"I understand." Lu Ming said respectfully, "By the way, Sect Master, come and live in the palace with me!"

"The royal family of the Great Yan Dynasty has arranged a separate courtyard for me, which is much better than this restaurant."

"Okay!" Lin Yu nodded slightly.

Before coming to the Great Yan King City, he only took a look at the palace from the outside. What it looks like inside, Lin Yu really hasn't seen it.

Now there is a chance.

Naturally, I am willing to go in and take a look.


Under the leadership of Lu Ming, they also entered the palace very smoothly.

The whole palace makes people feel solemn and majestic, like an unshakable giant beast!

The high walls stand in rows, like an indestructible barrier, separating the inside and the outside.

There are many powerful cultivators in this palace.


They came to a palace courtyard.

After all, Lu Ming is also a cultivator in the Spiritualization Realm. If the Great Yan royal family does not receive him respectfully, the entire dynasty will not be far from being destroyed...

"Grand Elder, you have been out for a few days. Have you found other good seedlings?" Lin Yu lay directly on the chair and asked softly.

"Not yet." Lu Ming shook his head, but at this time, he suddenly thought of something and slowly spoke, "By the way, Sect Master, I really have a discovery!"

"Tell me about it." Lin Yu nodded slightly.

"It's like this. When I met Long Fengjiao before, I saw her sister, Long Junru, the second princess of the Great Yan Dynasty."

"She has no cultivation, just an ordinary person!"

"Now this Long Junru is over 18 years old. Logically speaking, she should not be an ordinary person."

Lu Ming continued.

After all.

This Long Junru was born in the royal family, and the emperor and queen of the Great Yan Dynasty were both powerful people at the Nascent Soul level.

The children of two Nascent Soul cultivators are generally able to embark on the path of cultivation.

What's more, her elder sister Long Fengjiao has awakened the Phoenix bloodline...

This younger sister is actually an ordinary person who has not practiced.

This is really strange and hard to understand.

Lu Ming also observed Long Junru carefully, but he didn't see any problems at all.

But when he thought of the wild rules for recruiting disciples set by Lin Yu, he vaguely felt that Long Junru might meet the requirements.

"Hearing what you said, this Long Junru is interesting. Can I see her tomorrow?" Lin Yu became interested.

As for what Long Junru is like?

You can tell at a glance!

"Master, Long Junru should appear tomorrow." Lu Ming responded.

"That's good!" Lin Yu nodded.

"Master, how is the sect during my absence?" Lu Ming asked.

"Everything is good. The sect now has several more geniuses, with the Ancient Saint Body and the Blue Silver Saint Body..." Lin Yu said with a smile.

After listening.

Lu Ming was stunned.

How long has it been since I left...

"You are worthy of being the Sect Master!" Lu Ming clasped his fists and said in admiration.

"You flattered me. I sensed a breath of the late stage of the Spiritualization nearby. It should be the strong man from the Nine Heavens Cold Sect you mentioned."

"Yes, she suddenly appeared."

Lu Ming nodded quickly and continued, "Sect Master, and she is also a super beauty, but she is still far behind your beauty."

"The Nine Heavens Cold Sect cultivates the ruthless way. The whole person looks cold and especially creepy."

"Ruthless way?" Lin Yu sighed, "Is it very strong?"

"It should be considered a very strong one." Lu Ming thought for a while and answered.

"The ruthless way is just a small way." Lin Yu waved his fingers, "Ruthless is affectionate, affectionate is ruthless!"

"So, we can only say that they are stupid!"

These words.

Shocked Lu Ming.

The Sect Master's words completely denied the way of the Nine Heavens Cold Sect.

Ruthlessness is affection!

This Jiutian Hanzong abandoned his emotions and practiced ruthlessness, but he didn't know that all this was wrong...

For a while.

Lu Ming himself also had some insights, and his state of mind improved rapidly...

After returning this time, he will retreat for a period of time, and his cultivation level will definitely improve!


Time passed little by little.

The sky soon darkened.

Lu Ming returned to his room and sat cross-legged to practice.

And Lin Yu lay there and slept soundly...

Chapter 96 I, Long Fengjiao, will never regret my choice today

[Starting to sign in... Please wait patiently...]

Opening and closing, a new day has arrived. After waking up, Lin Yu started to sign in as soon as possible.

[Complete the sign-in, congratulations on getting the sign-in reward: Ice God Sword! ]

Another immortal weapon!

This Ice God Sword exudes an endless and terrifying ice breath, which can be said to be extremely cold and piercing, as if this sword can freeze everything in the world.

The sword body is crystal clear, as if it is a perfect ice crystal formed naturally.

At the same time, you can also see that the sword has a similar pattern of ice phoenix sword.

This sword not only contains powerful power, but also looks very cool.

For a beauty party like Lin Yu, this Ice God Sword makes him like it very much!

Lin Yu quickly held the hilt of the Ice God Sword and felt its extremely cold power more clearly.

For a moment, Lin Yu seemed to be in a frozen world.

"It's so cold!" At this time, Lu Ming walked out of his room and felt extremely cold.

This coldness was difficult even for him, a strong man in the realm of gods, to withstand.

I feel like I'm about to be frozen into an ice sculpture!

"What a terrifying ice sword." Lu Ming swallowed and marveled.

Lin Yu gently stroked the sword body, and the ice breath of the Ice God Sword began to withdraw...

"Come out, Sword Spirit." Lin Yu chuckled softly.

The next second.

The Ice Divine Sword burst out with a ray of light, and a woman wearing a snow-white dress emerged.

"It's quite beautiful!" Lin Yu nodded slightly.

The appearance of this female sword spirit can be said to be stunning to a country.

Especially her skin is as white as snow and as delicate and smooth as mutton fat white jade.

Eyes bright as stars, lips rosy and full...

The temperament is cold and mysterious!

"Sword Spirit Bingli, I have met you!" This beautiful sword spirit saluted Lin Yu respectfully.

"It seems that you, the sword spirit, do not recognize me as your master!" Lin Yu said with a smile.

"I'm not worthy of being your sword." Bingli explained quickly.

The sword spirit will choose its own master!

Although she wanted to be Lin Yu's sword, she was not as good as the Immortal Killing Sword, Immortal Killing Sword... the four great immortal swords, so she knew that she was not qualified!

not to mention.

The moment the Ice Divine Sword appeared, as a sword spirit, she sensed a candidate who was particularly suitable for her!

"Forget it, anyway, I have many disciples in Tianxuan Sect. When the time comes, I will allow you to choose your true master!" Lin Yu nodded slightly.

"I have sensed that there is a perfect candidate for the Ice God Sword in this place." Sword Spirit Bingli said.

"Oh?" Lin Yu smiled and said, "Being chosen by you means that he is also an extraordinary genius!"

"You go back first, and I will help you deal with it after I finish my work." Lin Yu continued.

"Yes!" Sword Spirit Bingli responded respectfully, and then she returned to the sword.

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