear your face, it doesn't mean you don't do anything. Yue Buxiu is dead, but it's also the best excuse to ask for conditions from ye Xiao's political group!

In an extremely luxurious conference hall in the Forbidden City of Kyoto, eight of the most powerful people in China today gather here. In addition to the remaining eight giants, there are also several vice premier, vice chairman and deputy director who have not been elected to the Standing Committee. It can be said that the most powerful group of Chinese people were present at the scene. Not only that, but also Lin Xiuyuan, the leader of the Lin family, Bai Baoxin, and the ancient family Some of the largest families in Kyoto, such as Gu CanXue, Yuan LAN, and long Tian Dong, are all sitting here. These people may be making waves on the bright side of China, or making waves in the dark. Behind them, there are huge interest groups, regardless of who they are, who have the energy to influence the trend of China. Why are all these people gathered here The main thing is to discuss the incident of Ye Xiao's overt attack on Yue Buxiu. Of course, because of the strong appearance of Zimo, all of you here have considered a new level. In any case, it is likely to involve the whole southwest military region!

The No.1 chief executive is still sitting in the most central position, and other magnates do well according to their respective ranking, while the owners of the major families are sitting at the bottom, but Gu CanXue is sitting in the front position. How to say that he still controls more than half of the whole Chinese army now!

Different from other people's indifferent expression, Gu CanXue's eyes reveal anger, which naturally goes to Cai Mingxuan. Other people have no loss, but their grandson, Gu Yu, is killed by Zimu!

It's just that there is no evidence for this matter, and several giants of the Central Committee have also made a decision, and he is not easy to attack. He can only bear this evil spirit by force and keep thinking about what benefits should be obtained in the next negotiation!

If you die of a grandson, you can't die in vain. If you don't give enough benefits to the ancient family, he won't agree. Isn't it a civil war? If you're in a hurry, you'll have to fight a civil war!

The ancient remnant blood is also a soldier. Even when a person is old, the blood in his body has not cooled down. If it had not been for the careful cultivation of the old leader, he might have done it recklessly!

At this time, more than half of the meeting had been held. All the family forces represented by the Lin family felt that ye Xiao should be severely punished. Even if he did not catch him now, he should be charged with treason. However, such a decision made it very difficult for several giants, including those of the aristocratic clan. At the beginning, they unanimously decided that as long as Zimo let go, this matter could be dealt with from another A direction to consider!

Now Lin Xiuyuan and others once again propose to punish Ye Xiao severely. Isn't this going to provoke Zimo?

Even now the wild wolf field army has withdrawn from Kyoto, but if this event once again angered purple desert, the consequences are very serious!

Just as the people were talking endlessly, the Secretary of No.1 chief came in from the outside and whispered a few words in the ear of the No.1 chief. All the people stopped talking and looked up at the No.1 chief one by one!

"Comrade Luo Xiaojun, commander of Jinghai garrison, and Comrade Tan Zixiong, deputy commander of Jinling military region, are waiting outside the door!" Seeing the people's eyes falling on their own body, the first chief said!

Everyone was in a daze. Luo Xiaojun was already a general, and he was also the commander-in-chief of the Jinghai garrison. He had a close relationship with Ye Xiao. This time he came to Kyoto to defend Ye Xiao. It was nothing, but what did Tan Zixiong do?

Seeing that there was no comment, the No. 1 chief said a few words to his secretary, and then the Secretary quickly went out. After a while, the door of the conference hall was pushed open again. Then people saw Luo Xiaojun and Tan Zixiong walk in side by side, but they didn't come alone. Behind them, three women were young and beautiful Beautiful woman!The one on the left is wearing a black suit with black hair on the back of his head and a pair of high-heeled sandals under his feet. His body is full of awe, just like a queen. The one on the right is wearing a red cheongsam, and his long black hair is also coiled in the back of his head. His expression is friendly and gives people a feeling Feel like a group of spring water, tender infinite!

In this mysterious meeting place, these three unique beauties suddenly appear. Rao is a master of the cultivation of spirits. At this time, many of them still show a surprised look!

Although this is not a formal meeting, it is related to the change of the whole China state. What did Luo Xiaojun and others bring these three women to do?

Of course, some people recognized the identities of these three women. At least, many of the women who walked in the front of the meeting, even if they had not seen them, they had heard of them!

"Hello, chief!" Luo Xiaojun and Tan Zixiong, including the three beauties, saluted the No. 1 leader sitting in the central position at the same time. After the No. 1 chief nodded, Luo Xiaojun began to introduce the identities of the three beauties!

"This is Miss Yi Guyun, chairman of Hengtian Group; this is Miss situ Haoyue, the helmsman of Tu's real estate; and this is Miss Hua YUEWU, President of Xingyu entertainment company; they are all here for ye Xiao's business!" Luo Xiaojun is not impatient to introduce, and with his introduction, the big people on the scene one by one showed a surprised expression!

It's not because of their identity, but because they came here for ye Xiao. Where did ye Xiao get such a big fortune that he let these three women who are excellent in intelligence and appearance show up for him at the same time?

"And me, I also came for ye Xiao!" At this time, Tan Zixiong, who had never spoken, added that what people saw on his face was a bitter look

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