Sharna combines all the advantages of Western women, especially her figure, which is definitely the most typical front convex and back warping. Among all the women Ye Xiao knows, even if she is charming and enchanting, she has a certain distance in her body!

"Boss, is this one?" Soon, Sarna picked out a set of Armani casual clothes, turned around, as for ye Xiao, naturally moved her eyes early!

"This one is smaller, and it's not comfortable to wear. What about the other one?" Ye Xiao did not have enough eye addiction, and pointed to the cabinet and said!

"Oh As if she didn't know that she had been peeped at, she stood on tiptoe for a while and finally found a larger Armani casual dress!

Then ye Xiao shook her head again, and it lasted for at least ten minutes. After sharna had turned over all the clothes in the upper cabinet, she said, "forget it, I still prefer to wear Zhongshan suit and put it in the bottom cabinet. Please help me find it!" Ye Xiao also pointed to the bottom of a cabinet said!

Just like a maid, sharna bent her waist and spread her legs and began to look for clothes for ye Xiao. In this way, not to mention the big white buttocks, even the two regiments in front of her chest were hung down because of the fall of the clothes, and ye Xiao could see the two groups full from her legs

Seeing such a beautiful scene, ye Xiao only felt the blood boiling in her body, and her nostrils were itchy, as if something was going to flow out!

Nima's, to spray nosebleed, must not be able to spray ah, this will throw the dead, if you really spray nosebleed in front of her face, how can you raise your head in front of her?

A deep breath, not to let their nosebleed out, forced to move their eyes to one side!

"Boss, is this one?" At this time, Sarna just took out a silver and white Zhongshan suit and turned around!

"Well, um..." Ye Xiao even nodded, did not dare to say too big a voice, for fear of a careless, that nosebleed so gush out!

"Then I'll go out and wait for you outside?" Salna said again in a charming voice!

"OK, OK!" Ye Xiao forced the nose blood pressure that was about to erupt back, and nodded repeatedly. If sharna stayed here a little longer, he could not help it!

Salna just stood up her chest, swinging her high thighs, and walked towards the door. With her walking, her skirt was flying, and the black T-shirt was also looming, full of endless temptation, and the blood in Ye Xiao's body kept rolling!

When Sarna came to the door, she suddenly stopped, then turned around and threw a wink at Ye Xiao, who was still lying in bed. Then the red lips moved: "boss, if you like my place, just say it. I'll let you have a look. Even if you want to do something else, I'll be there for you." After that, he smiles at Ye Xiao and walks out the door!

But ye Xiao's mind is still recalling the last sentence of Sarna. Even if you want to do something else, I will accompany you to the end. NIMA, what does it mean to accompany you? Does she agree to whatever she plays?

Thinking of this, ye Xiao's nostrils came "Puff..." A sound, and then see two blood dragons completely erupt!

In December, the weather in M country has been quite cold, but San Francisco is a coastal city, relatively speaking, the temperature difference is smaller, not too cold, at least, here has not begun to snow!

In particular, today's sunshine is quite mild, even if walking on the street, will not feel cold, as for ye Xiao and sharna, the two powerful people, will not feel cold!

Ye Xiao finally chose to wear a suit of black casual clothes. Under his feet was a pair of leather boots. He wore a windbreaker and sunglasses, which looked like Neo, the protagonist of the hacker empire. As for Sarna next to him, she was wearing a black high waisted leather coat with a fur collar and a pair of tight leather pants, Wrap that perfect curve!

At her feet was a pair of high-heeled leather boots, which reached the knee position. The whole person looked full of wildness. When they walked on the road, they naturally attracted countless people's eyes. However, when they saw the giant bodyguard Kanu who was following them, many people immediately gave up their bad ideas!

It is needless to say that the height of Kanu, his body exudes that strong breath, enough to let ordinary people fear!

The place they chose was no other place, it was the Chinatown where they lived!

Chinatown, in general, is not a street, but a gathering place of Chinese in San Francisco. There are 300000 Chinese living in this city. These 300000 people can not live in one street. However, the street Ye Xiao visited is a real Chinatown, which is also the earliest and oldest street in San Francisco!

Almost all the buildings in the whole street are Chinese buildings in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and the streets are covered with thick bluestone floors. In addition, this street has been listed as a pedestrian street. There is no car on the whole street. In addition, with the completely retro decoration style around, walking on the Street is like returning to more than 100 years ago!There are a lot of people in Chinatown, which is also the place with the largest population density in San Francisco. All travelers to San Francisco, no matter what country they are, like to visit Chinatown!

At this time, there are people coming and going on the street. This phenomenon is common in China, but it is not common in M country or even in western countries. After all, no leader in western countries has put forward the slogan of "more people and more power"!

Since her debut, sharna has been wandering in the underground world. Later, she has been fighting with Ye Xiao all the way. Even though she has just come to San Francisco for a few months, she hasn't come out to have fun because she has been thinking about problems. In a sense, this is the first time she has been out shopping with a man, just like ordinary young girls!

Seeing those antique ornaments and clothes, even after staying in China for a few years, she is still excited. She pulls Ye Xiao into this clothing store, and then carries Ye Xiao into another jewelry store. In short, today's Sarna is like a cheerful little girl. Where can people think that this is a fearless gun God?

Finally, they went to a clothing store named xihuzi. It was said that all the clothes in this shop were silk from Hangzhou, China. Sharna also wanted to change into a silk made dress. She chose some clothes that integrated Eastern and Western culture. Shalana went into the fitting room to try on the clothes, while ye Xiao sat in the rest room and waited Ready to take out a cigarette to smoke, but suddenly heard a very familiar voice, can not help looking back, when see the owner of the voice, the whole person immediately in situ

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