
Almost half the time for burning incense has passed.

The girl slowly regained consciousness.

"Is this a dream?" The girl looked at the sky and murmured to herself. She actually couldn't feel any pain!

To know.

Ever since she awakened from the Poisonous Body of Misfortune, she has been tormented by the Poisonous Body all the time...

My dear, there is more to come after this chapter. Please click on the next page to continue reading. There will be more exciting chapters later!

As her cultivation level increased, the pain became more intense!

Since she didn't know how long it had been sealed, it took a while before her memory slowly came back to life.

"Prophecy, seal..."

"Did the prophecy really come true?"

After consuming her own memory, the girl also sensed that there was a golden word "Zhen" inside her body. It should be that it helped suppress her disaster poison body.

Only then did he avoid being bitten by Ten Thousand Poisons!

When the girl opened her eyes again, she directly saw Lin Yu and the others.

The girl, on the other hand, directly focused her eyes on Lin Yu, and then murmured: "The immortal cloud is lingering, it is really an immortal who lifted my seal, exactly like the prophecy..."

Her muttering voice was quiet though.

But Lin Yu and the others could hear it clearly.


Lin Yu was a little stunned.

For a while, I always felt that there were too many mysteries behind this...

"My name is Lin Yu, what about you?" Lin Yu looked at the girl and asked with a smile.

The girl came to Lin Yu and whispered back, "Ning Mengran, my name!"

"Ning Mengran, what a name. What's the prophecy you just mentioned?" Lin Yu asked curiously again.

"I met a mysterious old man before. He used the art of prophecy to let me seal myself here. He told me that one day an immortal would lift my seal and solve the problem of my poisonous body..."

Ning Mengran said everything she could think of.

Listen to her say this.

The prediction and what is happening now are really the same.


Lin Yu doesn't seem to be an immortal now... just simply invincible.

That mysterious old man can actually predict the future. This is so cool!

"Then do you still remember when you met that mysterious old man? What did that old man look like? What was his name?"

Lin Yu asked several questions again.

Ning Mengran began to think about it carefully, and finally shook her head helplessly, "I don't remember."

Chapter 110 The Temple of Evil Destruction


It seems that these questions will not be answered in a short period of time!

Lin Yu was just curious about what kind of existence could predict the future, and the predictions were basically accurate!

This is definitely a powerful method!

It is estimated that it is because of Ning Mengran's seal here that the entire Wanyao Mountain Range has become an absolute death forbidden area.

"The problem with your Ernan Poison Body can be solved as long as you completely master the Ernan Poison Body!" Lin Yu said softly, "However, I can't help you in vain, you have to follow me back to Tianxuan Sect!"

"Okay!" Ning Mengran nodded decisively.

"Very good, from now on, you will be the core disciple of my Tianxuan Sect." Lin Yu responded.


His fingers gently touched Ning Mengran's forehead.

In an instant, the complete Holy Poison Immortal Sutra was taught to Ning Mengran.

"This immortal method can help you absolutely and perfectly control your own disaster poison body!" After teaching it, Lin Yu said again.

This Holy Poison Demonic Scripture requires the practitioner's body to turn into a poisonous body!

Now, this Ning Mengran is equivalent to a naturally poisonous body, with all kinds of terrifying poisons in her body, which is quite consistent with this immortal method.

Even Lin Yu felt that this Holy Poison Immortal Sutra was a technique tailor-made for Ning Mengran.

"Okay, Sect Master." Ning Mengran nodded cutely.

It seems that it has been sealed for too long and it has not fully recovered.

It should be fine after a while.


Suddenly a huge crack appeared in the sky, and then the earth began to collapse.

"This space is going to collapse!" Upon seeing this, Lin Yu immediately opened the exit of the Ten Thousand Poison Demonic Forest.

With Ning Mengran, Jun Shuying and Xiao Yuer, they left the Ten Thousand Poison Demonic Forest space at a very short speed!

Returned to the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains...

"Next, I'll give you a test!"

"Get out of this Ten Thousand Demon Mountains on your own!"

"Ning Mengran, you also come with them!"

Lin Yu looked at the three beautiful female disciples in front of him and smiled.

During the time they left the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains, Lin Yu was able to destroy the evil temple!

Just killing the evil cultivators just now is not enough. It is not enough to avenge those innocent babies...

It had been a long time since he came to this world. This was the first time Lin Yu was truly angry!

"Yes, Sect Master!" Jun Shuying and the others responded quickly.

Lin Yu still has confidence in them to get out of the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains on their own.

Xiao Yu'er already possesses four kinds of heaven and earth fire. If the fire power is fully activated, even the monks at the peak level of the God Transformation Realm will probably be no match!

Jun Shuying is a powerful reincarnation and possesses the supreme Tianni Pearl. Facing such a test, it is even easier!

As for Ning Mengran, although she has been sealed for too long, her cultivation is still there, not to mention that she has received the Holy Poison Immortal Sutra taught by Lin Yu, and can better display the power of the Ernan Poison Body!

For them, relying on their own strength to get out of this dangerous Ten Thousand Demon Mountains,

"Okay, then you can start taking action." After Lin Yu said that, he broke through the void and quickly left the place.


Evil Temple!

The strongest evil cultivator force in the Eastern Region at present.

No one knows the specific location of this evil temple. For most monks, this evil temple is an extremely mysterious existence!

It won't be long before the Evil Temple will be completely wiped out.

Because Lin Yu started to take action!

Deep in the mountains of Shifang!

A space crack appeared.

Lin Yu walked out of it and floated in mid-air!

At a glance, there is an extremely huge abyss below.

Lin Yu moved in an instant.

He immediately arrived at the bottom of the abyss.

Walking along the abyss, you soon came to the end, where there was an extremely mysterious high platform.

The entire high platform was covered with skeletons.

Gives people a scary feeling!

"The reason why other monks can't find the Evil Temple is because they never thought that the Evil Temple is actually in a secret realm!" Lin Yu thought to himself.

And this strange high platform in front of you is the entrance to the secret realm!

The entire abyss crack also has layers of restrictions.

But none of this could stop Lin Yu!

call out! call out!

Suddenly, a space passage appeared, and two men in black walked out full of evil spirits.

"Who are you? You only have the first level of Qi Condensation!"

"Go on, he is an outsider, we must not let him leave alive!"

"Exactly, I haven't sucked the blood of a monk for a long time..."

After the two evil cultivators looked at Lin Yu, they immediately attacked Lin Yu.

Both of them are in the realm of pill formation.


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