"Boss, you're joking. Who is the leader of the Chinese Gang? As long as the Chinese in Chinatown know, I'm really embarrassed to ask for this $100000!" But just very soon, the expression on Yin Jie's face recovered, and then said with a smile!

"Ha ha, it seems that you didn't hear my question clearly. I'm talking about the real helmsman of the Hua Gang, not the current leader Wang Yu!" A faint smile appeared on Ye Xiao's face, and he said his question again. His mood was calm and he couldn't see any anger. But he didn't know why. When he felt the light tone of Ye Xiao, Yin Jie felt the great pressure, as if there was a big mountain pressing down!

"Boss, as you said just now, I can't answer some questions. Can I not answer this question?" Knowing that he can't hide from ye Xiao, Yin Jie doesn't dare to find any other excuse, and says directly!

"Yes!" Ye Xiao nodded lightly, and Yin Jie was relieved. Then ye Xiao asked about San Francisco again!

San Francisco is one of the largest cities in M, with a population of nearly one million. Among them, one-third of them are Chinese. It can be said that the proportion of Chinese in San Francisco is the highest. Even some political officials in San Francisco are Chinese. The Chinese Gang is also the largest gang in San Francisco. However, the largest gang does not represent the most comfortable. On the contrary, the status of the Chinese Gang is Most miserable!

In addition to the Chinese Gang, there are three huge gangs in San Francisco, namely, the south Guangdong Gang, the Japanese Gang, and the night gang. None of these three gangs is as powerful as the Chinese gang. However, the three gangs are closely united and far more powerful than the Chinese gang. There is a tendency to divide up the Chinese gang. Over the years, the status of Chinese in San Francisco has not been high Zhidu has been excluded because of these three gangs!

Even in many places, Chinese people are directly prohibited from entering. In San Francisco, a city where Chinese occupy one-third of the population, this is still the case, let alone other places!

This is the news Ye Xiao got from Yin Jie, which is similar to the news he got from other channels. After giving nearly 20000 US dollars, ye Xiao asked Yin Jie to step down!

Holding 20000 U.S. dollars in his arms, Yin Jie's face was excited. He ran down the stairs in a hurry, and then left quickly. Seeing Yin Jie's cheerful back and the corner of Ye Xiao's mouth, a faint smile appeared!

Holding nearly 20000 US dollars, Yin Jie didn't go back to his station immediately. Instead, he pulled his rickshaw and ran several streets and turned many intersections. After making sure that no one was tracking him, he stopped at a small lane, and then entered the alley alone. The smile on his face had already disappeared!

After several road junctions in succession, Yin Jie finally comes to the gate of a quadrangle. In a place like San Francisco, he sees a quadrangle only available in Kyoto. It must be said that it is a miracle!

Gently knocked on the door, there was no reaction in the door, and then very rhythmic knock on the door three times, and wait for a moment, there was a deep voice: "who?"

"Qianlong is born, the sea is boundless!" Yin Jie's mouth out of two completely out of line phrases, but it is strange that the door opened at this time!

The man who came out to open the door was an old man with the same rickets. His height was shorter than that of Yin Jielai. His eyes were sunken and his face turned white. He looked like a zombie sleeping for thousands of years!

"Come in!" He said to Yin Jie, who was standing at the door. The old man looked out and made sure that no one was following him. Then he quickly closed the door. Then Yin Jie led the old man down to the living room in the center of the courtyard.

At this time, in the living room, sitting in a Tang suit man, the man looks young, up to 30 years old, not handsome, but it reveals a strong scholar's breath, giving a gentle and elegant feeling. Seeing Yin Jie's arrival, the man even takes the initiative to stand up from the sofa mountain!

"Elder Yin, what happened?"

Yin Changlao, no one would have thought that Yin Jie, the most common coachman in Chinatown, was actually an elder of the Chinese Gang!

"Mr. Liu, I met a strange man today!" As he spoke, Yin Jie took out the stack of dollars from his arms and put it on the coffee table in the living room. Then he told all he had seen and heard today. Even ye Xiao's figure was vividly imitated!

After listening to Yin Jie's words, the man named Mr. Liu frowned tightly together, as if thinking about something!

"Mr. Liu, why did he inquire about your whereabouts? Is it bad for you? " Seeing Mr. Liu's frown, Yin Jie's heart is also beating a drum. There is one thing he didn't say to Ye Xiao today. If it wasn't for Mr. Liu's existence, the Chinese gang would have been swallowed up by the other three gangs!

It is also the man who looks very weak in front of him, who is supporting the present Huabang!

"Dong Dong Dong..." At this time, there was a knock outside the door. The faces of Yin Jie, Mr. Liu, including the old man, all changed at the same time. In particular, the old man's eyes burst into two dazzling lights!"Yin Jie, you are being followed, Mr. Liu, you go first!" The old man snorted!

Yin Jie's face also became extremely ugly. He just wanted to tell Mr. Liu what he knew at the first time. Now, the status of the Chinese Gang is extremely embarrassing. It can be said that it seems powerful. In fact, any mistake may lead to the death of the Chinese gang. Any slightest disturbance must be analyzed by Mr. Liu, so as to ensure the immortality of the Chinese gang!

So he can't wait to come to tell Mr. Liu what happened today, but because of this reason, Mr. Liu is in danger, so he is really dying and can't atone for it!

"I'm afraid it's not easy to follow Yin Changlao here and want to go. Bruce Lee, open the door and welcome the guests!" Even if you know that the other party is likely to be bad, Mr. Liu's face still can not see any fluctuations, just this calm, enough to let people admire!

"Yes..." The old man actually respectfully answered, and then glared at Yin Jie fiercely, turned and walked towards the door, and Mr. Liu himself walked out of the living room, ready to meet the guests!

Soon, the door opened, and a man and a woman stood at the door. The man was wearing a Zhongshan suit, and his chest was embroidered with dragon patterns. It looked like it was completely sewn by hand, and the price was high. The woman was wearing a black dress, and her golden curly hair was so dazzling in the sunshine!

The man is handsome, and the woman is beautiful. But these two people make Yin Jie's face change greatly. Isn't this the boss who just asked him? I'm so careful. How can I still be followed by them?

"Who are you?" As soon as he saw that the other party was really attracted by himself, Yin Jie was deeply resented. He stepped forward and stood behind Mr. Liu. He protected Mr. Liu with his own body. He clearly understood how accurate that blonde woman's shooting was!

Ye Xiao ignored his clamor. Instead, he took a look at the old man who opened the door. A faint smile appeared in the corner of his mouth. Then he suddenly reached out and grabbed at the old man's face. The old man's face changed, and his body quickly retreated. His hands were all out to chop at Ye Xiao's hand

But in this moment, the old man's breath has changed greatly, and his speed is amazing. It seems that he is not like an old man who is about to enter the woods

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