"I'm sorry, sir. I'm sorry, sir. I didn't mean to!" In Ye Xiao's field of vision, a beautiful woman in a cheongsam is constantly apologizing to a westerner in a suit. The westerner looks at least 40 years old and wears extraordinary clothes, but her head is bald and there is a pool of water on her chest!

Beside him, there is a professional woman wearing golden glasses and professional clothes, and then there are two black men standing behind him, obviously playing the role of bodyguard!

"Sorry? You dirty my clothes? I'm sorry Although the woman has been constantly apologizing, but the Western man still did not mean to forgive her, directly cold hum!

"Sir, I didn't mean to, I really didn't mean to, I..." The woman wanted to explain something, but the blonde standing next to the Western man interrupted her!

"Not on purpose? Do you want to do it on purpose? I told you, this dress of my boss is designed and sewn by master Charlie. It's the only one in the world. Now you've soiled it and burned our boss. Can you do it with a word of apology? Call your boss here As soon as the blonde saw that she was the Secretary of the westerner, she understood her boss's intention and gave a cold hum!

A lot of things, women are better than men!

In fact, she didn't need to call at all. The owner of the shop had already rushed over and quickly came to several people. She also kept nodding and apologizing to them!

"I'm sorry, dear guest, Xiaoqian didn't mean to. Please forgive Xiaoqian for the loss of your suit. How about our store? What's more, we'll give you a set of newly arrived silk Tang suits for free The boss is obviously a Chinese, about 40 years old. He seems to take good care of his employees!

"As I said just now, this suit of our boss is the last hand sewn piece of master Charlie. Can you afford it? Even if you sell your shop, you may not be able to afford it. What's more, even if you pay for your clothes, our boss is scalded. How can we compensate? " The blonde sneered scornfully, but her eyes kept looking at Ouyang Qianqian. This Oriental woman is really good-looking, pure with a touch of vicissitudes, this temperament, but for the first time in many years, no wonder his boss will deliberately overturn her tea cup!

"What do you want us to do, lady?" Obviously, the owner of xihuzi clothing store is also a discerning person. Naturally, he recognized that the clothes on the man's body were designed by master Charlie Qi himself. As for whether he sewed them by himself, no one knows. However, it is not easy to be able to wear clothes designed by Charlie, the world's top fashion designer!

At least such a person is not the boss of West Lake son can offend!

"How? She hurt our boss, so she has to take care of our boss herself? As for the price of this dress, we don't need your shop to compensate for it. It's soiled by her. She has to pay for it. Our boss is magnanimous and only needs her to work for our boss for a year. " The blonde got her boss's eye sign, then chuckled and asked for her and others!

At the request of the blonde, the faces of the boss and the cheongsam beauty suddenly changed. They are not three-year-old children. They naturally understand the meaning of each other's words. Take care of them? What is care? That's meticulous. You can take care of whatever the other party wants to do!

And still have to work for a year, which is not equal to let her accompany this disgusting bald man for a year? Kill, Qipao beauty will not agree to such a thing!

"Isn't that too much of a demand?" On hearing the other party's unreasonable request, the boss's tone also hardened. From this point, it can be seen that the boss is also a kind person. Otherwise, ordinary people will not interfere in these affairs, especially when they know that the other party's identity is not simple, how far will he go? Where can he come forward like this boss!

"Too much? I don't think you know the identity of our boss. This time, our boss was invited by the mayor of San Francisco to come to investigate. As soon as he arrived here, his clothes were soiled and his body was scalded by your staff. Our boss is very angry. This is your last chance. Otherwise, I will tell Mr. Mayor about the matter here, Do you think you can stay in San Francisco? " Said the blonde triumphantly!

When he heard this, the boss's face suddenly changed. The other party was specially invited by the mayor of San Francisco to investigate. He would care about his identity, but he would never be really afraid. Even if he really offended the mayor of San Francisco, it was nothing!

Recently, however, there is only one delegation in San Francisco, which is a member of the board of directors of o'nei group. This is one of the largest consortia in country M. behind it is the Colossus of Orlando. You know, the Orlando family is the third largest family in country m!

This is even more terrifying than the Mafia. In the politics, economy, military and underworld of M country, there are shadows of the Orlando family. Is the other party a member of the Orlando family?Look at his clothes? Is it still a core member of o'nei group's board of directors? Any member who can enter the o'nei group's board of directors is either a member of the Orlando family or a talent that the Orlando family attaches great importance to!

This person doesn't look like a talent in any way, so the only possibility is that he is from the Orlando family?

The boss's name is Cheng Yuchen. Rao wants to protect his employees and Chinese people. But when he hears the identity of the other party, he is at a loss!

If other forces give up the industry here and go to other places. For him, he would rather lose everything than be bullied by his fellow countrymen. But the other side is a member of the Orlando family. Even if he really gives up everything here, can he avoid the Orlando family?

In M country, no one can resist the Revenge of the Orlando family, even if they escape, they can't escape!

The boss is also a person, he can not think about himself, but he can't afford not to think about his wife, but really let them take Xiaoqian away?

Cheng Yuchen's eyes show a look of shame, in this matter, he is really powerless!

The cheongsam beauty is no one else. It's Ouyang Qianqian who came to m country, but she didn't get the consent of her family. In order to let her come back as soon as possible, Ouyang Qianqian's family cut off all her financial resources. However, Ouyang Qianqian was not willing to go back no matter how hard or tired she was. Finally, she found such a job. The boss and the boss's wife were good people and were very good to her Her colleagues are also like their relatives, which makes her very moved. Especially just now, the boss has repeatedly and repeatedly made efforts for her. She has been very satisfied. At this time, seeing the shame of the boss, Ouyang Qianqian also understands that the identity of the other party is not simple!

She is a girl who knows how to repay her kindness. Naturally, she doesn't want the boss to embarrass her, so she has to speak. Then a black object flies from the side and hits the Western man's head directly. Then she hears a voice that makes her whole body tremble

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