Sure enough, Tian Xuanzong was the place where he changed his destiny!

Fortunately, no matter how difficult the journey was, he finally arrived at Tianxuanzong! ?

I had the thought of giving up many times before, but luckily I persisted. ?

"Sect Master, thank you!" Jun Xiaoyao immediately knelt down to Lin Yu and said gratefully.

"Get up, now your ancient holy body can practice in this era, but you must also work hard and don't rely too much on the holy body!"

"In addition, when you act alone outside in the future, do not easily show that you have the ancient holy body before you have absolute strength."

Lin Yu said something serious and thoughtful.

As long as he grows up smoothly, Lin Yu is 100% sure that Jun Xiaoyao's power will definitely become an immortal.

But if this Jun Xiaoyao falls on the way, it would be a shame for him to go to such great lengths to help him cut off those ninety-nine shackles...

"Disciple, please obey the Patriarch's teachings." Jun Xiao responded with cupped hands.

He can forget everything, but he will never forget what Lin Yu said to him.

"Okay, your problem has been solved. You don't need to follow Wang Fugui anymore. You can arrange your own training." Lin Yu waved his hand and said softly.

"Understood, Sect Master!" Jun Xiaoyao nodded repeatedly. He couldn't wait to enter the training tower, martial arts tower, and challenge tower.

"By the way, Wang Fugui, I'll give you this Immortal Technique. I originally planned to wait until you reached the Nascent Soul Realm before giving it to you, but I'll give it to you now." Immediately afterwards, Lin Yu waved his finger gently.

An immortal spell was suspended in front of Wang Fugui!

"Swallow the magic scripture!"

"Immortal magic!" Wang Fugui was surprised and quickly said gratefully: "Thank you, sect master. I will practice hard and won't let you down."

"Remember, the Devouring Demonic Sutra must wait until you reach the Nascent Soul Realm before you can practice it." Lin Yu reminded again.

After saying that, Lin Yu disappeared directly from the spot.

Come in a hurry, go in a hurry!

"As expected of the sect master!" The two of them sighed in their hearts.

"Congratulations to Senior Brother Wang." Jun Xiaoyao continued to congratulate Wang Fugui, that is an immortal magic...

"Junior brother Jun, you are so polite. Senior brother, I also want to congratulate you. Maybe senior brother will have to rely on you in the future." Wang Fugui said with a slight smile.

The ancient holy body is much stronger than his ancient Taotie bloodline.

One day, Jun Xiaoyao will definitely surpass him.

"Senior brother, don't worry. If you need any help or need in the future, just say it. I, Jun Xiaoyao, will definitely help as long as I can!"

"No matter what the future holds, you will always be my senior brother!"

Jun Xiaoyao said with a serious face.

This made Wang Fugui couldn't help but feel a little moved, "Okay, Junior Brother Jun, I really did not misjudge you. Okay, you should go to the cultivation tower as soon as possible. Next, you will have to practice hard!"


Jun Xiaoyao also said goodbye to Wang Fugui and quickly ran towards the training tower.

And Wang Fugui also found a place and began to prepare to see this magic!

"Devouring the Demonic Scripture is a method used by the Taotie clan to suppress the clan. It requires the power of blood to open it!"

The first page is a line of large characters.

As you continue to scroll down, everything behind is blank.

Seeing this, Wang Fugui also wanted to understand something, and quickly dropped a drop of his blood on the Devouring Demonic Scripture.

With a drop of his own blood, the Devouring Demonic Sutra seemed to come to life, emitting an incomparable light, and then rushed directly into his mind.

At this moment, Wang Fugui directly entered a special state.

The formulas of the Devouring Demon Sutra emerged one after another... His own Taotie bloodline also started to activate.

It's been a long time!

Wang Fugui slowly opened his eyes, exhaled a breath of filthy air, and said with a smile: "This Devouring Demonic Sutra is too terrifying. After practicing to a great extent, it can swallow all things..."

"It seems that I must break through to the realm of Nascent Soul as soon as possible. Only in this way can I truly practice the Devouring Demonic Sutra!"

"I have to go to the training tower too!"



