All along, from the moment Ye Xiao returned to Jinghai City, the dark moon League seemed to have a relationship with Ye Xiao. From the earliest Xu Yifeng to Yue Buxiu, the struggle between the dark moon League and ye Xiao has never stopped. Ye Xiao is not sure how powerful the dark moon alliance is. But from the identity of Yue Buxiu, you can imagine that the dark moon League is absolutely huge Amazingly, even a big country like Huaxia has their people at the top. What about other small countries? How many countries do they secretly control?

What is the purpose of such a huge organization?

Before, ye Xiao had never thought about this problem. Until he had been idle in recent months, ye Xiao had the heart to think about such a problem. It was not only him, but also Bai choufei!

For the sake of money, this is obviously impossible. Will an organization that can influence a big country care about money? From their investment in Yue Buxiu, we can see that this is an organization that doesn't care about money. Money, for them, may really be a number!

For the sake of power, this is obviously not possible. With their power, even the No. 1 head of China and the president of M should not be as powerful as them!

But if it's not for power or money, what is it for? Is it for world peace? Ye Xiao and Bai choufei don't believe that there are such kind-hearted people in the world. Even if there are such kind-hearted people, it is impossible to establish such a huge organization!

Even the most naive thought had guessed, other ideas thought more, but for a long time, neither of them came up with a more reliable idea!

The motive of the dark moon alliance is really puzzling!

"Boss, you've asked the person I'm looking for At this time, sharna's voice came from the outside. Ye Xiao and Bai choufei looked at each other, and there was a faint smile on their faces. This chess game has been going on for several hours, but there is still no trend of winning or losing. It seems that today is another draw. Without moving the chessboard on the tea table, ye Xiao stands up from the bamboo chair!

"Come here first today. I'll go and have a look."

"Well!" Bai Chou Fei nodded, but he didn't mean to get up!

Ye Xiao no longer said anything more. She walked in from the balcony and came to the hall on the second floor. There, sharna in the sexy leather dress was sitting on the sofa, with a cigar in her red lips and smoking one mouthful at a time. Such actions always make people think of a special part of a man. Rao is a great change in Ye Xiao's mood When some blood boiling, even flashed in the mind such an idea, is not to pay her debt?

If Mingyue had been dead for a long time, she would have been responsible for her debt?

Ye Xiao has always felt that he is a man who keeps good faith. Can he make such dishonest things!

But soon, ye Xiao will be such an idea down, there is still another person standing in the living room!

This is a yellow man with a rickety figure. He is only about 1.6 meters tall, with an inch in his head. He is thin and thin. He looks like a long-term malnutrition. He has sunken eyes and looks like a Vietnamese. However, ye Xiao knows that he is an authentic Chinese!

"Your name is Jack?" Ye Xiao sat beside sharna carelessly, and then took out a package of Red River from China, drew out one and lit it gently, then said to the man standing opposite!

"Yes, boss, you can call me Jack or Jackson!" A flattering smile appeared on the man's face. He was originally from Yangcheng. Ten years ago, he came here with the dream that the land of M was full of gold. He tried to become a rich man and return to his hometown with rich clothes. However, when he arrived here, he found that the dream was beautiful and the reality was cruel. The opportunities for making money in M country were indeed much more than those in China. However, there were more places to spend money here What can a guy who doesn't know English do here?

In a short period of ten years, he worked as a beggar, a turner, a dishwasher, a toilet worker, a motorman, and so on. He even swept across the road. It can be said that he has done all the humble jobs that he can do. Over the years, a retro style has sprung up in Chinatown, and many rickshaw pullers have appeared. He is one of them!

Of course, it is absolutely impossible for a person to pull a car here. Every rickshaw puller has to pay a certain rent to a gang called Hua Gang, plus his own food and drink expenses. In fact, these rickshaw pullers can't make a lot of money in a month. Even many people's income is not as good as that in China!

And Jack, who is short, is obviously in it. No, today, sharna just gave her a hundred dollars and took him to this building!

One hundred dollars. That's Jack's income for a week!

"A Chinese, take a Western name, do you really think the m people are very good?" As soon as Jack admitted his name and said the name of a big star, ye Xiao's tone became cold. He didn't like this kind of person who worshipped foreign countries!

"If I don't like the boss, I'm not a good person to mix with." Yin Jie smiles awkwardly, and then gives his real name!"Well, Yin Jie, I need to ask you some questions now. As long as you answer one question, you can get more than one thousand dollars. Of course, you can not answer. But once you answer, it must be true. If I find out that there is any question that is false, ha ha..." Ye Xiao didn't say anything, but sharna didn't know where she took out a golden pistol and pulled the trigger at Yin Jie. Then the bullet almost wiped Yin Jie's scalp and directly took a strand of his hair. Yin Jie's cold sweat broke out and her eyes were full of panic!

The arms control of M state is not strict. Yin Jie has lived here for ten years, and has seen many underworld fights. He has also met some experts who claim to be sharpshooters. In particular, Li Donglai, a member of the Chinese Gang, is said to have no false hair. He has also seen Li Donglai shoot. However, he finds that Li Donglai has a better shot than this blonde beauty Get up, it's just like the water gun played by a three-year-old child. It's totally incomparable!

At least he didn't think that after Li Dong shot at him, he just lost a few hairs!

"Boss, if I know anything, I will try my best to tell you!" Just for a moment, Yin Jie understood what he should do. The man who looks much younger than himself is definitely not so easy to fool about!

And when he thought of a question that he would be paid more than one thousand dollars, he felt a surge of emotion!

"First question, when did you join the Chinese Gang? It's worth a thousand dollars! " Ye Xiao said faintly!

"I joined the Chinese gang in March the year before last." As for the members of the car Gang, it can be said that all members of the car gang are members of the accident!

"Well, this is one thousand dollars for you. The second question is, who is the leader of the Chinese Gang? I'm talking about the real leader. This problem is worth 100000 dollars!" Ye Xiao says faintly, but Yin Jie's pupils suddenly contract together, not because of the high price, but because the other party unexpectedly knows that the current leader of the Hua Gang is not the real leader

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