"You!" Liu Yanru's eyes revealed a hint of murderous intent, and someone actually said she was too weak.

"She contains the blood of the Ice Phoenix in her body!" Lin Yu tapped his finger lightly, and a burst of spiritual power poured into Long Junru's body.

The next moment.

Powerful power burst out from Long Junru's body.

The terrifying power of ice surged.

The whole hall.

It was frozen in an instant.

The temperature plummeted.


A huge ice phoenix figure condensed out from behind Long Junru, making a phoenix cry.

"This is actually the ice-phoenix bloodline, and the power of this ice is extremely terrifying, even more terrifying than Longfengjiao's phoenix bloodline!" Liu Yanru was shocked.

She was very confused about how Lin Yu did it.

Rapid breakthrough in cultivation.

Long Junru's realm has directly reached the early stage of foundation building.

Her strength suddenly surpassed that of her sister Long Fengjiao.

At this moment, Long Fengjiao was a little envious when she saw Long Junru's improvement, and suddenly she felt a little bit regretful...

"I can practice!" Long Junru was excited. She felt the powerful power in her body. She had been longing for it for a long time.

My destiny has changed!

"Thank you!" Long Junru bowed towards Lin Yu and thanked him.

"I will make more contributions to the sect in the future." Lin Yu waved his finger again, and a long sword appeared.

The Ice Divine Sword came out.

The entire surrounding ice power becomes even more terrifying!

This sword seems to be able to freeze everything.

"This is an immortal weapon!" Liu Yanru said in shock.

Immortal weapon!

Long Fengjiao was dumbfounded.

A majestic fairy weapon was actually given away like this!

Ice Divine Sword soon took the initiative to recognize Long Junru as its master.

With the blessing of the Ice God Sword, the Ice Phoenix bloodline in Long Junru's body instantly increased again, becoming even more terrifying.

Foundation-building perfection!

How long has it been!

Long Junru awakened the ice phoenix bloodline from a person with no cultivation, and her cultivation directly broke through the early stage of foundation building. She also received the blessing of immortal weapons and was promoted to the foundation building perfection.

There was not even half a stick of incense in the whole process!

See this with your own eyes.

Long Fengjiao now has endless regrets in her heart.

Perhaps, everything Long Junru has now should have been hers.

But she was rejected by her!

"Is it too late to regret now?" Long Fengjiao thought to herself.

After a few breaths.

Long Junru took back her breath, and the surrounding ice quickly dissipated, returning to its original state.

Now Long Junru has obviously changed a lot, especially in terms of temperament, she is more like a fairy above nine heavens!

"Very good, let's go, it's time for us to return to the sect!" Lin Yu stood up slowly.

Although he did not recruit Long Fengjiao this time, he did recruit a better Long Junru, which was quite satisfying for Lin Yu!

It was at this time.

Long Fengjiao knelt down towards Lin Yu and said, "Please let me join Tianxuan Sect!"

It can easily make an ordinary person with no cultivation ability awaken a special bloodline, and what he gives away is an immortal weapon.

This kind of Tianxuan Sect is absolutely extraordinary!

Long Fengjiao indeed regrets endlessly now, but she doesn't want to miss it just now...

"You have just made your choice, and you are already destined to have no fate with my Tianxuan Sect." Lin Yu said calmly, and then opened a rift in the space.

"Father, please take care of yourself." Long Junru said goodbye to Long Xiao.


She also followed Lin Yu and Lu Ming and disappeared through the space crack.

was decisively rejected.

Long Fengjiao's face turned pale... She felt so regretful.

That supreme opportunity is clearly his. If he could choose Tianxuan Sect from the beginning...

"Longfengjiao, Jiutian Hanzong will not accept you anymore." Liu Yanru snorted coldly, and then broke through the void and left.

She had to go back and report this matter to the sect leader.

Being able to send out immortal weapons at will, in her knowledge, no one in the entire world of cultivating immortals can have such a generous gift.

It seems that the world of immortality is beginning to change.

Today Xuanzong has to take it seriously...


Long Fengjiao said unwillingly.

Now she is not even wanted by the Jiutian Han Sect.

"Fengjiao, things have happened, we must learn to accept the reality!" Long Xiao comforted his eldest daughter.

Maybe this is life!

Chapter 98 Haotian Sect sent people to investigate

"What a rich and pure aura of heaven and earth!"

After officially entering Tianxuan Sect, Long Junru was in awe as she looked at the beautiful fairyland in front of her.

This is simply a holy place for cultivation!

"Welcome to Tianxuan Sect, from now on, you are my core disciple of Tianxuan Sect." Lin Yu smiled.

"Thank you, Master!" After coming back to his senses, Long Junru quickly thanked Lin Yu.

"Great Elder, you go about your business first. Then I will take her to get familiar with the sect." Lin Yu continued.

"Okay, Sect Master!" After Lu Ming saluted, Yukong left.


Under the leadership of Lin Yu, Long Junru walked on the road of the sect.

Along the way, Lin Yu explained the entire Tianxuan Sect to her in a simple and clear way.

It also allowed Long Junru to learn more about it.

"This is where the sect practices!" Lin Yu said with a smile.

Looking at the three mysterious towers in front of him, as well as the entrance to the secret realm... Long Junru knew at a glance that it was definitely not a simple existence!

"In the training tower, the training effect is ten times that of the outside world!"

"The martial arts tower hone your martial arts skills..."

"Challenge the tower, complete the challenge and get rewards!"


Lin Yu explained briefly again.

At this moment, Long Junru was even more shocked to the extreme.

Everything seemed like a dream, a bit unreal.

"Sect Master, you are looking for me." Soon, sword mad Xie Xiaofeng fell from the sky and quickly saluted Lin Yu.

"Elder Xie, this is Long Junru, the new core disciple of the sect. She has a good talent in swordsmanship. I will leave it to you to guide her practice from now on." Lin Yu nodded slightly and said softly.

"Understood!" Xie Xiaofeng nodded.


He also looked at Long Junru carefully.

After taking a few breaths, he couldn't help but be a little surprised, "Ice Phoenix bloodline, and the ice power contained in it is extremely powerful! Could it be that it is a mutated bloodline!"

"And there is an extraordinary sword inside you!"

He is a swordsman himself.

Naturally, he could clearly sense the ice sword in Long Junru's body.

After seeing this clearly, Xie Xiaofeng believed that Long Junru was simply a natural swordsman...

The sect master deserves to be the sect master.

If you just go out for a walk like this, you can bring back such a super genius!

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