"What do you say?" As for the leader of the Chinese Gang, Wang Yu didn't recover for a moment. He looked at Yin Jie in surprise, and asked a dull question!

"Lord, Landis is dead, killed!" Seeing the same startled Wang Yu, Yin Jie repeated another sentence!

"Landis is dead. Is he really dead?" Wang Yu faintly turned his head and looked at Liu Yukang again. This sentence is like Liu Yukang. Just now he said that Landis would die, but he didn't believe it. Did he have the ability to predict?

"Yes, he died and was killed. Leader Wang, if you don't want the Chinese Gang to go on like this all the time, then call on the brothers. Take advantage of Lantis's death, and the other gangs have not received such news, attack the night Gang's territory!" Liu Yukang nodded heavily. To tell the truth, his heart was full of surprise. Although he knew Ye Xiao's terror, what he didn't expect was that ye Xiao killed Landis in such a short time? How did he find Landis?

"But we do..." Hearing Liu Yukang's words, Wang Yu is still hesitant. His ambition has not been too great. The reason why he set up the Hua Gang was that he didn't want the Chinese to be bullied. He really didn't want him to attack the dark night gang when the gang was decapitated!

"Guild leader, what are you hesitating about? Now is the best opportunity for our Chinese Gang to develop and expand!" Without waiting for Wang Yu to finish, Yin Jie, standing on the side, could not help speaking!

If he had not seen Ye Xiao before, he might not have put forward such a proposal, but after knowing that ye Xiao had done it, Yin Jie was full of confidence. He vaguely felt that this was a key to the real development of the Chinese Gang, and also a key for himself and others to get rid of the bitter sea!

"Good, Yin Changlao, give an order immediately, let the brothers go!" Seeing that Yin Jie, the least daring man, was full of confidence, Wang Yu no longer hesitated and made a decision directly. Upon hearing Wang Yu's decision, Liu Yukang and Yin Jie were relieved at the same time. Liu Yukang, in particular, knew that he had fulfilled Ye Xiao's mandate and thus kept the interests of the Chinese gang. If the Huabang didn't make a move this time, with Ye Xiao's ability, one would be established sooner or later Powerful gangs, when the end of the Chinese gang will be very tragic!

Landis and his four major battle generals were killed. In addition, more than 100 young brothers died miserably. When Wang Yu sent the Chinese Gang's men to attack the dark night Gang's territory, he almost swept the night gang with the power of autumn wind. When Dongying gang and Nanyue Gang responded, the Chinese gang had already occupied half of the night Gang's land However, the Japanese gang and the south Guangdong gang were not willing to fall behind. They also sent their own staff to seize the territory of the dark night gang. However, they had lost the opportunity, and the last two gangs only occupied one third of the territory of the dark night Gang!

As for the other night Gang sites, all of them were taken by the Huabang overnight. Of course, it is one thing to take them down, and it is another to be able to digest them. In a word, the end of the decapitated night gang has long been doomed, but ye Xiao, who caused all this, has already returned to the place where they live and have a big sleep!

The decapitation of Landis can also be attributed to the fact that Lantis wanted to eat the black and was killed by a mysterious figure. If he killed the leaders of the Japanese and Nanyue gangs overnight, he would surely attract the attention of the Mafia. This is absolutely not what ye Xiao wants to see. Before the strength of the Chinese Gang really develops, he does not want to fight with the Mafia!

Otherwise, it is only possible to be destroyed!

In the early morning, the golden sun came down and shone through the window, shooting at Ye Xiao's face. However, ye Xiao still had no plan to get up. In such a fine weather, if you don't sleep much, how can you live up to yourself!

But at this time, someone didn't want him to continue to sleep. The door of the room was pushed open at this moment, and then she came in barefoot in a low breasted suspender!

"Boss, get up, you promised to go shopping with me today!" Sarna went directly to Ye Xiao's bed and said to Ye Xiao!

"It's still early. Let me sleep a little more!" In the past few months, ye Xiao's favorite thing is to sleep late. He had a fight last night, so he went to bed so late. Naturally, he had to sleep more!

"No, you promised to go shopping. It's almost ten o'clock now. Get up quickly!" Sarna boldly went to Ye Xiao's bedside, pulled a corner of the quilt and lifted it up directly. She immediately showed her absolutely perfect figure, especially a certain part standing high, which made her face red. How could he be so big?

You look at me and I see you there. They stare at each other like this. No one intends to move their eyes. After several minutes, ye Xiao, who looks at salna carefully, starts to say, "Hello, have you seen enough?"

What kind of person, in the early morning, stares at other people's treasures. How can people get up? Ye Xiao's face, it is rare to emerge a touch of red!

"Boss, you won't tell me you're still shy?" See ye Xiao's face even appeared a touch of red, Sarna smile, is very playful of the mouth way!"Damn it, you came to my bedroom early in the morning and uncovered my quilt. How can you make a pure person like me not shy?" In the face of Sarna's playful smile, ye Xiao rolled her eyes directly and said it was upright!

"Sorry, boss. I'll wait for you first." Sarna said, going out!

"Wait!" Who expected Ye Xiao to stop him!

"Is there anything else, boss?" Sarna turns around and stares at Ye Xiao curiously, or at the protruding place of Ye Xiao!

"My clothes are on the top of the cupboard. Help me with them!" Xiao pointed to the edge of the bed!

"Oh Salna reluctantly withdrew her eyes, and then went to the wardrobe beside the bed and opened the cupboard on top of her toes!

As for ye Xiao, her eyes fell on sharna's thighs, and then kept moving upward. As sharna stood on tiptoe and raised her arms, her nightdress was also pulled up, and then the plump to the extreme beauty of Tun slowly unfolded in front of Ye Xiao

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