There are more and more super geniuses in Tianxuan Sect.

Lu Linglong possesses the Great Green Lotus Body, the Thunder Tribulation Battle Body Shiman, the Ancient Taotie Bloodline Wang Fugui, the Blue Silver Saint Body Han Li, the Ancient Saint Body Jun Xiaoyao...

Lin Yu, who returned to the courtyard, lay on a chair and began to think, "I don't know how Lu Ming is doing now. It's too slow to ask him to recruit Longfengjiao into the sect!"

If it were him, he would probably have brought this Longfengjiao into the sect long ago.

At this time, Queen Medusa walked out of the room.

Seeing the beauty appear, Lin Yu stopped thinking about other things for an instant and focused on the beauty.

"Don't mess around!" Queen Medusa shouted softly. She calmed down for a long time, and now she is much better.

"Oh~~~" Lin Yu pouted, acting very aggrieved.

I can't do embarrassing things.

I had no choice but to rest on my knees.

Lin Yu lay down.

I have to say, the feeling of this knee pillow is really wonderful.

The three beauties had different feelings on their knee pillows... which made Lin Yu extremely enjoyable.

"I didn't expect that Tianxuan Sect would have a few more geniuses." Queen Medusa sighed as she gently stroked Lin Yu's head with one hand.

The aura of the ancient holy body just now made her feel a little coercive.

Fortunately, it was Lin Yu's new disciple.

Otherwise, he may be a very troublesome enemy in the future...

"Haha, this little genius is nothing. After Tianxuan Sect, everyone will be a genius!" Lin Yu showed a confident smile. His goal can definitely be achieved!

Just so confident!

"I am looking forward to that day." Queen Medusa also believed in Lin Yu very much, nodded slightly, and said with a smile.

This smile.

Overwhelming the country and the city.

Lin Yu was fascinated again.

Chapter 95 Re-entering the Great Yan King City

"Sect Master, no good, no good, someone wants to steal disciples from us..."

After almost a day, Lin Yu received the spiritual letter from Lu Ming.

"Sure enough, I still have to take action personally. This Lu Ming is suitable for managing the sect, but he is really bad at recruiting disciples." Seeing this, Lin Yu shook his head.

It’s time to take some active activities, we can’t “fall” in that gentle countryside every day!

After breaking the space crack, Lin Yu walked directly in.


It didn't take long for Lin Yu to quickly arrive at the Great Yan King City.

I came to this royal city again, and looking around, I saw that many places had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Moreover, a major reshuffle has taken place among all the forces in the royal city.

Inside a restaurant room.

Lu Ming quickly reported the situation to Lin Yu, describing everything in detail.

Let Lin Yu have a general understanding!

"Sect Master, the Jiutian Han Sect is one of the top sects in the entire Eastern Region. I didn't expect that they would also like Long Fengjiao."

Lu Ming sighed again.

"So how do you choose Longfengjiao?" Lin Yu asked.

"I haven't made a choice yet. I won't give an accurate answer until tomorrow." Lu Ming quickly replied, "But according to my analysis, she should choose the Nine Heavens Cold Sect!"

The current master of the Jiutian Han Sect is a powerful person in the Aspiration Realm... It is rumored that the Jiutian Han Sect also has an ancestor whose strength is unfathomable.

Today's Tianxuan Sect is not very famous.

If it were anyone's choice, they would most likely choose a top sect like Jiutian Han Sect...

It is also his own sect leader who keeps a low profile.

If Lin Yu's identity as an immortal is exposed.

I am afraid that the top geniuses in the entire world of cultivating immortals will beg to join the Tianxuan Sect...

"Sect Master, if Long Fengjiao really chooses the Jiutian Han Sect, what should we do?" Lu Ming asked in a low voice.

He really didn’t want to make this trip in vain!

"Don't even think about it?"

"If she really chooses the Jiutian Han Sect, it means she has no fate with our Tianxuan Sect!"

"If you don't have a fate, don't force it!"

Lin Yu smiled.

Next, it depends on Long Fengjiao's own choice, but no matter what the choice is, as long as she doesn't regret it.

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