Tan Zixiong was really bitter. He felt that he was even more bitter than eating Coptis. The tan family, which is also a famous family in Kyoto, was not as good as the Lin family and other four families, but it was not far from each other. The old chief executive wanted to weaken the power of the aristocratic family, which was known to all. To the old chief executive's decision, all the aristocratic families, including the tan family, gave up everything they had Resentment, tight embrace into a group, this just let the old chief's pace has been very slow!

Now that the old chief has passed away, the alliance formed by the major events has actually disintegrated. However, in the case of Ye Xiao, several families have never been united. As a member of the Kyoto family, many interests of the tan family are linked with these aristocratic families. At such a time, the most important thing for the tan family is to do nothing, just sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight It is he who can't do nothing, but not only to do it, but also to stand in a hostile position with those aristocratic families. He came here and, frankly speaking, is to cheer Ye Xiao!

After hearing about ye Xiao's overt attack on Yue Buxiu, Tan Xiaoxiao ran back from the army and rushed to his room with a dagger, threatening him as a father and letting him try his best to save Ye Xiao. Otherwise, she would die in front of herself. Now, she is still at home crying and hanging?

At the thought of this stubborn daughter, Tan Zixiong's heart is a burst of bitterness, but who called himself such a daughter?

But at the thought of this, the bitter smile on Tan Zixiong's face is even stronger. Look at the three women present, they are all the powerful economic women in China and even in the world, especially Yi Guyun, who is the richest woman in the world. Since the intelligent computer researched by Hengtian Group came into being, Hengtian Group's stock has been several times higher With the growth of the number, the value of Hengtian Group has exceeded 100 billion. In other words, according to Gu Yun's status, it has been ranked in the top 10 of the world's rich list. Of course, this is the seemingly rich list, but even so, no one can underestimate this woman, especially now that the Chinese government has a lot of military convenience, and intelligent computers in aerospace rely on Hengtian Group, this is the woman that all high-level people don't want to offend!

As the helmsman of the Tushi group, situ Haoyue has more than tens of billions of assets at a young age. The most important thing is, with the rise of the situ family, the real estate tycoons are led by the situ family. The more the government suppresses the rooms, these real estate tycoons unite and resist with the government. Now it is very difficult for them to appear A little compromise, if Si Tu Haoyue is not happy and fights with the government again, then the economy of China will probably stop, and even many social conflicts will break out completely. This is also a woman who can not easily offend!

There is also the Flower Moon Charm, do not look at her most intimate, and according to the ancient rhyme situ Haoyue different, she is completely relying on her own ability to star entertainment company to the present situation, of course, there may be behind the role of Ye Xiao, but it is undeniable that Huayue charm's talent, this woman's worth is more than 10 billion, now Xingyu entertainment company is not only Huaxia China's largest entertainment company is also the largest entertainment company in Asia. Many of Hong Kong's largest entertainment companies have been acquired by her. There are even rumors that Honggang Phoenix Satellite TV has been secretly acquired by her. That is public opinion that the Chinese government can't control. Once she explodes something, it's enough for the Chinese government to look good!

It is these three powerful women who appear here. Their purpose is very simple, that is, to seek justice for ye Xiao!

His only daughter, like the man, there is such a strong woman, his daughter also talk about what happiness?

Tan Zixiong is helpless, but can only support his daughter with his own strength!

With the fall of Tan Zixiong's voice, other tycoons are stunned, especially the owners of those families. They are staring at Tan Zixiong one by one. This guy is not a brain jerk, is he? Now that the old chief is gone, how can he still stand on the side of Ye Xiao? Is it because his daughter likes that kid?

But now the three beauties in front of him have an unusual relationship with the boy. Under such circumstances, does he still support his daughter to intervene?

"Old chief, I also come for ye Xiao. He is not an impulsive person. I don't want the motherland to deal with such a hero unknowingly!" Luo Xiaojun also spoke at this time. As a lieutenant general, he is not qualified to speak here. However, he is the commander-in-chief of the Jinghai garrison. Now the Jinghai military region is the eighth largest military region in China, and its status is extremely important. His power is not even under the commander-in-chief of the four garrison forces in Kyoto. Under such circumstances, no one can ignore it Look at him!

Besides, this time he came with Tan Zixiong and others. His words also represent the meaning of Yi Guyun and others!

"I don't like the fact that the government wrongs such a good person without any evidence. If even such a good person will be wronged, I think China really makes me feel insecure. I have to consider moving the headquarters of Hengtian Group out of China!" Luo Xiaojun's voice has just fallen, according to the ancient rhyme has been the interface, and directly to their own meaning to say out!If you want to dispose of Ye Xiao, then I will move out of Huaxia. Anyway, Hengtian Group is also listed in the international market. With the prestige of Hengtian Group, countries including country m are expected to welcome Hengtian Group to settle in their territory!

This is a naked threat. However, before these giants get angry, situ Haoyue and Hua YUEWU have published the same meaning as yiguyun. When they see these three women threatening the most powerful group of people in China for a man, even tan Zixiong secretly admires them. Only when he knows this, does he realize that his daughter What kind of man do you value!

There was a silence at the scene. After a long time, the No.1 chief executive invited Yi Guyun and others to sit down and wait for everyone to deal with the incident. If they are not satisfied with anything, they can put it forward!

According to Gu Yun, the three people will not be polite, so they sit in the conference hall where the most powerful people of China are gathered, and listen carefully to the handling of this issue by these big men!

Because of the appearance of the three of them, even if it was Gu CanXue, Lin Xiuyuan was determined to put Ye Xiao to death. At this time, all of them had to think about their meaning. As for Cai Mingxuan, although his face was still expressionless, he had already had a smile in his heart. Luo Xiaojun was still very quick in his work. He brought these three people so quickly!

While the giants of China were discussing how to deal with the violence, a smuggling freighter from China to country m stopped at an abandoned wharf less than 200 kilometers away from San Francisco. A handsome man in Zhongshan suit and his hair sticking up first stepped out of the cabin. Looking at the moon hanging high in the sky, the man sighed gently

Then the man walked directly off the freighter. This man was no one else. It was Ye Xiao. Up to now, his last words before Yue Buxiu's death still appeared in his mind. Do you think killing me is the end of it?

All this, maybe just the beginning

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