It's really incredible.

"Sect Master, don't worry, I see the beauty of a swordsman in her, and I will definitely cultivate her with all my heart!" Xie Xiaofeng promised again.

"Very good." Lin Yu nodded with satisfaction, "By the way, how is Ye Fan doing lately?"

"Back to the sect master, Ye Fan has made great progress and now has mastered three types of sword intent!" Xue Xiaofeng replied.

"There are only three sword intentions, so they are just so-so." Lin Yu sighed.

Long Junru was dumbfounded when she heard the conversation between the two.

A super genius who has understood three kinds of sword intent, or is he just an average person?

To know.

For a sword cultivator to be able to comprehend a kind of sword intention in his life, this is considered a great opportunity...

Xuanzong is really not that simple today.

"Sect Master, I will make that kid practice harder and strive to understand more sword intent." Xie Xiaofeng said with cupped hands.

"Okay, practice step by step, and there is no need to deliberately pursue more sword intent." Lin Yu waved his hand. In his opinion, both Ye Fan and others have their own paths.

Just don't interfere too much.

Anyway, they all have the protagonist template, so there is no need to worry too much.

"I understand." Xie Xiaofeng responded.

"Okay, that's it." After Lin Yu finished speaking, he quickly disappeared from the spot.


Xie Xiaofeng took a deep breath.

Immediately afterwards, he continued to look at Long Junru and said in a gentle tone: "You can just call me Elder Xie from now on. Next, I will take you to the Sutra-Tiding Pavilion to choose the exercises!"

"follow me!"

"Yes, Elder Xie!" Long Junru responded honestly and obediently.


Time flew by, and dozens of days passed quietly.

These days, Long Junru has become completely accustomed to the life of Tianxuan Sect.

When she saw that there were many disciples in the sect who were more talented than her, they were all practicing extremely hard.

Long Junru was deeply affected by this scene, and she also made up her mind to practice harder, but she couldn't hold back!

Because of this determination, Long Junru improved very quickly in all aspects.

this day.

Over a forest not far from Tianxuan Sect.

A young man stepped on a blue-eyed dragon, suspended in mid-air.

"Young Master and the young master's vitality disappeared here!" The young man couldn't help but secretly thought as he looked at the compass display in his hand.

His name is Luo Fei!

An inner disciple of Haotian Sect.

He was also ordered by the elder of the sect to investigate the deaths of young master Tang Chen and young master Tang Wu!

Time is tight and tasks are heavy.

Luo Fei also spent a lot of effort to get here.

Thanks to the presence of the blue-eyed dragon, it flies extremely fast.

"According to the information, the sect in front of us is called Tianxuan Sect, and the specific strength cannot be determined!"

"According to the records, more than a year ago, some strong men in the middle stage of God Transformation attacked Tianxuan Sect. As a result, the strong men in the middle stage of God Transformation were directly wiped out. It seems that Tianxuan Sect should have strong men at the level of Perfect God Transformation and Dzogchen, or even Maybe he’s a powerful person in the Mahayana realm!”

Luo Fei began to analyze in his heart.

This time.

He is mainly here to investigate the situation and find the murderer who killed the young master and the young master!

And now.

Through all his discoveries, he thinks that Tian Xuanzong has a great possibility.

If it was really Tianxuanzong who did it, it means that Tianxuanzong also has strong people in the Aspiration Realm.

This is not something he can solve.

After all, he only has the cultivation level of the late Nascent Soul!

"It seems that we have to find a way to enter Tianxuan Sect to find out what's going on." Luo Fei had a plan.

But if you want to sneak into Tianxuan Sect, I'm afraid it won't be that easy.

"Qingjiao, get closer and be careful not to be discovered by the Tianxuan Sect people." Luo Fei ordered.

Following his order, the blue-eyed dragon quickly flew forward.


At the mountain gate.

Black Dog suddenly opened his eyes, as if he sensed something, and showed a mysterious smile: "He is planning something evil!"

"A blue-eyed dragon in the early stage of Yuanying, and a monk in the late stage of Yuanying. If they were me in my heyday, they would definitely be no problem!"

"It seems we have to ask Brother Xuanwu to take action. The meat of this blue-eyed dragon must be delicious!"

Think of this.

The black dog quickly left.

The two disciples guarding the mountain gate were also curious after seeing it: "Why did Mr. Dog leave?"

"I don't know. What Master Gou wants to do is not something we can guess!"

"Hey, these days, even a dog can practice faster and have a higher level of cultivation than us!"

"Master Dog is no ordinary dog, we have to be more cautious."

Chapter 99 The terrifying Tianxuan Sect

After observing closely, Luo Fei felt that something was wrong with Xuanzong today. Unfortunately, he couldn't tell anything from the outside, so he had to go deep inside to find out.

"I must get the truthful information, otherwise it will be difficult to do business when I go back." Luo Fei thought to himself.

When I thought about how cruel the punishment would be if Haotian Sect failed in its mission, my whole body became horrified.

He didn't want to end up like that.

"Qingjiao, just find a place to hide here. I want to sneak into Tianxuan Sect." Luo Fei knelt down, gently stroked the blue-eyed dragon's head, and said softly.

The blue-eyed dragon is too big to follow him further.

Immediately, Luo Fei jumped down, and the blue-eyed dragon quickly began to fly in other directions and began to hide.

At the foot of Tianxuanzong Mountain.

"Turtle Breath Technique!" Luo Fei's realm has reached the eighth level of Qi Condensation!

This Turtle Breath Technique can not only hide one's breath, but also hide one's true state.

He walked up the mountain path.

After a while, he saw a splendid mountain gate and said, "Good guy, this mountain gate looks grander than Haotian Sect!"

Luo Fei was amazed in his heart, you know, Haotian Sect is a top sect.

And this Tianxuan Sect is just a small sect in a small dynasty.

At the mountain gate, he could see two disciples guarding the gate.

After seeing it clearly, Luo Fei discovered that the two disciples guarding the gate were actually at the Foundation Establishment Realm!

"It's unbelievable. The people guarding the mountain gate of Haotian Sect seem to be the outer disciples of Qi Condensation Realm!" Luo Fei sighed in his heart again...

Then, he saw another stone tablet at the mountain gate.

Taking a closer look, the content above is clear.

"Tianxuan Sect's rules for recruiting disciples:"

"1: Anyone with the surname Xiao, Ye, Shi, Lin... will be admitted first!"

"Two: Those who like to talk to themselves with rings or other accessories will be given priority!"

"Three: Those whose bones have been dug out, or whose cultivation has suddenly disappeared, or whose bloodline and constitution have been taken away, will be admitted first!"

"Four: Those whose engagements have been broken off, whose parents have disappeared mysteriously, or those who have mysterious fiancées, will be given priority for admission!"


After reading.

Luo Fei was stunned, "The rules of Tian Xuan Sect for recruiting disciples are a bit strange!"

"That's all, just take this opportunity to sneak into Tianxuan Sect better!"

After thinking about it, Luo Fei stepped forward and walked over.

The two disciples guarding the mountain gate immediately went into alert mode after seeing a stranger appear.

"Two senior brothers, I'm here to worship the sect." Luo Fei bowed and nodded.

He looks like an honest person.

"It turns out he is a worshiper of the clan. Did you read the rules on the stone tablet clearly?"

"Which one do you qualify for?"

The two disciples also breathed a sigh of relief and asked.

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