"To be honest, my engagement was broken off, and my parents also disappeared on the day of the breakup. I found a letter in my father's study. It turns out that I have a mysterious fiancée..."

"I want to become stronger and find my parents!"

Luo Fei replied with tears in his eyes.

His acting skills can be regarded as the best actor level...

"I didn't expect you to be so pitiful!" One of the outer disciples sighed.

"Wait, I will send a message to the elder."

The elder?

Luo Fei was stunned.

Recruiting disciples?

A distinguished elder is needed to handle it personally?

"Fortunately, my turtle breathing technique has been cultivated to the peak. As long as the cultivator is not too powerful, he is generally not afraid of me."

Luo Fei thought to himself.


Suddenly, a space crack appeared.

Lu Ming walked out from it.

At this moment

Luo Fei was shocked, "A cultivator in the Spiritual Transformation Realm!"

Lu Ming looked at Luo Fei carefully and nodded slightly, "The eighth level of Qi Condensation is not bad. Are you the one whose engagement was broken off, whose parents disappeared mysteriously, and who has a mysterious fiancée?"

"Great, it seems that my true cultivation level has not been seen through!" Luo Fei breathed a sigh of relief. This mission was really too difficult.

If it were someone else to handle it, I'm afraid it would have been a long time ago.

"Replying to the senior, it's me. My name is Luo Fei." Luo Fei hurriedly bowed to Lu Ming, "Please accept me!"

"Come in with me!" Lu Ming said softly, "Whether you can be accepted depends on the Sect Master's opinion."


Luo Fei was stunned.

What the hell is this Tianxuan Sect?

Even the great elder is not qualified to recruit disciples, it must be the Sect Master!

Damn it!

I can hide it from the great elder in the Spiritual Transformation Realm, but I guess I can't hide the more terrifying Sect Master of Tianxuan Sect...

What to do?

Those big shots in Haotian Sect only want to hear accurate information. If there is any false information, they will be torn into pieces.

"Forget it, let's take a gamble." Luo Fei touched his chest, his face solemn, took a deep breath, and finally chose to follow Lu Ming into the mountain gate.

The moment he entered the mountain gate, he felt the extremely pure and rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth... Just a breath, I felt that my whole body had improved a lot.


The spiritual energy of heaven and earth in this small Tianxuan Sect is even greater than that of Haotian Sect...

It is simply a holy place for cultivation.

Boom boom boom~~~

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Thunder rolled above a mountain peak, he clearly saw that there was a young man who was refining his body with thunder, it was so terrifying!


In another place, there was another terrifying and shocking sword intent, and the aura of swordsmanship was unparalleled!

After a while, another horrifying alchemy phenomenon appeared above another immortal peak, shining with rosy clouds. This was a sign that a peerless elixir was born...

There were also disciples who began to break through to the Nascent Soul stage.


After entering the Tianxuan Sect.

What he saw and heard.

It frightened Luo Fei to the extreme.

Now he really understood that the Tianxuan Sect was not a small sect, and all these disciples were so terrifying.

He vaguely felt that the top forces in the entire cultivation world were not as good as the Tianxuan Sect!

"It's over, I'm afraid I'm done for this time." Luo Fei said inwardly, feeling a little miserable.

After entering this terrifying sect, he would definitely be discovered if he hid his cultivation and identity.


Lu Ming stopped.

Looking at his back, Luo Fei's heart trembled. Could it be that he was discovered so soon?

Then, Lu Ming turned around and looked at Luo Fei: "The sect master is busy now, I'm afraid I can't see you, you have to wait a while."

At this time, Wang Fugui and Jun Xiaoyao came over carrying half of the huge monster corpse.

"This is my blue-eyed dragon!" Luo Fei was dumbfounded, only half of his blue-eyed dragon was left.

"Grand Elder." Wang Fugui and Jun Xiaoyao saluted Lu Ming hurriedly.

"Well, not bad, you actually hunted a blue-eyed dragon with dragon blood." Lu Ming took a look and nodded in admiration.

"This is not hunted by us, it was Senior Xuanwu, he gave us half." Wang Fugui smiled.

"You are lucky." Lu Ming sighed, Xuanwu is such a great existence, he actually thought of leaving half of this monster meat for Wang Fugui.

"By the way, this kid just came. The sect master has something to do and can't see him now. He is not yet a formal disciple of Tianxuan Sect. You take him with you first. This elder still has a lot of things to do!" After Lu Ming finished speaking, he flew away.

"What's your name, junior brother?" Jun Xiaoyao looked at Luo Fei and asked.

"My name is Luo Fei." Luo Fei came back to his senses and quickly responded.

"Junior brother Luo Fei, just come with us. It happens that this is the best monster meat. You can also try it." Wang Fugui was enthusiastic.

At this time.

Luo Fei's mouth twitched.

He was even more sad in his heart.

This is his own blue-eyed dragon!

The relationship is better than that of brothers!

Chapter 100 It is really fragrant and delicious, but my blue-eyed dragon is pitiful

"Fragrant, really fragrant!"

Luo Fei swallowed it up in big mouthfuls.

Originally, he resisted.

But as Wang Fugui and Jun Xiaoyao cooperated with each other, the entire air was suddenly filled with the extremely rich aroma of barbecue.

Sprinkle on that spice again.

The scent is irresistible...

In the end he fell.

He swore he had never eaten such delicious barbecue.

"It seems that this junior brother is also a pitiful person!"

Seeing Luo Fei crying tears of happiness while devouring his food, Wang Fugui couldn't help but sigh.

"That's pitiful!" Jun Xiaoyao nodded, and then handed a piece of barbecue in his hand to Luo Fei, "Eat more!"

Looking at the barbecue that was handed to him, Luo Fei had no choice but to accept it with tears in his eyes.

It didn't take long.

This blue-eyed dragon was killed by three people... Of course, most of them were killed by Wang Fugui alone.

After all, he is of the ancient Taotie bloodline, and when it comes to food, no one can match him.

Looking at the bones of the blue-eyed dragon all over the place, Luo Fei's face turned a little pale after he came back to his senses.


What have I done!

I actually ate my own monster!

The fragrance is really fragrant, and the taste is really delicious. I just pity my blue-eyed dragon! ! !

"Junior Brother Luo Fei, how does it taste?" Wang Fugui asked with a smile.

"It's delicious, it's delicious!" Luo Fei was about to cry without tears.

"Hahaha, Junior Brother Luo Fei, if you really become my Junior Brother in the future, Senior Brother will take you to eat better." Wang Fugui patted his chest and promised.

"Thank you then." Luo Fei thanked him.

This time, he really lost a lot of money.

"Senior brother, don't forget yourself." Jun Xiaoyao said quickly.

"Don't worry, I won't forget you. Didn't I inform you as soon as possible this time?" Wang Fugui said with a smile.

This blue-eyed dragon is a Nascent Soul-level monster and contains the blood of the Dragon Clan. Soon, power surges out of their bodies.

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